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My puppy has parvo

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Karl, Jan 26, 2006.

  1. Karl

    Karl New Member

    Well, It all started about a week ago. Friday afternoon i picked my dog (lab/mix named Abby) from a local kennel, she's 12 weeks old. We had to wait for a week after we adopted her, so she could get fixed (me and my wife got a dog from the kennel cause we wanted to give a dog a home that didnt really have a chance). So we brought her home on friday and just fell in love with her, she fit right in and we fell in love with her. We had her friday night and Saturday and she started getting sick Saturday night. After i stayed up with her all night we decided sunday we'd take her to the urgent care clinic cause its the only one open on the weekends here. Thats when we found out she had Parvo. So $340.00 later (monday morning) we had had to pick her up and take her to the regular vet. She's been there since monday morning and slowly gotten worse.On that day the vet gave me an estimate for 4 days (running out tommorow) of 1042.00 and its looking like she'll have to be in longer. No - for the record we're not made of $ but we cant put a value on a pet no matter how long we had her. Today has been the wost day, a fever of 103 and the lowest white blood cell count yet. So things arent looking good. Me and my wife are pretty broken hearted. Everytime we go to see her (as much as possible) she doesnt want us to leave. So at night its even harder for us cause we cant even call and make sure she's still alive. I bought the Povo gaurd off the internet, but we never got the chance to use it (opting for the fluids only the vet could give) and the vet is also using the Tamiflu. Ive read just about everything possible on the net for info and im posting my story here more as a release and to let others know what theyre in for. Also i did call the shelter and let them know, who knows how many dogs are infected, i know my dog is the only one in the little quarentine room at my particular vet. Thanks everyone for listening and ill add to my post as i get more info. :cry:
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    oh I hope your pup improves. And I know what you mean on the $$ end. My Bridge dog, Sadie, had a rather extensive surgery a few years ago and it cost about $1200!!!! I just didn't think about it - it was lifesaving and that was the important thing. I cashed in a Christmas Club account to pay the bulk of it and paid them weekly. But she was more important - my son knew Christmas would be tight that year but he also knew Sadie was well worth it (cool kid).
    Keeping your pup in my thoughts....he's lucky he got adopted by people that are willing to do what they can to make sure he can get well
  3. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    So sad, I really hope your puppy pulls through this.

    I went to a conference about 2 years ago and one of the things the professor mentioned was its surprizing how many vets dont test a stool sample as 'routine' with dogs that have parvo, espeicially the very young ones and especially if they have been in a shelter. Many of the vets Ive worked with in the past have not carried out this test as routine. Its not expensive (although I have no idea where you are so prices could vary) but in S.Cal they run about $30 give or take a few. Reason is any intestinal parasites will make it even harder for the pup to get through the virus. Coccidia is common and that in itself can be fatal to a young pup.

    Just a thought.

    Good luck, please update us.
  4. Karl

    Karl New Member

    Thursday morning and the vet called

    Well, the vet called this mornig and she was still alive, but passed on shortly after she got there, they tried cpr and it obviously didnt work. Its prettty sad that no one is actually re-searching this disease, i love dogs but i think it'll be a long time before i get another one. I just feel so broken hearted. To anyone who's dog has this i would recommend the vet! Dont try and do it yourself unless you have multipe people that dont work. Its very stressfull on not just the dog but the owners, i went to the vet and spent at least an hour everyday with my dog. You cant just leave your dog alone in a quarentined room and expect him/her to live. Thanks for listening =)
  5. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    tears for your pup Karl. Don't let this one sad experience keep you from wanting another dog. Perhaps a rescue group where the dogs/puppies are fostered in a private home rather than a shelter environment.
  6. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Very sorry to hear of your loss :(
  7. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I'm so sorry... I've had SEVERAL rescue puppies die of parvo. Its a horrible horrible disease. YOu did what you could. Kudos to you for rescuing that sweet thing and at least giving her a chance.

    Just know that there are SEVERAL thousand puppies and dogs that need a home. If you need to wait to get another, you do that. But just know, that we're all here for you and are grieving your loss as well.

    ONe thing I can suggest is disinfecting your home where ever the puppy has been. You can use a simple solution of bleach and water, mix it about 1/3 bleach, 2/3 water, this shouldnt' discolorate anything.

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