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Umm, lookey what I did now...

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Jamiya, Jan 8, 2006.

  1. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    So, I didn't bring Genie to the adoptions today because I wanted another week with her to see how she does with the potty training thing. There was a lady sitting there with the cutest little red and white dog. I thought she was someone adopting a second dog, but it turns out she is someone who adopted the dog (Missy) from us but needs to return her because her other dog just doesn't get along with Missy. She didn't want her to go to the shelter so she was sitting with us trying to get her adopted and hoping a foster home would open up. She said she could take Missy back home, but her kids had already said goodbye and she had been prepared to give her up and it was just tearing her up. I said I would take her and she decided to let me. The poor woman was crying and little Missy freaked out when she left.

    Missy was not socialized properly as a puppy. She is very, very scared. But she gets along with dogs and cats okay. She does fine with my dogs and Genie, and she likes the yard. She sat on the couch with my daughter for quite a while, which I thought was wonderful! She is in her crate now, supposedly eating but I don't think she is going to eat. Now that she knows where her crate is, I am wondering if she will ever come out of it again. :|

    She's the cutest thing ever. She's just a little thing, about the size of a cat.



  2. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    Oh She is adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. someday

    someday New Member

    She's really cute! Is your house starting to resemble a zoo? I don't know how you do it!
  4. nern

    nern New Member

    What a cutie. Glad to hear she is getting along with the other animals so far. Maybe she will warm up and feel a bit more secure after a few days.
  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    The poor baby has been hiding in her crate ever since I brought it into the house. When she first got here, she ran around the backyard with the other dogs. She was scared, but I felt she was okay. She came back in with everyone and made a bee-line for the couch and then didn't move again.

    Then I got her crate set up, and when my daughter got up off the couch Missy followed and then saw her crate and shot inside. She has been hiding in the back of the crate ever since. She did not eat, nor will she drink yet.

    I had to force her out twice to take her outside to try to potty. The first time I let her go loose. She did potty after a while, and she seemed to have a good time running around the yard. But she wouldn't come inside! I finally had to leave her crate outside and go inside and watch from the window, and then sneak back out and shut her in and bring the crate back in.

    I just took her out again but this time I took her on leash. I tried putting her on Nala's tie-out, but she just crawled over to me and cowered. So I put her leash back on and walked around with her. She walks, but then every time I stop she flattens to the ground. I waited and finally she started sniffing around, although she never did go potty. I brought her back in and she is wedged in the back of her crate again.

    What do I do?? Should I let her hide all day tomorrow (Sunday)? Should I deny her access to her crate and see if she will sit on the couch with us again? Her owner said she would stay in her crate all day if she was allowed to, and they had her for months!! How do I get her to drink water?

    I think I have to go read my shy dog book again. I now have a new definition for "velcro" and "shadow." I mean, I thought Genie was shy (and she is), but this poor girl... :cry:

    All of you people with puppies - socialize, socialize, socialize!!
  6. Killerbee2

    Killerbee2 New Member

    Hello, i just got a weenie dong...this dog may not have anything to do with your dog...but then again it might. We just got this dog Jan. 06 , 2006. The dog doesnt want to eat or sleep. All she does is cry and be sad. She misses her family she use to be with. She is starting to come around. She eats here and there and drink here and there. :lol:
  7. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Oh gosh! She is pretty but I can see that scared look in her eyes and body language. Brie was just like that when I got her--but without the crate for security (I didn't know any better). She cowered behind the toilet the first day. I finally closed Zoey out of the area and sat down and ignored her. She eventually came out and jumped into my lap and when I began to pet her...she peed. I'm not sure about this at all, but maybe you shouldn't let her hide out in her crate all the time. Like block her from it when you all are going about your normal day and let her hang out with whomever. Then put it back down for her up at night and when you're not there. She'll realize real soon that yall are fun and not going to hurt her. I'm sure you can bring her around! I did it and didn't have a clue as to what I was doing.
  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Her former owner came over and she was a totally different dog! You wouldn't believe the difference.

    She is starting to come around. She will come out of her crate if no one is in the room. She will go outside to potty, and eventually she will come back in. She ate last night and again this morning. If she thinks no one is watching, she will explore a little. I think she just needs time.

    I got her a smaller crate and I don't think she feels quite as secure in it, so she spends some time on the couch instead. When all the gates came down last night to put my own dogs to bed, she actually came along and explored the rest of the house. As long as we all pretended she was invisible, she was okay.

    I am also researching to figure out what homeopathic remedy might work for her. With the correct remedy, these issues will resolve so that when she goes to her new home, she will have an easier time with the transition. She will probably always be shy to some extent, but homeopathy can help with the extreme stuff.
  9. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    She reminds me sooo much of Luther! They looks so much alike, except Luther is white and she is brownish, I think they are long lost relatives! What type dog is she?
    Her personality sounds alot like his too! It is really difficult to work with him, bc when he is secure with his environment, he is a totally different outgoing dog, but the other part of the time, he'd rather hide. It is like he has 2 personalities. Around most people he acts sort of scared and subdued and shy, but then around me when I first come home he is like wild crazy dog and if I ask him for any trick he will do it, then if I sit to watch tv he will become a cuddle bug and stuck to me until he gets bored then he goes and hides. But when he is in that mood, if I ask for a trick he turns into a potato bug! He just rolls up in a ball and there is no unballing him! No tricks only the ball of Luther! Then if i get him excitedhe turns back into very brave dog that does lots of tricks and loves people. Tell me what you end up doing with her.
    Sometimes I really think Luther will come out of his shell, but he never fully does.
  10. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    well you did the right, thing, she is so cute, it sounds like if she went back the the shelter, that would have out her over the edge. sounds like she needs to be the only dog in her new home
  11. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Did I mention that when she went to her last home, it took her two weeks to come out of her crate? They had to force her out to potty and such. I think she's doing great for only being here a couple of days!

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