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another trip to teh vet yesterday

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by honeybears, Dec 3, 2005.

  1. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    and another $150 down the drain :( :( for a stupid hot spot. just a rant. Jake got a tick bit a month ago that turned into a hot spot, he just got over it and I was able to take care of it because I cuaght it before it got too big, well tuesday I noticed another one almost right next to where the one healed was, except it was the size of a quarter, I cleaned it up shaved the area as best I could, yesterday morning, it was black an oozing, so I got him to the vet, now I am loaded down with antibiotics, powdered pred, pill pred.

    And Jake gained 6 # since Sept :shock: :shock: I didnt beleive it so the vet got on the scale and said it weighed him accurately.

    He went from being real active, swimming every day to just walks on the week-ends so I guess I need to adjust his food to balance this. and the vet said also to watch a growth near his wee-wee that kind of looks like a wart.

    and then to top off my evening, I stop at the drugstore and thre is a girl about 13 outside with 3 puppies bundled in her coat. they didnt look older than 6 weeks, If I didnt have the dogs in my car, I would have took them.
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Arrrrgh!! How frustrating! I'm sorry Jake isn't feeling well. I hope those puppies lucked out and found good homes, despite the odds.
  3. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Poor things! I know how you feel. Brie and I had another trip to the vets too. Her re-check x-ray still showed the kidney stone. Now she's back on regular food and I'm super paranoid that she has another UTI. He didn't give us any more options for the stone treatment...

    And "boo" on the puppies. I hope they end up in good homes.
  4. cameo

    cameo New Member

    Treating a hot spot

    Honeybear try using an athlete foot spray on your dogs hotspots. The general idea is to keep the area dry. Athlete foot spray contains an anitbacterial fungal treatment as well as being a powder. Usually clears up hot spots in no time at all.
  5. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Cameo ~ Generally thats what I do for rain rot and hot spots on Mallibu our pit. But it can only be used on small spots where the dog can not reach it. It can be very dangerous to dogs if they injest it. Also you don't want to put that on large area's.
  6. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    perfect timing, Jakes hot spot came back. this time its more due to the dry skin from the old one interesting about the atheletes foot. Jakes hot spots are alwasy on his head, I will have to remember that
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Have you tried homeopathy yet?
  8. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    I am curious about the food. I know here in the mountains if you feed a dog Yellow Corn based foods in the warmer seasons, about 40% of the dogs will produce some sort of reaction, even hot spots. I have not used any corn based foods for any of my dogs for about 25 years now and the only reaction I have seen in my dogs was a allergice reaction to a new brand. (Diamond Chicken/Rice) which has some yellow corn in it.
  9. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    "Have you tried homeopathy yet?" I know I know, I keep saying I will, this time I will, thanks for reminding me I still have her #

    Mike, Jake is on raw diet, which has helped him tremendously except for those pesky hot spots
  10. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    If she isn't taking new cases, honeybears, let me know and I will give you a couple other names to try.

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