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need female dog advice

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by Neiths_immortal, Dec 27, 2005.

  1. Neiths_immortal

    Neiths_immortal New Member

    I have an almost 2 y/o pitbull, who has some sort of problem. i just had her spayed, but this has been going on since before then. the problem is that on occasion she will have small amounts of blood discharged from her anus, it's only a small amount but it happens frequently enough that it gets on everything she sits on. i have noticed tat when the area is cleaned, small droplets will continue to come out for a few minutes. has anyone had this issue before? when i asked the vet they just tell me it's the anal sacs being full, but they cleaned those out when she got spayed, i only recently found out that it's primarily blood coming out in these discharges. if anyone has had this happen to thier dog or has any knowledge on this please help me out with this one i am completely in over my head on this one.
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    I would seek advice from another vet there could be something else going on, Ulcers of the intestines which cause bleeding, A cut in her bottom, Anything could be wrong it may just be her anal sac's but if these have been emptied then chances are it could be something else..

    Keep us posted
  3. Betty's Daddy

    Betty's Daddy New Member

    I have a fifteen month old female pb and had her spayed at seven months for what that is worth. She's never had a problem like you described...

    DEFINITELY take her to another vet and keep us posted.
  4. Neiths_immortal

    Neiths_immortal New Member

    i took her to the vet and they said that within 2 weeks her left anal sac was full again and was blocked by a large blood clot, they expressed the glands again and gave me some more medicine for infection, as best they could tell it was infected and they said the medicine should work, they also gave me as a last chance option the choice to do the surgery to remove the anal sacs but i'm really not considering that because of the risks involved with just being spayed and still recovering, as well as some dogs who undergo surgery to remove anal sacs end up with loss of control of thier bowels, so it's not a good outcome so far. i have been using the medicine though and she has been clean since the vet visit, and i will have a recheck in about 3 weeks, i'm really hoping that this works.
  5. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    I am glad that you were able to find out the problem and i have my fingers crossed she makes a full recovery.

    Keep us posted of her progress


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