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i trying to breed guppys

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by nick_no_11, Oct 31, 2005.

  1. nick_no_11

    nick_no_11 New Member

    i just got home with 4 guppys 2 males and 2 females a 10 gallon a breeding grass and a breeding net. aquarium rocks and a regular 10 gallon filter i want to breed guppys and feed to my pirahana . i want to know how i breed them and how long it should take and wat to do. please help.

    my pets:
    10 gallon comunite
    black lab
    outside fishpond
    a dove
    3 water snales
    2 mini horses
  2. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    Pretty much if you have a male and female guppy you're pretty much guarenteed fry. If the females were in a mixed tank (males and females together) then the females are most likely pregnant already.

    I would get 2 more females (2:1 ratio of females to males) so the females aren't being constantly harassed by the males.
  3. nick_no_11

    nick_no_11 New Member

    will i ever have to like take the male or female out so they dont eat the babies???
  4. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    From my experience they will try to eat the fry but since you have a breeding net you should just have to take the female out.

    I used to grow my fry out in a breeding box until they were big enough not to be eaten (when I didn't have too many) and then I switched to partitioning my tank so the fry had half of the tank and the adults had the other.
  5. nick_no_11

    nick_no_11 New Member

    if i have enough plant and places for fry to hide will i have to move any fish???
  6. Jacz

    Jacz New Member

    i was able to breed guppies in a 10 gallon too, but i have them in a seperate bowl, i now have 15 :D
  7. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    If you have enough hiding places you probably won't need to move any fish. Once one of my platy's had her babies in the community tank and they hid everywhere from the plants to inbetween the gravel. Although with the parents still being in the aquarium you're bound to get a few that will be eaten.
  8. nick_no_11

    nick_no_11 New Member

    o well if some get eaten i was going to feed the ugle ones to my pirhana when they got big enogh to be food
  9. nick_no_11

    nick_no_11 New Member

    and i forgot to ask how do i tell if they boys or girls and if they are pregnate . i told the shop owner i wanted 2 males and 2 females i think thats wat i got because there are 2 with biger and colorfull tails and to with small dul tails.

    thanks for all your help and i think you will help me keep my fish happy!! :y_the_best:
  10. Jacz

    Jacz New Member

    i am pretty sure tat the ones with the colorful tails r the males and the dull tails r female but it might b the other way around
  11. Nasa

    Nasa New Member

    my guppy have had fry aswell, what should i do with them, i cant keep them.
  12. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    Males are more colorful than females.

    This is a male


    Males also have a modifies fin called a gonopodium that looks like this


    These are females



    Pregnant females will have a gravid spot (usually it looks black) like the female above with the red tail.
  13. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    There are a few things you can do with guppy fry.

    1. Sell them to a pet store or give them to the store, although most stores won't buy guppy fry from local breeders because they already have suppliers that they can get guppies from really cheap and guppys breed easily so they're readily available.

    2. Give them to friends/family as pets.

    3. Use them as feeders.

    If you have a lot of guppies you could also take out an add in your local paper and sell them.
  14. nick_no_11

    nick_no_11 New Member

    thanks for the info... it looks to me like i have 2 males and 2 females for sure and both of my females are pregnate.. :eek: im so exited
  15. Jacz

    Jacz New Member

    good luck with ur guppies
  16. Nasa

    Nasa New Member

    guppy breeding and fry

    i want to start breeding guppy.
    is there any hints or tips to this hobby
    nasa :y_the_best:
  17. oscar_breeder

    oscar_breeder New Member

    My guppie(i had more whitch are ALL dead :cry: )had babies it was from being at the store mixed with the males but they got eaten( :cry: once again) heres what I had back then-

    -neon tetras(m&f)


    -small pleco(m)

    (my username came from my bred oscars and i dont think of very good usernames)

  18. nick_no_11

    nick_no_11 New Member

    well i had bad luck when i got home from school i found a male guppie dead in the breeding grass and the next day the other male was dead in there to :cry: so now i have 2 females left...
    my pets:
    10 gallon comunite
    1dragon fish
    alot of minows(pirahana food)
    black lab
    outside fishpond
    a dove
    3 water snales
    2 mini horses
  19. :o)rosie:o)

    :o)rosie:o) New Member

    I recommend you dont breed guppies as a hobby or to make money Nasa. Guppies are livebearers and breed frequently. Unless you are using them as feeder fish, your tank/s will quickly become over populated and aquariums are very unlikely to take your guppies as they can so easily breed their own. thats just my advice. good luck.
  20. Mkrusz

    Mkrusz New Member

    I hope you don't have the pirahana in the same tank as the guppys. They will become fish food. A pirahana needs to be in it's own tank. They love to nibble on gold fish, for weeks until the die. =D>

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