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Breeding Labs for Color. Is it now possible?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Dukesdad, Jan 12, 2006.

  1. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    Just got an email from my brother who is about to become a Lab Dad for the first time. I have been educating them for the past year on the joys and tribulations of Lab puppyhood so I believe they are well prepared for the adventure.
    Today I got an email from my sister-in law saying they are going to visit the breeder this weekend to look at the last girl available in the current litter. In the photo below the breeder is holding three of the pups and she is the one on the left. I told my sister-in-law that if she goes to meet this cutie she will not leave withour her. :D

    My brother gave me link to the breeders website so I could see the parents, Bond and Sunny. Both are yellow and the entire litter is yellow, two males and six females. Is this a coinincidence or can breeders now breed for color? I ask my brother to ask the breeder if this was now possible. If so, then in the future the AKC may recognize the different colors like they do for Cocker Spaniels.

    Having never bought a dog from a breeder, Duke came to us indirectly, what should tell my brother about a health guarantees? Labs can have some serious genetic problems. Seeing the parents and knowing the lineage should be good.

    Here is the breeder's link.:
    http://www.doubleplaylabradors.com/bree ... l#upcoming
  2. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I belive you can. If you carefully plan. Its my understanding that if you do the genteics pyramid, you can "predict" what you'll get. You might not always be right...

    Black is always a dominant gene. If you can find a recessive yellow or white lab, you can get predominatly black pups. Also goes the other way around. Find two yellows one dominat the other recessive, with the dominant as having no black dominat dogs in his ancestry you should produce predominatly yellow.

    However, in order to get chocolate labs, you need to find a HOmozygoous dominat yellow female to breed to a heterozygous recessive black male.
    Though its yet to be proved to get a full littler of Chocolates.

    Roland and Kristi have tried and tried to get Chocolate pups. They have a yellow male and Chocolate female and have yet to produce chocolate.

    Most lab breeders will get one or two out of a yellowXchocolate mating.

    Most chocolates come from a Black/yelllow or black/black...

    This is just my studies, some info may be diffrent than others.
  3. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    omg, they are adorable!! I can tell you they are the show type litter not sport like Duke, so the dog will be a lot stockier than Duke. as for health gaurantee, there should be a standard gaurantee. I think its the eyes, hips and general health. I think Sam missed on that one. I was trying to think if we had one for Jake but now I remember we didnt, since he had a horrible overbite, the breeder didnt give us papers.

    I am sure he would have guaranttee for hip and eyes though if we wanted. Also since labs are known for hip displatia, when we had Jake fixed, they also xrayed him since they can tell at that young age if they have it, he passed with flying colors.
  4. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    OMG they are just too cute for words.
    If it was me going to see them i would not be able to leave the house without one or two lol

    Hope they have many years of joy with the little one.


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