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help she has a new behavior

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by baileysmom511, Jan 19, 2006.

  1. baileysmom511

    baileysmom511 New Member

    bailey is an 8 month old boxer. She wont sleep through the night and is using the bathroom about 5 times at night. She just wants to play but shes never been like this i need sleep. do you think she might be going into heat soon. :?:
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    It all depends, Is she usually very well housetrained.
    Some Females when going into heat that usually have no accidents in the house will not be able to control themselves. One of my girls used to poop and pee in the house 1week before her cycle would start and she never does that yet only did when she was due a cycle.

    They usually become more pushy for attention while others are very quiet and relaxed.

    Check her vulva daily and you will notice when she is due in as she will start to swell a little at the start.
    Chances are she may be due but it could be something else.

  3. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Agree with Mike.

    Just would like to add, if coming into heat is ruled out you might also want to rule out a bladder infection....the next thing would be a behavioural problem...could you keep us updated.
  4. baileysmom511

    baileysmom511 New Member

    thanx for the advice

    thanx for the advice well she still hasnt started her cycle and still wants to bark a lot at night im starting to think that she is sleeping to much during the day so all she wants to do is play at night. She also might want a friend
  5. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    My mums 4month old rottweiller started barking on a night 2days ago so my mum takes her out for a 20minute walk before she goes to bed and now she is sleeping.
    She reduces the pups water intake from around 4pm but she has never had any accidents in the house anyway but its a good way to try and stop them from having a full bladder.

    You could try that see how she gets on hopefully this will calm her down.
    Does she have a favourite toys she could possibly sleep with or even an old piece of clothing with your scent on this usually calms them during the night.

    It could be she is just missing you when you goto bed..

    Just some suggestions

  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Whatever you do, don't play with her at night! If she has to go outside, it should be boring and no fun at all. I would have her checked for a bladder infection.

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