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my new hammy Q.

Discussion in 'All other pets' started by Baby12, Jan 29, 2006.

  1. Baby12

    Baby12 New Member

    i just got my frist hamster. her poop is wet i just got her yesterday so is that normal :oops: :?
  2. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    Diarrhea in hamster can be caused by a few things from feeding too many greens to wet-tail.

    Does your hamsters tail area seem wet and sticky?
  3. Baby12

    Baby12 New Member

    Yaaaaaa yaaaa yaaaaaaa yaaaaaaaaa

    Shes sleeping so that good because last night she was sleeping during the night and playing at day :D
  4. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    I used to have a hamster that was 4years old when he dies and he would sleep all night but play all day, I think that depends on the hamster itself.

    I agree that his Diarrhea could be caused by anything.

  5. Baby12

    Baby12 New Member

    Ya she has wet tail :( any tips :oops:
  6. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    I found this on the following website.


    Wet Tail is a disease that is thought to be stress related and often affects young hamsters around the time of weaning, as this can be a stressful time. Therefore it is important when buying a new hamster that its cage is prepared before its arrival home and it is left to become familiar with its new surroundings in peace apart from feeding for a day or two to keep stress to a minimum. It is also thought that Wet Tail can be caused by bad living conditions, etc which could also cause stress.

    Wet Tail is a bacterial infection or an imbalance of the natural bacteria in the hamster's stomach or intestine and is often confused with diarrhoea. Although a hamster with Wet Tail has diarrhoea, the diarrhoea is so severe that the hamster is wet and/or dirty not only around the anus but usually around the top of the tail as well. The diarrhoea is accompanied by a strong unpleasant smell. Droppings are pale in colour and extremely soft and may contain mucus. The hamster often walks hunched up, is weak and lethargic and may squeal in pain. Symptoms take 7 days to appear and the disease is often fatal with death occurring as early as 24 hours after the appearance of the symptoms. Therefore it is vital that veterinary treatment is sought immediately if a hamster shows symptoms of Wet Tail. Do not rely on over-the-counter products such as Dri-Tail to treat Wet Tail as these are often not effective against severe cases of Wet Tail. These should only be used if it is not possible to get the hamster to a vet immediately and veterinary advice should still be sought at the earliest opportunity, but do ensure if you have used any over-the-counter product that you inform your vet when you visit.

    Hamsters suffering from Wet Tail often die from dehydration rather than from Wet Tail itself, or they simply refuse to eat or drink. Also, because of the severe diarrhoea Wet Tail can lead to rectal prolapse where the intestine is pushed outside the body through the anus.

    Veterinary treatment will consist of a course of antibiotics, anti-diarrhoeal medication and help with rehydration. The hamster should be kept warm and quiet whilst undergoing treatment and be disturbed as little as possible. Wet Tail is contagious to other hamsters and so any hamster suffering from Wet Tail should be isolated from other hamsters. It is also a good idea to wash your hands thoroughly after handling a hamster suffering from Wet Tail, to avoid passing the infection back to the hamster worsening its condition and certainly before handling other hamsters (this is best kept to a minimum). It is a good idea to remove droppings from the cage at intervals and disinfect the cage with a disinfectant designed for small animal cages when cleaning the cage. Although it is important to keep stress to a minimum it may help to clean the cage of a hamster suffering from Wet Tail every 2 or 3 days.

    Any equipment occupied or used by a hamster that has died from Wet Tail should be disinfected thoroughly with a disinfectant designed for small animal cages and left to stand for a few weeks before being used by another hamster.

    Wet Tail is a disease associated more commonly with the Syrian Hamster and is not associated with Dwarf Hamsters. Dwarf Hamsters can suffer severe diarrhoea but it is not clear at present that they actually suffer from 'Wet Tail'.

    Susceptibility to Wet Tail is also thought to be genetically inherited and so it is best not to breed from any hamster that has suffered from Wet Tail during its life.

  7. Baby12

    Baby12 New Member

    o .n. :shock: i will lose her :cry: how do i cure this? tips asap! i Don`t to lose another pet.
  8. tuttifrutti

    tuttifrutti New Member

    I'm not a hamster owner, I've never had one, but when getting supplies for my Brazilian possums a few times at Petsmart I thought I saw wet tail medicene, though I'm not positive since I've never looked very closely because it won't affect my possums.
  9. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    She needs to see a vet. She'll probably require antibiotics, but if it's severe she could require electrolyte and fluid replacement.

    Petsmart has wet tail preventative medicine, it won't help if she's already got it.
  10. Baby12

    Baby12 New Member

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!thanks buy i had to give her back to petco :cry: if she live i gat her back :D again thanks for the help :y_the_best:
  11. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    A lot of petstores won't spend their money on trying to make a $10 pet better. It's more profitable for them if they don't treat it (yes I know its harsh, but after all they're in it for the money). Usually their just left to fend for themselves.

    If you do get her back remember that even small animal require vet care. When hamsters get sick it can become serious very fast. If their not taken to a vet almost immediatly they can deteriorate very quickly. Pet store hamsters are prone to Cancer, bladder stones, and abcesses.

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