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Had a HUGE argument today

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by charmedagain, Jan 12, 2006.

  1. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Well as you all know i now have a 9month old pup named Ice she is a Black labrador x Rottweiler.

    Well anyway she is not spayed yet as vet will not do it until after her first cycle.
    I been talking about her on one of the other animal boards and someone has gone on and on today saying i should breed her when she is older to a black labrador as he has a goodlooking well formed pedigree black lab.

    I told him she is not having puppies as she is a cross then he came back with well if you breed her to a lab you will get lab puppies i said well thats not the always the case i would not want to risk them coming out funny.

    Plus i do not believe in cross breeding wether its a cross to a predigree or 2 crosses its not worth the problems that can happen with cross breeding.

    How can you explain to some simple person that breeding a cross lab to a pedigree lab may not produce all lab puppies.
    I tried to explain that the rottweiler gene maybe stronger than the lab and she could end up producing funny looking dogs.

  2. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    I had to search and find pics of your pup. What an awsome dog.
    Arguing aside I kind of agree with your opponent to a point. Such a fantastic looking dog with 2 great breeds in her. But you must remember I have 2 Rot/Chow mixes and my Ex has 2 Rott/Chow mixes. We actually searched for the female RottenChow to breed with Duncan because he was so intelligent and handsom. I would do it again if given the chance. I have even considered searching out a mate for Dowser but I am concerned he may have some hip troubles and not a good choice for breeding.

    I don't think breeding your pup with a lab will produce labs but will produce a more Lab than Rott mix, a rather large lab looking like dog.
  3. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Ice is 9months old and is taller than mitzy and mitzy is big for a german shepherd Dam as the Dams are usually smaller than the males.

    I have told everyone if ice keeps on growing she is going to be a little pony she is almost the height of me when she jumps up at me which is a scary thought since i never knew labs grew that big lol.

    The thought of her having puppies scares me since she is already big not broad but not skinny she is just the right weight for her size and age according to the vet who am i to argue i never owned a lab before lol.

  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Breeding a mixed dog will always produce a mixed dog. It may LOOK like a lab, but it's not. If you don't know Ice's parentage, then you also don't know what genetic problems may come up.

    And so what if they make lovely puppies? Do you have a waiting list for lab puppies? Do you know how many black lab-like puppies and adult dogs we have in shelters?! Do you know how hard it is to find homes for them? Most people overlook the large black dogs, trust me. And labs can be very difficult - they have a lot of energy and tend to chew everything in sight.

    I know you know all this already. But I would tell him that the world doesn't need another litter of puppies that will be turned into shelters when they are no longer small and cute and they are busy destroying the houses of uneducated owners.
  5. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    My view exactly. I have met both ice's parents but i could not tell you anything about them but saying that i do not think the owner does either.

    I only went to see the person who bred these pups because i thought there was something wrong with ice a few months ago so i got her previous owner to give me her address.

    Even if ice was pedigree i would not breed her as not alot of people want Labradors especially black ones.
    Do not get me wrong i think they are lovely dogs but i totally agree they can eat your home in a blink of an eye lol

  6. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Your kidding right?? Someone had the nerve to say "if you breed her to a lab you will get lab puppies"?????!!!!
    YOu've got to be kidding!!!

    The ignorance of some people still amazes me!

    I agree, that in some cases mixing specific breeds is genuinely a profitable idea (not money profitable, but for working dogs, ect...)
    I'm fixing to have mixed puppies. And yes the father is a wonderful dog, the mother is an awsome dog and both dogs together might be producing a straight up badass working dog.

    Did I choose to have these dogs breed, no, would I have done it on my own, definately no.
    While accidents happen, I do not condone anyone to throw two dogs together to see what comes out!

    I do rescue. Did you know that black dogs are the #1 dogs put down in shelters because no one wants them? Did these people know that black dogs are also the hardest to get rid of?

  7. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    I just don't get the black dog thing here. I have 2 increadible looking black dogs that I would not change for anything. I have even looked for a pure black Rotty that I hope to find someday.
    Everyone that has met or seen my black dogs loves the look of them.
    I have never heard of people not wanting a black dog before. Besides white dogs get so dirty so quickly :D
  8. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    No offence Mike! You have wonderful looking dogs! Some people do prefer black dogs over other colors. But the majority of the public doesn't. When ever we have adoption days. the black puppies and dogs are usually allways last to go....
  9. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Well i bluntly told him to f*** off i amnot breeding her told him to stop bugging me and he said oh fine be like that it was only a offer all i wanted was pick of the litter, So i said ok wjatever people like you make me sick, No respect for the females or problems that can arise all your bothered about is getting a free puppy well sorry it wont happen from me so get a grip lol

    You dont think i was too forward do you lol

    Dmike please do not think i dont like black dogs as i do.
    I have only ever seen 1 pure black rottie but that was about 8 years ago he was really scary looking as his coat was blacker then black and he had these sharp peircing brown eyes they almost looked like a red colour.

