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Cichlid suggestions for 29 gallon?

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by zarate, Jan 2, 2006.

  1. zarate

    zarate New Member

    I'm in the process of cycling a 29 gallon tank and I'm looking for suggestions as to what kind of cichlid to put in it. My water is hard and alkaline, and I'd like to match my fish to my water so I don't have too many problems down the road. What are your favorite cichlids? What kind do you have? What kind of water do you keep them in? Any info is greatly appreciated! Thanks a bunch
  2. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Some shell dwellers would be great.

  3. Fish Addict

    Fish Addict New Member

    i would also do some shell dwellers
  4. lil shant

    lil shant New Member

    rams lol u got to love them or angelfish
  5. dbltrubl98

    dbltrubl98 New Member

    How much space do angelfish require? I am interested in them now...
  6. lil shant

    lil shant New Member

    i think u can keep 2 or 3 cosue i have heard from the other threats that u need one for each 10 gallons
  7. tyler_medeiros

    tyler_medeiros New Member

    10 gallons per angelfish is kinda tight. Some people say 20 for each others say 15.
  8. dbltrubl98

    dbltrubl98 New Member

    So a 29 for a pair would be reasonable? Thanks for the help...
  9. Hooben

    Hooben New Member

    Angelfish like acidic soft water, and big tanks. You have hard alkaline?They need lots of tall plants to swim and hide in. Tall tanks are great. I think that 29 gallons for 2 angels is pushing it, as they grow really big.
    Be careful.
  10. dbltrubl98

    dbltrubl98 New Member

    What is the next size I could use than for a pair of angels? Also what size filter and heater would I need?
  11. connor

    connor New Member

    why not try ?

    why dont you try jewels i put them in my tank and there doing fine.

    :eek: PS. they are very agressive. :eek:
  12. gravity

    gravity New Member

    A few simple guidelines for most 29g tanks:

    1) Avoid MOST South American cichlids (oscars, jack dempseys, etc), they get WAY too big. Rams are great, though. I think Convicts might also be ok.

    2) Avoid MOST African cichlids, especially mbuna (zebras, socolofi, auratus, etc.) as they also get pretty big. Brichardi and shelldwellers are pretty much your choices for Africans.

    Your problem is that you won't be able to find these fish at Petsmart or really any chain store (except the convicts). But in a way, that's good because people who see your tank will be much more impressed by how rare your fish are (even though they're not really rare, your guests wouldn't know that). Check the Yellow Pages phonebook for pet stores and try calling a few of the stores in it to see what they have to offer.

    I currently have a group of Brichardi in a 29 gallon tank, and they're doing quite well. Here's some pics of what my fish look like:

    http://www.aquahobby.com/gallery/img/Ne ... ardi_2.jpg

    Good luck!

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