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Grape Thief On the Loose

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by vene, Dec 29, 2005.

  1. vene

    vene New Member

    For the last couple of days, I've been finding a couple of grapes under the dinette table. :m36: I know I clean the floors everyday and keep track of foods that my toddler drops from the table. I suspect it's Rene. :0011: She's been known to steal my cherry tomato grapes in the summer time. :shock: I just can't believe that she'll steal some grapes and hord them somewhere and bring them back to the original crime scene. I've yet to catch her in the act. At least I don't have to worry about the grapes rotting or do I? They'll probably turn into raisins. :qm2: Do any or your little ones steal foods? :mrgreen:
  2. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Romeo LOVES mashed potatoes (actually potatoes in any form). If I'm sitting downstairs eating, he'll jump on the arm of the chair and try to stick his nose or paw in my potatoes. Kind of like when a little kid stickes thier nasty, dirty finger in your food and asks if you're going to eat that.

  3. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    LOL. :lol:

    I couldn't believe Juliet actually did this, but when we were not looking, she stole a piece of cauliflower off one of the plates that was left on the center island. She didn't eat it, but just the fact that she went on the counter surprised me.

    If she could get her paws on one thing, I would say it would be the can of whipped cream. She got a little taste of it once and now if she hears the can she just meows and meows (begs and begs) to get some. :roll:
  4. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    LOL that's so funny Chessmind!

    Booger is uber picky about food and will only eat two things, her daily Whiskas and tuna (tuna is her once a week treat). But she does go crazy when I get the tuna can out of the closit. I get tons of meows and leg hugs :mrgreen: The brand tuna I give her has a pop top so when ever I open a pop top of anything else, I have to make sure she's out of earshot or else she gets really dissappointed and I feel guilty for stealing meows and leg hugs for nothing heheh

    There was only one other thing that she would eat and that was kitty treats that Bente sent her for a cat swap. I've tried buying other treats but Booger just bats them around on the floor. ::shrug::
  5. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    LOL. Artemis stole a big bag of M&M's off the couch the other day. It was so funny to see him run off with it in his mouth. I think he thought they were cat treats.
  6. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Too funny. :lol:

    That's also funny about the pop up cans, Cassie. I have the same problem. When Socks and Mittens hears a can pop open, they come running.
  7. Nano

    Nano New Member

    Years ago we had a cat,Farren, that was mad at my husband and jumped up on the counter(something she would not normally do) and swiped one of his sausage links off of his plate. I wasn't up yet at the time, and I guess he chased her for a good while(It's the principle of the thing, if you want it, just ask you don't have to steal it!). Finally caught up with her and she got a scolding, I'm sure she could have cared less. She didn't even like people food! Nano.
  8. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    MY jazz steals spaghetti..she just luvs tomato sauce...if i happen to leave a bowl of it on the table when i come bk..she is in it face first lickin up the sauce..and trying to eat the pasta
  9. Mockingcat

    Mockingcat New Member

  10. vene

    vene New Member

    Thanks for the info Mockingcat. That's pretty scary. Luckily, I haven't found any more grapes around the house and Rene seems to be fine.
  11. Bente

    Bente New Member

    When's Boogers birthday? Maybe I should send her some more, lol :mrgreen:

    Kyrre has never been crazy about treats, but ever since my bf gave him lots of canned food during christmas, he'll come running whenever he hears the can opener :roll:
  12. luna

    luna New Member

    busters pickey the only thing he'll eat is cat food and dog food (i have no idea why he eats dog food but abby gets really mad and its funny :-# )
    shadow will eat any thing she can get her little paws on. she'll even get bones out of the garbage. when its time to eat she'll lay in my lap and reach over the plate trying to steal something. :mrgreen:

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