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Can my FIXED dog get an erection?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by missboss1, Dec 29, 2005.

  1. missboss1

    missboss1 New Member

    I have a pitbull she is 8 months and is in her 1st heat, I also have a FIXED lab and yesterday I heard the pitbull yell and when I got out there the lab had gotten her, they were locked together for about 3 mins before they came apart.......I'm so new at this PLEASE HELP........I need to know if a fixed male dog can still get an erection. I always thought they couldn't. Please Help. And Thank You ahead for time.
  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I havnet heard of that, do you think you dog wasnt totally fixed? someone posted here about if they dont do a certain type of procedure on a female they can get pregnant. I am wondering the same can hold for a male. And just like on some men that have had vasectomies still getting women pg I bet that holds true for dogs so maybe his nueture didnt take. hopefully someone else know more about it
  3. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    I think they can although I've never really found out for certain. :oops:

    But my fixed dog sometimes likes to hump my female and when he gets excited it comes out. But like I said, not sure if it is really hard or not.

    How long ago was he fixed? If he was fixed quite recently, I believe she can get pregnant. If he was fixed awhile ago, then I don't think so. I'm not sure if there are different types of neutering, but for my male - they took his balls so there really is no hope of him becoming a father.

    You really should get the female spayed. B/c even if your dog doesn't get her pregnant, other dogs will try. Plus there are numerous health benefits and hygiene benefits.
  4. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    A fixed male dog can still mate with and inheat dog all that has been done is his testicles removed so that he can not produce sperm, How long has it been since he was fixed?

    Chances are your girl will now have a phantom ( false pregnancy) If he is fixed. The reason she gave out a scream is because she is only a baby and should not have been left alone with a male dog even if he is fixed you may want to think about getting her checked by a vet as he may have caused her some internal damage due to her age, I am not having a go at you so please do not take offence.

    Keep her under constant supervision keep your male away from her until 3weeks after her season ends as he will still try to mate with her even after the end of her cycle

  5. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    The male dogs that I have had and have known, (all neutered), still get an erection. My one dog, Cedo, would get one whenever people were eating. It was just his way of expressing his excitement at the thought that he just might get some people food. It could be quite embarrassing at times, especially when guest are over for dinner. :oops: So, neutered or not, some male dogs show their excitement in this manner.
  6. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    Luther's little pink extension pops out all the time, sometimes it is a little embarassing! someone tells him to rollover, then the rub his stomach, all the sudden something is peaking its little head out!
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Oh, definitely! Male dogs can be so embarrassing sometimes. There was actually a woman at the shelter who saw the mouse come out of the house and then refused to adopt a male dog. She made this funny, distasteful face and I had a hard time not falling over laughing.
  8. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    That reminds of the first time Luther came out of his cage at the pound to meet me, he ran towards me then ran the opposite direction so he was sitting at the end of the hallway he was very happy!! "it" was just below his chin!

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