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Thought I would share

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by charmedagain, Jan 3, 2006.

  1. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    I thought i would add some pictures of ice since she is now nearly 9months old and a complete pain in the backside heheheh...




    For those who dont know her i rescued her form the lady down the street and i later found out that she was only 5weeks old and had severe worm burden...
    If the pics dont show up try right clicking on the x and show picture if not u can goto the website and click on ice album


  2. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Awe....she's so pretty! Such a sweet face! :D
  3. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    HOW ADORABLE!!!!!!
  4. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Thanks everyone, She is a labrador cross rottweiler, She destroys her bedding and toys but nothing else she only does this during the night and when i go out, I have tried everything to stop her but nothing has worked none of my other dogs chew up there things only her, Even when my girls had puppies they never destroyed anything either.

    Any advice on how to stop her doing this apart from taking it all off her...

  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Taking it all away when she is unsupervised is the only thing I have found to stop the destruction. Hopefully others can be more helpful! It's probably a separation sort of thing, so maybe providing a toy that takes up her time - like a well-stuffed Kong or puzzle toy - would help? Is she together with the other dogs when you leave?
  6. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Yeah all my dogs are together at all times even when i am out.
    I now know how so many people can get frustrated when there dog starts a habit and wont stop no matter what they do.

    She does not chew or destroy anything else apart from her toys, bed oh not forgetting the fence in the yard. All my dogs used to get free run of the house when i was not home or in bed but i do not dare allow ice to do this as she may chew my furniture aswell.
    I even tried leaving the other dogs with free run but ice would scream and howl the house down and the neighbours complained about it i am not suprised though as they do have a baby.
    So now all dogs are kept together.

    I have never had a dog like this not even my litters chewed things up well apart from they chewed there mothers heheheh...

    Do not get me wrong she does really frustrate and annoy me with her problem but i will keep trying and see what i can come up with as i do not want to rehome her.

    Also the past 3weeks she has started hiding away from people even my friends that she has known since i got her she is fine with me, my partner and my family so i dont know what her problem is there.

    Also she is very child friendly she if she see's children playing she thinks she has to join in, My 5year old brother can ask her to sit, lay down, roll over and she will do it immediatly i tell her and its 10minutes later lol..

    Sorry to bore everyone just wanted to share..

  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    You could take the toys and bed away, but then she might chew on YOUR stuff! I would just get toys safe for her to chew on and remove the bed when you are not home. I can't leave beds out around Nala either, although she doesn't chew on them at night so she has one in her crate. Some of Nala's chewing has become better with age, but she is still a destructo-dog. Perhaps Dukesdad can give you the Lab perspective on chewing. :)

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