  10. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I also really like black dogs. I think they are beautiful! But I can assure you that large, black dogs stay in shelters the longest. Some of that is because they are hard to see with not-so-good lighting. They also don't have much that makes them stand out, like spots or something. I confess I used to be one of those people that would pick a yellow lab over a black one. Now I would pick a black one any day!

    I did a documentary on a local shelter once and the shelter person I interviewed told me large dogs, black dogs, and old dogs are the hardest to get adopted. Combine all three and it's even worse.
  11. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

  12. chucks_girl926

    chucks_girl926 New Member

    Boston Boxer is very handsome

    I am very happy :D to be able to tell someone about my dog. He is very beautiful. His mother is a boston terrier and his father is a boxer. Both are full blood. Cocoa is a wonderful mix of them both. :!: He is a wonderful dos and has beautiful features. He has the body of a boxer and the eyes of a boston terrier. His body is very short though. it is shaped just like a boxer. I never had to crop his ears they are perfect. i wish i had a picture to show everyone.I am very proud of him.
  13. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Thats the eyes very Omen looking lol.
    Ice's eyes are starting to go like that is so freaky especially when first thing in the morning she is there with her nose in your face and thos eyes staring at you when you open your eyes its enough to scare anyone awake lol

    But he is a beautiful dog.

    chucks_girl926 that is some mix i thought boston terriers were alot smaller than boxers if i am right the breeder was lucky nothing happened to the female as breeding a large dog with a smaller dog can result in pups too large to whelp and sometimes even cause death to the female because of them being so big when being born that most people think they will deliver them with no problems and leave it till its too late.

    But sounds like a nice dog

  14. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I recently adopted a Shepherd pup from a shelter in Michigan. She was born into/fostered in a private home. After I lost my Sadie the foster mom (whom I've known for years from another dog board) asked me if I would like to adopt one of her shepherd "mix" pups. I jumped at the chance knowing the history through the other board.
    Mom was a purebred GSD while Dad was unknown, so the pups were listed as Shepherd mixes (posted picture from last night). Mom was picked up as a very pregnant stray and she went right into foster care. The shelter left the pups in their foster mom's care and let her have the say in adopting them out as they trust her and she used to breed GSD.
    Molly is getting spayed on January 30th (she turned 6 months old on 1/6).
    I have had people stop me, while out walking Molly, to compliment her appearance and demeanor. She's a good looking, large pup and her eyes say "I'm smart, okay go ahead and notice" LOL
    I keep waiting for someone to ask me if I'm going to breed her. So far I've been disappointed cause I have my little speech all prepared regarding Shepherd and hips and all (previous shepherd was born with extreme genetic hip dysplasia). I also will say with all the dogs/pups - purebreds and mixes - dying every day in shelters why would I want to add to that.
    This is the Shepherd "mix" pup that I adopted from a shelter....I have a friend who recently got a Shepherd pup from a breeder and she paid $800, not that the money is the issue here. But imagine if these pups had been born into a kill shelter and imagine letting her reproduce with an unknown lineage and what could happen to those pups. That's always my arguement - why would I want to let any animal I have reproduce on a whim and not ever know what becomes of their offspring.
  15. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    way to go mike! Thats telling him!!! Jamiya, your right... old and black dogs are usually the majority you see in a shelter and they are usually there for long periods of time.
  16. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Mary_NH She is adorable i would like to add she looks like her father was either the same breed or an alsation, I would go with a sheperd as she is a perfect specimen of a short haird shepherd.

    She looks very happy...

  17. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    thanks Mike...she's gearing up for the playoffs LOL
    the foster's vet, my vet, and everyone that sees her says the same thing. Doesn't really matter to me - but I've wanted a black/tan shepherd as long as I can remember, and I'm absolutely head over heels for this pup.
    I've adored every dog I've had...but it's like driving a nice car (just an comparison - I don't compare my furkids to objects) for years and always wanting a particular car. The day comes you get the car you've always wanted and it seems so nice.
    I wanted to adopt a GSD locally but we never get them here (good thing probably). When one of the litter was offered to me I was beaming - it is a huge compliment to me that her foster mom trusted me enough to offer me a pup. She doesn't know me in person so I am honored she deemed me a good home. Hard living up to her expectations - the stress and all :roll: LOL
  18. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Well i can tell you from experience you will never have a dull moment in your home with a shepherd around.
    Mine are so intune with me that they know when i am Ill, Down, Sad and they will come to me and try and cuddle up to try and make me feel better.

    I think she is in great hands and i know she will bring you alot of happy and fun times.
    She has found the perfect home within your family.


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