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New mom & pups...Both may be sick? I'm new..HELP! A.S.A

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by mclmn35, Jan 25, 2006.

  1. mclmn35

    mclmn35 New Member

    My girl just had her pups about 48 hours ago. I'm not a breeder, just a mom with a family dog, so I did not know what I was getting myself into, and I surely was NOT prepared. The babies have been crying for about 24 hours off and on, but definately more than what would be normal. I gave them simethicone drops, and that helps for a while, but not near long enough. They cry and scream, and I know they are in pain, so I hold them on my chest and rock them. Mom is a baby herself, 9 mos old. I don't know if she is supposed to run hot, but her tummy is so hot to touch, it almost burns my wrist. And one of my kids lost my thermometer! I need help! I have'nt slept in what seems like weeks :shock: (in reality only days). One baby's stomach looks a little distended, like it ate way too much. The babies' skin on the back of the neck, when pinched, stays for about 3 seconds before going back into shape. Is that a normal time? Mom doesnt seem to be drinking enough water either, but her skin is ok. I'm scared.
    Can anyone help? A.S.A.P!
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    You need to get the mom and the pups to a vet immediately.

    There could any number of problems, the pups sound dehydrated, the skin should spring back down straight away, they should be content and sleeping after nursing, not screaming all the time, the mom could have anything from just being too immature (although I think thats not the problem) to having an infection of some kind to posibly a retained puppy. (did you have x-rays done to determine how many pups she was carrying?) After 48 hours you should have a contented mom thats at least drinking well, appetite can be a little iffy for a couple of days but she should be eating something, happily nursing and taking care of her pups.

    Im not trying to alarm you but I really do think, based on what youve said that you need to take them to a vet.

    Good luck.
  3. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Mums tummy will be warm but not hot, The puppies constantly crying indicates the mother is not producing milk.
    She should be relaxed and calm and pups should be feeding contently and quiet.

    Get them all to the vets ASAP, at 9months old anything could have gone wrong, Puppy, After birth still in there.
    With her being so young her uterus could have ruptured or anything...
    She may have the start of an infection.
    Swift action is needed if these little ones are to survive.

    Please let us know how they all get on.

  4. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi Any news on the mother and her pups. I hope all is well and have my fingers crossed

  5. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    9 Months??? Oh no. I'm not going to get started, but for one she is tooo physically immature to have even considered having puppies.

    Sounds to me like she's either got a retained puppy which if left untreated too long can be fatal to both her and pup. She could have easily ruptured her very thin uterus at this point and is getting an infection. The infection can contaminate the milk, making them sick as well. If the pups feel hot, and they are dehydrated, they are not getting enough milk. Mastitis could be an issue. A distended tummy could indicate a whole number of things. Have you seen them urinte? Get a warm wet cloth and rub their bottoms. This will stimulate them to urinate and deficate. That should releave any backed up fluids in the urinary tract. Also, open mommas mouth. Look at her gums they should be a nice pink fleshy color. If they are white, something is seriously wrong. Take your finger and press on her gums. When you let go, the color should bounce back within a second or two. If it stays white where you press, this is indicating a poor capilary reflex, could indicate dehydration and a whole # of things.

    Please get her to the vet ASAP!!!
  6. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Since there is no word i am praying that everything is ok with this pup and her pups.

    This will be her 1st cycle oh i do hope nothing has gone wrong.

  7. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I agree. the first time a bitch comes in heat, its utilizing its nautural ability to cleanse itself out and grow new layers of tissue. Not to be bred... I"m sure way back when in the wild, they would have bred, But that was WAY before the dogs were domesticated.

    Things evolve. just like we have... we've gotten weaker, same as the dogs.

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