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Desperately need puppy advice!!!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Moondolphin, Jan 2, 2006.

  1. Moondolphin

    Moondolphin New Member

    Hi all!!

    I could really use some help here!!! We have a 15 week old German Shepherd pup. We got him when he was 9 weeks.
    We had successfully house trained him for the times we are not at home....however, just over a week ago he started to just pee everywhere!! If you so much as raise your voice to him, he pees. As I sit here writing to you all....he came up beside me and just started peeing! :shock: I'm not getting mad at him....I bring him to his paper and tell him to do "his thing" here. But he whimpers when I bring him to it. He will still do his business when we go out for walks....so I am baffled.
    The home he came from seemed to care for him very well....and we have done nothing but spoil this pup since we got him. He has been punished for misbehaving....but nothing drastic. He doesn't get hit or grabbed. He is given a firm "no" and told to lie down.
    If anyone can offer some sort of advice it would be greatly appreciated!!
    Thanks in advance!
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    has anyone's schedules changed?
    are you limiting his water intake? I have to with Molly (she's a 6 month old GSD puppy). I only give her about a cup at a time - whenever she asks or appears to be asking.
    Possible urinary tract infe4ction if he's going that much (sorry for the typos....I don't have my bifocals on and can't see the screen well LOL)
  3. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    I agree it could be a urinary tract infection a quick visit to your vet is a good idea just to rule this out, If it is a UTI then some antibiotics will be given and he should make a quick recovery.

    Like Mary_NH Mentioned limit his water intake see if this helps.
    I let my puppies out when they first wake, after they have eaten or had a drink, after playtime and just before bed.

    If you notice him sniffing alot this is usually a sure sign he is wanting to go to the toilet and should be put outisde ASAP stay with him and give a command like go potty or be quick once he does his business outside praise him lots even give him a treat for doing so well, They soon learn that doing good gets him rewards.

  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    If you are using both papers and going outside, he could be getting confused. It's usually best to pick the place you want him to ultimately go and train him to that.
  5. Killerbee2

    Killerbee2 New Member

    Mary Is most likely right. If just one person messes up the dog gets confused. You need to maybe go back to square one and try the whole thing over again. 8)

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