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I have some Parvo ?s

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Mlilly559, Jan 3, 2006.

  1. Mlilly559

    Mlilly559 New Member

    Hi my name is Melisah.
    I recently found a dalmation puppy in a box on the side of the road... but luckly I found him a wonderful home with my next door neighbors. Rudy is about 3 months old give or take a few weeks and is such a joy. The 4 lil boys next door just love him. :(
    Well I have been puppy sitting for about 5 days while my neighbors went out of town for there post christmas with family. All has been good up untill today. The lil guy was displaying classic Parvo symptons so I took him to my towns emergency vet. The Vet confirmed that he does have parvo... so I waited till his owners got back, about 30 min later and after talking to the vet they desided to start treatment. I am still very worried bc he hasnt had ANY shots that I know of plus he has been around my dogs for weeks. Im not too worried about my dogs but I am worried about Rudy. He is staying at the animal ER untill tomorrow morning then going to the reg. vet.
    I was just wondering if anyone knows if he can be re infected after he comes home. If so what should be done to help prevent this? I just forgot to ask the er vet.
    They did tell us that he will probebly get worse before he gets better bc all he had was a little bit of vomiting... he was trying but could, he wouldnt eat or drink, and he slept all day. He hasnt had any other symptoms. I am just glad that I caught it early. Even without any shots, catching it early gives him a better chance of surviving.
    Thanks for the help.
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Have you looked through the info on the Parvo sticky near the top of this forum?

    Let us know how Rudy is doing!
  3. Mlilly559

    Mlilly559 New Member

    WOO HOO Good news!!!!

    I got some info from Rudy's owners today. He has had NO diareah (sp?), his white blood cells are completly normal, he is walking around and is doing TONS better. The vet told Julie, my nieghbor, that if he is able to eat solid foods and keep everything down he will be able to come home within the next couple of days. :eek: I felt so bad though because she told her boys that alot of puppies die from this if they dont get the medicine and the oldest boy who is 9 started to cry but he understands that it was important that Rudy got his medicine and that he is getting better very fast. I am so happy that he has made such a fast recovery... he has taken a turn for the better just in a matter of 12 hours. Thank god we caught it so fast!!!!! :D
  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Great news! I noticed in your other post that they are going to vaccinate Rudy. PLEASE be sure he is totally well before they do this! I would wait a couple weeks, if it were me.
  5. Mlilly559

    Mlilly559 New Member

    ? ? ? ?

    Why is that? Shouldnt he get his shots before he goes home so he wont get it again?
  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Giving shots to a sick dog can overtax the immune system and cause him to get sick again. Vaccinations are usually only given to a healthy dog.

    He should have natural immunity to parvo now that he has had it. I mean, he just HAD the live virus in his system - what good could it possibly to do inject more live virus into his blood stream? If anything, I might revaccinate with a shot with ONLY parvo in it at a year old.

    As for the other shots, I would wait a few weeks and get a single shot with JUST distemper in it, and then a few weeks later get the rabies shot, assuming he is over 4 months old by then.

    Disclaimer: I am not a vet. My advice is backed by research I have conducted and is my own opinion.
  7. ilovemycockatiels

    ilovemycockatiels New Member

    I was always paranoid about my dogs getting parvo and it just so happens that when my Australian Shepherd puppy was showing symptoms she had gotten parvo a couple weeks after I got her. she was about 3 1/2 months. And she was vaccinated and everything...but she had missed one shot from the breeder. By the time I got her to the vet, she wasn't displaying symptoms except being a little dehydrated cuz she hadn't ate or drank anything so the vet did 2 seperate tests on her and she never got worse, only better... it's great to hear that Rudy is getting better already! :eek: Give him a big hug for me and tell him to get better :D Good luck... Thankfully you were the one that found him on the side of the road and not someone else... People are so ignorant sometimes... Well Good Luck, hope hes okay!!

  8. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    HI! I'm very experienced with Parvo. It runs rampid down here and alot of our rescued puppies and dogs die from it.

    One thing you need to do is read the sticky at the top of this forum labled Parvo information.

