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Puppy is Refusing to Sit

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by LuvMyBabies, Dec 23, 2005.

  1. LuvMyBabies

    LuvMyBabies New Member

    Every Tuesday evening William goes to obedience training and is doing very well. This past Tuesday, there was another class going on at the same time and there was a VERY distressed beagle puppy in the other class. He was so vocal that the dogs in our class were all very upset. William refused to do anything that night and stood there with his ears back and his tail tucked between his legs.

    Now, whenever I give the sit command or even let him see the clicker he runs and hides! I think it must have something to do with class this week but I don't know how to get him past it.

    Any suggestions?
  2. LuvMyBabies

    LuvMyBabies New Member

    Can anyone help me out with this? As soon as he hears anything that sounds like "sit" to him, he tucks his tail and slinks away. I'm not sure what to do.
  3. Nik

    Nik New Member

    Hmm, does sound like something's traumertised him.

    Maybe you'll have to retrain the 'sit' command. You can actually use any word or tone of voice and aslong as he does what you want it'll get his confidence back. How about try without the clicker? Are you still at the 'click and treat' stage? If he's still getting treats for sitting just try without the clicker. Hold the treat in your hand, have him walk beside you then stop abruptly, in a nice, happy voice say 'sit' and lift the treat from his nose back and up so his butt hits the floor.

    I never tried this technique but I've used it on other dogs and it's worked every time.

    Of course, as ever, it's the release command and loads of praise that makes them want to do it again.

    Good Luck!
  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    How are things going? If you are still having this problem, you need to have him associate the clicker with good things. Just take it out and hold it and when he approaches you on his own, give him treats. Work up to actually clicking it and then treat each time. Once he is used to it again, start with commands but try to make it all very low key.
  5. LuvMyBabies

    LuvMyBabies New Member

    We have actually started back at square one with him. If he thinks he will get a treat he sits (as long as we don't say the word). Also, he had been trained to go to his mat which we took with us when visiting or going to the vet and he will still go to the mat with no problem as long as the clicker is not involved.

    I will keep you updated as to his progress.
  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    You could use "plant it" instead of "sit". :D
  7. Nik

    Nik New Member

    Haha, that's great Jamiya.

    I've played with a few commands, just for fun.

    If Floobs in the way or just laying around anywhere (even asleep if we have guests over) and I say 'move your butt' he gets up and moves to the side of the room somewhere. People always feel sorry for him but it's funny.

    Another one is 'come here. let me kick your head in'. It's so funny to see his reaction as he almost knocks himself over with his tail waggling to get to me. He gets the biggest rough n tumble hug when he gets to me, but people are mortified at what I'm saying. :lol:
  8. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member


    Kabuki is sooo sensitive. Her Emotions are very sensitive. the slightest tone change in our voices and she gets nervous.

    I've learned to cope with it and shes getting better. I've never "hit" her or anything. But I have"popped" her on the butt with a switch for chewing . All it takes is ONE time and she learned. Now all I have to do is say "EEERT!" sternly and she knows.

    It was hard teaching her sit. So I taught her silent commands using my hands only. Its very useful also since she's going to be a therapy dog anyhow!!!
  9. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Bonnie is sensitive also. I taught her to not go down the stairs by saying UH UH really loud when she got near them. She learned after the first time.

    Nala is another matter. I could probably set off a canon and she would be at my side in 3 seconds wondering what it was and if I would do it again.
  10. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    ha ha ha.. sounds just like Precious. I swear the dog will do something bad, then look at me as if to say... "Now whatcha gonna do bout it!"

    Sometimes i just want to ring her neck...then I remind myself that I have to be smarter than the dog!
  11. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I have to repeat that to myself as a mantra. Nala's "best game ever" is to do something wrong and then watch and see what mommy is going to do THIS time. LOL.
  12. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Let me tell ya. That dog looks for things to do. and they're not all bad things that she does. But I swear. She'll go get something that she's not supposed to have, and bring it to ME and then chew on it or play with it!!! then stop and look at me. I've found that the best punishment is to ignor her or walk away when she brings me something bad. Then she's like..huh... this isn't fun and gets bored and walks off!!!

    I'd think Kabuki would be the bad one, but she's not!!
    If you look on my web page on the "My Place" page. You'll see their feeder I built so they didn't eat off the ground and to help prevent bloat. Its not in ruins. THey chewed it to toothpicks!!!!

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