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Introducing new baby to the puppy

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by zarate, Jan 25, 2006.

  1. zarate

    zarate New Member

    We've got a chihuahua that is 13 months old and we are expecting our first child in about 6 weeks. Does anyone have any ideas how we should go about introducing the baby when we bring her home? Our goal is to introduce her in a way the dog won't be jealous. He's a very good dog, and he loves kids however he's never even seen a baby, let alone have one in his house!!! We'd love it if he could bond to her, but you can't force a bond! It happens or it doesn't, but we are really hoping not to make him jealous. That way he won't feel bad and be sort of protective of her. We'd appreciate any sort of input!! Thanks
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    Your dog is fairly young so you may not have to go to the extent that I'm about to decribe but it would'nt hurt to do so either.....

    You have 6wks so that should be plenty of time to prepare.
    Basically, you want to imagine what its going to be like when the baby arrives and begin preparing the dog for it now so that when the baby arrives the dog does not associate stressful lifestyle/schedule changes with the babies arrival.

    Begin now acting as you would if the baby was home already. If the dog will be restricted from certain rooms or areas start restricting him now. If the dog is going to be receiving less attention, walks, play time once the baby arrives you'll want to gradually reduce that too over the next few weeks.
    A few weeks before the baby is to come home carry a baby doll (preferably one that even makes strange baby noises) around wrapped in a blanket with baby smells on it such as baby powder, baby oil or other scented baby products that your dog will soon be smelling on the real baby when it arrives. Act as you would if this was the real baby. Reward the dog for acting appropriately around the "baby".

    You may be able to find even further suggestions by doing an internet search.
    Best wishes! :)
  3. zarate

    zarate New Member

    Thank you so much for the reply. My mom thinks Chavo (the dog) will do pretty good when we bring the baby home since he's super social and loves everyone. We just don't want him to feel out, and like you said associate stress with the baby. He's already not allowed in the kitchen or the nursery. The kitchen is open, and when we eat he sits at the edge of the kitchen along side the cat (He's not allowed in there either) For the nursery we keep the door shut, but lately we've been cleaning and rearranging in there and he doesn't even attempt to go in there. He sits in the hall and looks in at us where normally he'd be right under our feet. I am really hoping the weather isn't too bad in March so I can take the baby and the dog for a walk. Then maybe he'll really like the baby and he'll associate the baby with going on a walk. He hasn't gone on too many walks lately because of the cold, so I know he's anxious to go. Although maybe I should slowly cut back on how much I take him in the car with me, he LOVES to go with me. So I'll start to do that as I won't be able to take him with me all the time when I go somewhere. I'll definately try the doll idea. I've got plenty of blankets and baby powder to use! I wonder if I could use a teddy bear, I don't have a doll....unless I could find someone that has one. Just wrap it up like a baby and use the baby powder to scent it. Thanks again! I'll have to let you know how it goes!
  4. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    I've read that before you bring the baby home someone should bring home a blanket or towel with the baby's smell on it for the dog to smell. Congratulations by the way! :D
  5. zarate

    zarate New Member

    Yeah, I think I read that somewhere also to bring the blanket/something home with the baby's scent. We also wondered....since the dog is gonna go to my parents house when it's time to have the baby, so he's not stuck in his kennel so long.....if we were to bring the baby home and have her there when my parents bring the dog back. I know people do that, or when they introduce their dog to a new dog they do it on neutral territory. Not that I'm comparing my daughter to a dog LOL, but I consider my dog my baby. Does anyone think that having the baby here already when the dog comes back will work? After letting him smell the baby's blanket? And coppersmom, thanks!!! This is our first child (human baby that is) can you tell?

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