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Are your dogs getting excieted for christmas?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by honeybears, Dec 22, 2005.

  1. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Jake is about ready to freak out. He has to inspect every pkg that goes under the tree to make sure its not for him. i cant have anything for him out until christmas morning becaus ehe will find it and open it. Even hermetically sealed pkgs that have toys in them I bury them under the tree and he can pick out his and wylies just like that.
  2. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    My dogs are not really into the Christmas Spirit. They do love all the company that comes over, especially the kids.

    We just move to our new house on an acreage, and they are still have fun chasing rabbits and digging for gophers. Grace has lost 8 to 10 lbs since moving here since there's so much room to run.

    They did get there new beds for Christmas. They like to have them double decker stacked for more cushion. Crazy dogs!! :lol:

    Here they are looking like little Angels

  3. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    You're lucky Jake opens only his presents. I learned the hard way not to place any wrapped package within Duke's grasp. He enjoys opening everybodys presents and will amuse himself playing with the paper. Unfortunately Freckles will manage to take the paper away from Duke then settle down to eat it.
    Same for the Christmas tree. The first Christmas with Duke I brought down from the attic all of the Christmas decorations and stacked the boxes in a hallway while we watched a Christmas special on TV. After a while Duke came trotting in with a red glass ball ornament, happy as a toot to show us his new found toy. He had managed to get the lid off a box and rummaged through to find a "toy" to his liking. Thank heavens for that soft mouth as neither the ornament nor the dog were damaged.
  4. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    I keep finding Zoey sitting in front of the tree and all the presents. I also can't put theirs out until Christmas morning because she will find them. And how in the world does she know their toys are on the guest bed in bags?? She couldn't have seen them...maybe the cat told her. ?? :D
  5. PrettyNails89

    PrettyNails89 New Member

    Oh yes I would say my dogs are excited. Between the kids and the dogs it is constant excitement especially since it all goes down this weekend. Curluppa when inside spends most of his time "guarding" the tree. Hi guarding of the tree is pretty much laying there just staring at the presents waiting for one of them to move away from the group lol. He knows there are presents under there for him that is why. Twist being a puppy thinks all of this is just far too exciting to pass up. He spends most of his time inspecting every sing decoration in and out of the house. He also has the bad habit of grabbing a random present from under the tree and trying to hide it for later behind the couch next to the tree. Luckily he hasent hany any long enough to go back later and tear it up. Pixie is that dog you see on most funniest home video christmas shows that protects the presents alittle too well. If she finds a present she likes she will sometimes get alittle snarly about and she has to be corrected. Her nickname is the Grinch lol for obviouse reasons. Honey Bear is the most laid back she has never been one to get caught up in the excitement before hand. Now when Christmas rolls around she will be pacing around here wagging her tail so hard we will have bruises lol.
  6. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    and Jakes next best thing is to shred the paper and boxes after everything has been opened.

    coppersmom, hopefully that jump on the bed to explore. When I come home with dog presents Jake knows whats in teh bag, and tries to tacke me as I try to get thru the door, silly dog

    prettynails, Curluppa is a very unsual name, where did that come from?
  7. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Sharon, your dogs are so cute!

    oh my! how do you keep that white carpet clean?
  8. Nik

    Nik New Member

    LOL. I was going to ask the exact same thing!
    I have laminate right through with a big cream rug in the front room. I've had Floob 2 years and I'm on my 3rd rug, soon to be 4th.

    My next dog will be shorthaird, hate the rain, mud and anything else not clean or white!
  9. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    well Jake got one eary christmass present. I told my husband to buy their christmas presents and he walked in the door with thebag and put it in the closet. I came home last night there is Jake laying in front of the closet crying, so I gave him him a nylabone dental thing. man he had that gone in 2 minutes
  10. tuttifrutti

    tuttifrutti New Member

    Haha, aside from teh cold weather, I dont think my dogs have any idea its almost Christmas! My cat does though, and she LOVES it, lol. We have ceramic birds on our tree, and she attacks them at random, and drags the tree skirt around the living room. And here I thought she would need catnip to play, all it takes is a christmas tree!
  11. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    My dogs ate my tree!
    LOL. No Christmas spirit for us.
  12. Nik

    Nik New Member


    Oops, I mean, I'm sorry to hear that :lol:
  13. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    Sharon, your dogs are beautiful!
  14. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    LOL Yea darn dogs, my tree is destroyed. I am not even fixing it before Christmas. Its not worth it. I give up! Next year, no tree just candles!
  15. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Thank you so much for all the compliments on my babies. They are definitely my pride and joy. Again I can't say enough how wonderful the PitBull can really be. And I will continue in my efforts to convince people to change their opinions.

    As for the white carpet, it came with the house. :roll: I will just have to keep cleaning it and get my money's worth before ripping it out and putting in tile.

    When I move into my new house, I fortunate to make a new friend, Connie who founded the Greater SouthWest Saint Bernard Rescue. She's a tiny little woman with a huge heart. She as of now has 14 Saints. Some of their stories are so sad!

    Here's a picture of me She took with a couple of the dogs. They are such incredible and gentle dogs. No wonder they're called "Saints!" :lol:

  16. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    "As for the white carpet, it came with the house. I will just have to keep cleaning it and get my money's worth before ripping it out and putting in tile. " the house Ilived in before had white carpet. luckily I had all grass and a patio so I didnt have a huge problem except for when they threw up and we all know that is the hardest thing to clean. Like you I now live on acreage and a lot fo mud I have a dog door so the dogs can come and go and Wylie can bring in alot. I put tile in most of house and love it! its so easy to clean

    those pics of the st benards are so cute! I cant imangine having a st benard in AZ, the heat must be hard on thos e dogs.

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