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Can You All Remember Max

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by charmedagain, Jan 14, 2006.

  1. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi everyone do not know if you remember max my sisters 4year old rottweiler cross labrador,That i was looking after to try and get him some weight on as nothing she did worked well i thought i would show some pics of his progress he is doing really well gaining weight slowly but surely.

    Vet gave him full clean bill of health and even wormed him again just to be sure. She is having him neutered but vet wants him to gain a little more weight first before he will do it.
    He is baffled and even called in another vet to check him over as to why he will not retain his weight, He is very hyper and can run for hours without stopping so he says this could be the reason..




    If there dont work goto http://community.webshots.com/user/mickyuk28

    Click on the max folder

  2. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    I would judge by your photos that the pup looks very healthy. May be a high metabolism at work like in some people that can eat everything in sight and not gain a pound.
    After the neuter watch him closly to make sure he doesn't start to gain too much weight. It does sound like he gets plenty of exercise so that should not be a problem but the quantity of food may have to be adjusted.
    You know the rule about being able to feel the dogs ribs but not of course being able to see them. Also, when viewed from above the dog should have a "waist" in front of the hind quarters.
    Very handsome dog. How much does he weight now? I think you have done a good job getting him healthy.
  3. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Mike, you remember after the hurricaine, Granvel brought home a German Shephard mix that he found running down the road? He never would gain weight. His hips and ribs ALWAYS showed, and he ate like a horse!!!! The vets couldn't figure out what was wrong with him either.
    All the dog wanted to do is run run run run run!!!

    They just figured it was because he was always running
  4. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    I have no idea how much he weighs but lets say if he sat on your lap you legs would fall alseep its like having a cow sat on you lol.

    He has a waistline and you can not see his ribs but can feel them but not too much.

    Sam max is like that all he wants to do is run around and play once he starts there no stopping him he is like a hurricane lol.

    Just glad he getting back to normal because at one point he went that thin and wouldnt gain weight he literally lay down and was dying but me and my sister refused to let him go and i am so glad we didnt.

    He is very protective of my sister and her children and will give anyone that walks past them a little growl as if to say do not come any closer but this is always to men.

    He is great with kids as the street my sister lives on is full of kids and he runs around playing fetch and everything with them now all the kids in the street want a dog lol

  5. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

  6. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Email sent....

  7. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    well, he looks fine to me. boy I dont see rott at all. I have a few friends with lab mixes that always looked anorexic but would eat and eat, but like Max, they were alwasy going, its seems once they hit teh 6 year mark, they gained a lot of wieght, I think they finally slowed down.

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