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Rash on Freckles Snout

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Dukesdad, Jan 27, 2006.

  1. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    About three weeks ago I noticed a redness on the left side of Freckles snout. At first I thought he was rubbing it against something in his crate but after a crateless week at Camp Canine it looked worse so I took him to the Vet Monday. The Vet first testing for mange and a fungus that flouresces, both negative. He prescribed some medicated patches that I rub on twice a day, Maleseb Pladgets. It does seem to be working but its only been four days. I take him back in two weeks if the rash does not clear up. Here is a photo. It does not seem to bother Freckles at all but it is ugly for sure.
    Anyone familiar with the medicine I'm using?
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I found this from the manufacturers site, dont know if it helps.

    http://www.dvmpharmaceuticals.com/displ ... 20Pledgets

    I dont recall using that specifically but its basically and anti fungal/anti microbial medication. Most commonly wed use it for Ringworm but I think that might be the fungal infection you mentioned with the flourescent light. Did the vet do a scraping as well?
  3. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I am wondering if it might be fungal, maybe picked up something from teh dog park? that doesnt look pleasant, hope those meds help.
  4. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    Thanks for the site. Yes the Vet did scrape and test but nothing definitive could be diagnosed so I guess thats why he prescribed this broad range medicine. I though it would be a problem treating Freckles as he is so skittish, and I do have to chase him down when he sees me unscrewing the jar, but once I get him to sit and start to swab the area he does not object at all so it must not burn or cause any discomfort. As soon as I release him though he is all fired up and goes tearing after the nearest tennis ball. Maybe I incite that from my lavish praise for being such a good patient. Of course Duke is now standing in line wanting equal attention so I have to play like I'm rubbing his snout. Can't do anything with one without equal time for the other. I'm glab I have two hands to pat two butts at the same time. Three dogs like this and I would be in trouble. :lol:
  5. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I know what you mean, try having 4 of them, give one a pill and they all want one....used to spend a fortune on peanut butter and Philadelphia Cheese. :shock:

    Hopefully the infection(?) clears up well and soon.
  6. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    Just thinking about your comment about the dog park. In fact Freckles does like to find a spot to roll in when we are at the park. And the first thing he does is rub that snout before engaging the spot with a full on the back twisting roll. I do bet that is where he picked up this fungus.
    Problem is, and I know everybody here knows this, when I can tell he has found something interesting enough to roll in, he first becomes totally deaf. No amout of hollering on my part has any effect nor does it stop him from rolling. I guess I'll have to follow him close enough to be able to physically remove him from that spot. I have never seen Duke roll in anything. Maybe it's because he's always in the water. :lol:
  7. doglover1234

    doglover1234 New Member

    Just a idea do they eat or drink out of plastic containers. Someone posted on here a long time ago about plastic causing rashes and hair loss on dogs snouts. I switched all my bowls to stainless steel then cause we had been using a mixture. Not sure if it would cause that reaction but from what I remember it was something that would take a long time to see the effects.

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