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Tapeworms! What do I do?!

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by llenley18, Jul 23, 2005.

  1. llenley18

    llenley18 New Member

    My wife just purchased a small chiwawa(not sure on spelling) 8 weeks old for my little girl. The puppy just had a bowel movement and I found rice grain like worms as well as a long one still attached to the anus. My wife told me the dog had been de-wormed 3 times according to the breeder. 1) is it contagious for my little girl?
    2) If it was de-wormed what should I expect to see or happen.
    3) Puppy appears to be healthy, no vomiting or diharrea.
    4) Do I need to keep dog in his carrier?
    I just need answers my wife didn't pay attention to anything the breeder told her! :x
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    First of all keep to the basic hygeine rule, not only for your daughter (how old is she) but for yourselves, intestinal parasites can be passed on the people through ingesting them, roundworms are the more common ones though. Tapeworm originate from flea ingestion so you might need to get somethng to eliminate fleas also, the tapes may not have been eliminated depending on which dewormer was used, a lot of breeders and pet stores will sell or give combi dewormers that get rid of things like roundworm, hookworm, whipworm but dont get rid of tapes (coccidia and giarda should also be checked for). The best thing I can recommend is that you take the pup to a vet and have a stool sample tested, let them know about the tapes and they can give a shot or appropriate medication. In the meantime make sure that after handling the pup, especially before eating with your hands that you (your daughter) wash your hands, just regular soap and water should be fine, also make sure any little 'presents' the pup leaves you is picked up and the area cleaned with a little disenfectant. Its not cause to panic just something to be informed about, Ive handled literally thousands of dogs over the years and Ive never caught anything from any of them, a lot of these were neglected shelter dogs in very poor health and often infested with every parasite you can think of.
  3. furtherpeach3

    furtherpeach3 New Member

    take the dog to the vet!!!!!!

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