    You should have your neighbors (and this is a pain in the butt!! but with three boys to help it shouldn't be so bad!!) is to dilute bleach in water and wash all their clothings and thouroughly cleans the house. They can also use a 50/50 solution to put in a pump up sprayer and spray their entire yard!! It will not kill the grass. I do this at least once ever other month on my ENTIRE property and I have a YARD that's 7 acres. I don't worry about the pastured and such as the dogs don't go out there often....

    One thing also is to keep some pedialyte around and if he starts getting a little dehydrated , and parvo can RETURN!!!

    And another thing. Do not worm him, vaccinate him, or give him anythign other than his antibitotics for at least 3 weeks after he's better. It can make him sick again. And I've nievely vaccinated not knowing the puppy was sick and it killed her.

    Good luck and Good job on rescuing that beautiful baby!!!
  9. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    This doesn't really mean anything. The reason they give a series of shots to puppies is because they don't test first to see if the maternal antibodies are still present. If they are, the shot is ineffective. So they keep giving shots every couple of weeks in the "window" where the maternal antibodies might be wearing off. But if a shot is given too soon, it will interfere with the previous shot and neither one will work!

    I like the newer vaccination protocols much better. Check out this page, including the links halfway down. There is some excellent info on puppy shots and also yearly boosters: http://www.tollwest.com/vaccine.html
  10. Mlilly559

    Mlilly559 New Member

    I soke to soon

    :m13: I went by to see Rudy today... hes not doing good. After I left yesterday my neighbors come by and they told me he was having diarriah and try to vomit and when I went to see him today he didnt want to stand all he would do is sit or lay down or rest his head on my shoulder when I picked him up. They have taken his food and water out so now all he has is his IV. :cry: They make us bleach our hands which they did yesterday but they also had us bleach our shoes.
    I did talk to the vet and she said the same thing that the ER vet said, it will probebly get worse before it gets better. I hope this is true. He just looks so sad. And they have to put a cone on his head to keep him from chewing his IV and a leg brace to keep it straight bc he bends his leg wierd and it block the IV. Hes all alone in that lil room bc they sent the psych cat with the respritory disease home. (seriously this cat was climbing on the crate door, and was hanging at the top in a ball) :qm4:
    I just want him to get better so everyone please think good thoughts, and pray if you do that. Thanks.
  11. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    sorry to hear he's not feeling good. I wish you the best. Its true that sometimes they get a bit sick during treatment. Just try to entise him to eat a bit. try and give him some nutrical or wet puppy food.
  12. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I'm sorry he's not feeling so good. Hopefully he will pull out of it soon!
  13. Mlilly559

    Mlilly559 New Member

    Rudy update:They did a plasma transplant today. He looked better today but still seemed a little sad. But they said he ate a little bit and kept it down and he barked at me when I walked in and was wagging his tail, but I am not getting my hopes up until he comes home.
  14. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Keep fighting, little Rudy!!
  15. Mlilly559

    Mlilly559 New Member

    Blood cells were 2000 yesterday and this morning theyre down to 1000 but they said the good news he is eating alot and keeping it down. He may be able to come home today but I think it would be better he sayed till mon. just to make sure hes going to pull through but thats up to my neighbors. He was on like 7 or 8 diffrent meds a few days ago and now hes only on 3 so thats a good sign. I am just going to keep praying hes going to be okay.
  16. kappi

    kappi New Member

    parvo with the new pup

    My youngest Golden had parvo as a pup, at the breeders. It was a mild case but took a while to treat before he was well.

    When I brought him home, my other Goldens became sick. I took them all to the vet and they went through a lot of tests and were treated. It was not parvo they had. The vet said the youngest who had the parvo at the breeders could not get it again. He also said if the other dogs had been vaccinated for parvo, they could not get it.

    The vet also recommended the folks not vaccinate their dogs themselves. He said he has seen case after case of dogs coming in with parvo, or distemper, etc. The animals' humans told the vet they gave the vaccinations as opposed to having the vet do it. He said the "feed store" "pet store" vaccines are not always reliable.
  17. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    definately geta second oppinion on that. Yes the pups that have had parvo, can get it again!!! And older vaccinated dogs are susspectable to it as well, just not as likely to get it.

    Don't let vaccinations fool you! Think of it this way:

    Not everything is 100% protective, if it were, birthcontrol would work and I wouldn't be here!!!

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