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separation anxiety - help!

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by fabmommy, Jan 7, 2006.

  1. fabmommy

    fabmommy New Member

    We just adopted a 19 month old shih tzu poodle mix a week ago. I know her former owner who trained her well etc etc. Since we've brought her home she's been wonderful with the exception of her holding her pee and poo - I can't get her to go outside nor will she go inside ... unless we leave the house ... even for 15 minutes ... then she barks a lot and poops in her crate (something she NEVER did with her previous owner). So I think she poops because she's anxious about our leaving and has held it in so long that it just slips out. How do I get her to "go" outside so she doesn't have the accident when we have to go somewhere? Any thoughts?? I'm sure she's just still adjusting to being in a new home - she's a very clingy dog and I imagine she's quite homesick. She is very comfortable in her crate other than when we have to leave the house. Please help!
  2. DogLover

    DogLover New Member

    It might take a while for her to adjust to the new living environment and the new family. You might have to start the potty training as if she is still a puppy. Every home is different. She doesn't know what you expect unless you teach her and introduce her to the new surroundings.
  3. nern

    nern New Member

    I think she is still adjusting too which could have a lot to do with her holding it for so long. For now I would try (if your not doing so already) crating her periodically while you are home. You can give her a stuffed kong (save these just for crate time) to keep her occupied while you do some things around the house.
    Try not to over-do it with giving her attention while you are home and she is out of the crate because constant attention, cuddling, holding her will only contribute to her anxiety when you leave. If possible take her for a nice long walk or have a tiring play session prior to your leaving. Ignore her for several minutes before you leave and also upon your return...you want her to think that your leaving and returning is no big deal. If she is tired she will be less likely to sit around thinking about being alone and the kong will keep her occupied and less focused on being alone. There is also the DAP diffuser which releases phermones that are supposed to have a calming affect on dogs.
    For the bathroom problem I would try to take her outside every 30-60 mins. and encourage her to go and put her on a feeding schedule if you have not done so already. If she is just very anxious I think this problem will disapear as she adjusts to her new surroundings.
  4. fabmommy

    fabmommy New Member

    Thanks for the feedback. I am doing all those things you suggested ... limiting attention - crate time while home - I'm even "pretend leaving" for a couple of minutes at a time so she knows we'll always come back - I have two kids at home so that means bundling them up and making a game of it. Do you think if we continue to make leaving and coming home no big deal she'll get the drift that she doesn't need to freak?

    Incidentally - with the potty training - we had a major breakthrough last night and this morning -she's "going" outside for us! Yeah! She seems pleased too. She had held it for over 24 hours ... again! Amazing.

    Thanks again.
  5. nern

    nern New Member

    I'm not sure it will completely stop the anxiety but I'm almost certain that it will help at least in reducing it.

    Thats wonderful! :eek:
  6. myshihpoo

    myshihpoo New Member

    24 hours????? did you really mean that?
  7. fabmommy

    fabmommy New Member

    yes! she held it for over 24 hours ... twice! The first time I took her to the vet because I was concerned about infection or whatever, then she peed there and a urinalysis showed everything was fine ...

    So, when she held it again for over 24 hours I wasn't as concerned ... she just didn't want to go inside and didn't understand that she could go outside in our yard - I think she was just so used to her former yard ... or something. Thankfully she's figured it out and has gone several times since our breakthrough Friday night. She's also able to stay in her crate while we're gone without an accident now ... Yeah! She's just perfect and I think adjusting nicely to our family. I'm so happy!

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