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Animals in need and denied of help!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, Jan 13, 2006.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Ok guys. I've been looking into this case for going on 3 months now. These dogs, horses, and cattle are in extremely diplorable condition. I've called Animal Control several times, They went out once..... Sheriffs Department refuses to take on the case, says its animal controls job...

    So I got some rescues to come help. All have called AC and Sherffs department and have been refused permission to step in.

    Sooo if they won't help. I guess we'll have to take a little more drastic measures. Yall know me. I understand hardships and some animals might drop a little weight from time to time. But these horses are getting worse and worse and worse. They are litterally walking skeltons.

    The only thing I could think of was to get a local news caster involved and let them do a little "investigation" on the news and see if that would scare up the AC to let the rescues take action!!! And put a little piece in the paper.

    What do you think?
  2. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Here's what I've got to send to the TV station, and to put in the paper. Please edit if you can!!!!


    It has come to my attention and the eyes of many concerned citizens, that the Victoria City and County Animal Control and Sheriffs department have been negligent on their part to take action for animals in deplorable conditions. They have failed to take action to which they swore to uphold for animals rights and protection.
    On going for over 3 months has been a case of several animals including horses, dogs and cattle that are living in conditions no animal should be forced to live in. Little to no food, disgusting water sources, and small pens filled with rusty metal and trash. Some of the animals have serious health issues, and most all are in emaciated conditions.
    There have been several calls to rescues, who, have been denied by the cities Animal Control to take action. Should the concerned people just stand by and watch as these beautiful animals waste away and suffer for a life they didn’t choose? What are the people paying for with their taxes? For road kill to be removed from the highways and strays to be picked up? What about the animals that are in need of serious help? Who’s going to speak for them and help them out of situations for which they did not choose to live in and are forced to say hungry and suffer from pain?
    We all know the hardships of drought and financial problems. But the animals should not suffer because of it. When free help is offered to the cities aid, why is it being denied? Is it that the city is under funded and cannot afford to take action? If so then why are they denying help from outside rescues?
    Animal control is a great service to which we all benefit from. But when real help is needed, it is denied and innocent animals suffer the consequences.
    I here take a vow to continue the watch over these animals and try to help them in any way I can. We are not asking to put them up in a luxurious hotel, all these animals need is a proper place to live, where they will be fed properly, and have the proper veterinary attention they need. There are several rescues standing by to assist in any way they can. Lets be realistic here. If the animals didn’t need the help, people would not be concerned. These animals are seen by hundreds of people a day, and every day they get worse. So why aren’t they being helped?

    A Concerned Citizen
  3. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Some of these animals are so bad, there are already skeltons and remains of dead horses and cattle on the property... I can see it from my rent house here in Victoria, and Buzzards are always flying by..

    The trash and junk is just horrible... They ahve a little colt in a small pen at the front of the property that shouldn't even be away from mom yet. He's nothing but hair and bones.... And there's got to be at least 15-20 of them...
  4. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Well if that dont get there attention then i guess nothing will.

    I know its a criminal offence but i would have gone in and took the animals this is just me and how i react. I have done this before with 2 ponies there hooves had grown so long that they started to curl and they could not walk properly, They were just literally skin an bones, No-one would do anything so i stepped in and took them in i started toget them sorted, Got the hooves done and stuff but i took pictures before i allowed the farrier or vets do anything.

    I did get arrested as the owner said there was nothing wrong with them and because i had started getting themn sorted he thought would get away with it, What he didnt count on was the pictures, Farrier and vet reports, So he later got arrested and charged with animal cruelty and was fined and banned from keeping any amimals.
    I got a slap on the wrist but they could have locked me up but i would do it again.

    Just keep on at them Sam i know you will get someone to do something the world should have more people like you that will not just sit back and watch this happening.

    Please let me know if you get anywhere with this matter and i hope the owners of these poor animals gets whats coming to them.

  5. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I'm going to call again in the morning. The investigators have left for the day.... Don't worry I'm like a bloodhound on a scent trail!!!

    I've even thought about the raggedy ol fence just might fall down and the horses get out! LOL...

    Then take them home and no one will ever know. But that would be illegal, and I do things the right way.

    Of course, I have done wrong things before. I borrowed a dog once that was being beaten....
  6. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Now thats an idea if the fence fell down and they got out and happend to wander into your horse box who would ever know lol...

    Thats a good one.

  7. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Sad part is, the owner never knoticed he disapeared!!!! I never saw him call him, look for him, or anything! The dog ended up dying though. he was old and ended up with distemper.... was bad. But at least he was well fed, petted and knew kindess when he passed.

    There's a law down here, if animals are on your property for over 30 days after bein knotified, the livestock becomes yours. I'm thinking the fence might fall down. and the horses wonder down the road (follwing a trail of feed) and end up on my property..... Hmmm "I don't know where these came from!!!" load them up, take them home. post a sign...and see if they call!! LOL~~~~
  8. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Sam. that letter is great, butBe sure to include pictures, one picutre can speak a 1000 words and show what a letter will never do, this way themedia can see first hand what the letter is explaining and that you are not full of hot air or making a complaint that really isnt.

    good luck
  9. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    You shud get pictures and create a website and put it round the internet with a petition for people to sign and then send this off to animal control and any other people this might put a boot up there bum and make them do something.

    I would accidently knock down the fence and let them come to me heheheheh..

    I agree with Honeybears a picture speaks a 1000 words this will get you article more noticed and make people sit up and pay attention....


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