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What made you choose that name for your pet?

Discussion in 'All other pets' started by 3_second_memory, Dec 3, 2004.

  1. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Let's see . . .

    Chester was named after Charles Emerson Winchester from the show M*A*S*H* because they had similar personalities.
    Lizzy got her name just because I thought the name was pretty, just like she was.
    Emily got her name just because it seemed to fit. We ended up giving her the middle name Lucille and everything gets shortened to Emmy Lou.
    Jupiter already had her name when we adopted her from the shelter and we liked it so we kept it.
    Tennessee got her name because her case number at the animal shelter was 414. That's the first 3 digits of my Dad's SSN and it indicates the state he was born in which is Tennessee.
    Romeo was getting called Blue at the shelter because he had one blue eye (& one yellow eye). I thought that was corny so I came up with Romeo because at the time, he was unneutered and rather . . . frisky. I had to explain to him that Tennessee was jailbait. :roll:

    Trixy is named after a dog my mom had when she was growing up. Mom's dog was a collie/wolf and my dog is a basset/australian shepard so they aren't really similar, but I liked the name anyway.

    Most of my fish are named after old time movie stars or characters. I have:(Bela) Lugosi, Mae (West), Marilyn (Monroe), Frankie (Avalon), Annette (Funicello), (Jimmy) Durante, Fred (Astaire), Ginger (Rogers), Edgar (Winter - musician, not an actor), Johnny (Winter - ditto Edgar), Beatrice (Houdini - Harry's wife), Vera (Ellen), Lucy (Ball), Linus (from Peanuts), (Bing) Crosby, George (Burns), Dean (Martin), Jerry (Lewis), Gene Kelly, Moe(Howard), Curly Joe (DeRita), (Oliver) Hardy, Harpo (Marx), Groucho(Marx), (Charlie)Chaplin, Shirly (Temple), Roy (Rogers), Dale (Evans), Alice (from Honeymooners), Trixy (Honeymooners), Harriette (Nelson), Alfred (butler from Batman), and Buddy (Ebsen).

    There's also:
    Sherbert - lutino oscar. She's basically the color of orange sherbert.
    Lucy Baby - one of Lucy's offspring.
    Polly - she has a bent spine and when she was small and still had her yolk sac, she looked like a blood parrot (another type of fish).
    Patches - he's orange with black spots
    Fluffy - no real reason
    Fido - snail that Fluffy shares a tank with
    Bruno - another snail
    Quasi(moto) - snail with a deformed shell
    Murphy - no real reason
    Mr. Froggy - he's a frog
    Filet - goldfish named by my brother
    Neptune - goldfish named by my brother's g/f
    Midnight - solid white goldfish
    Squeeky - goldfish - when I was bringing him home, he kept biting at his bag and it made a squeeky sound.
    Sludge - goldfish born in my pond last summer. I didn't realize he'd survived the winter and when I was cleaning the pond this spring, I scooped some sludge from the bottom and dumped it on the ground. It moved.

    I think that's everyone.

  2. Baby12

    Baby12 New Member

    My dog maximus is named after the Gladater.My hamster is named Blackie becasue shes black :mrgreen:
  3. connor

    connor New Member

    my pets names are not really interesting. but some are.

    -mr.scurries (my mouse)

    -godzilla(my golden gecko)

    -razer(my betta)

    -cobalt and red (my jewels)

    -lassie(my munsterlander)

    -goldzilla(my gold fish)

    -jumpy,flippie,hippie,canabull(my great danios)

    -marble (my salfin molliee)

    -plasee (my plattie)

    -paco (my pleco)

    -ocean(my dwarf gourami)

    please tell me if they are good... :eek: :eek: :eek:
  4. tuttifrutti

    tuttifrutti New Member

    Well, let's see...
    Kopon - my first dog, named that because her father was Kompon, which is french for companion
    Sam - my first cat, I have no idea why that was his name
    Cinnamon - my second cat, she looked like cinammon, she was a toirturshell (haha, really bad spelling there) calico mix.
    Grace Hope - my third cat, she is gray, and we showed her "grace" and gave her "hope" by adopting her a week after cinnamon had died because she was being taken to the shelter that afternoon
    Ranger - my second dog, the name just fits him perfectly
    Snickers - my third dog, because the boy we got her from had always wnated a dog named snickers or matt, and since she's dark brown and white, not to mention a girl, she's snickers
    Ricky - my Short Tailed opossum, he just looked like a Ricky
    Lucy - my female Short Tailed opossum, because Ricky was Ricky
    Monty - our milk snake, because of Monty Python
    Blayzee - our leopard gecko, I have no idea, my sister named that one
    Thomasina - My sister's Short Tailed opossu, but I have no idea where that name came from.
    Matthew - the name of every single betta from the time I was 5 years old (I have no idea why, lol.)
  5. cosmicpixie

    cosmicpixie New Member

    My ferrets name are Loki, Nero, and Chloe.
    We couldn't think of a name for Loki so we were just saying a whole bunch of them aloud trying to find one that fit. I said "Loki" and he came running across the living room making a laughing sound. We named Nero after the Roman emperor that supposedly played the fiddle while Rome burnt. He was the biggest in the cage. He would go over and wake up the babies and get them to wrestle then go over to the other corner and watch the chaos. My students in my class named Chloe. It was either Chloe or Phoebe and they said Chloe.

    Our dog's name is Maya. My boyfriend named her since I didn't let him name any of the ferrets.

    And they all have middle names too. Loki Alexander, Nero Harrison, Chloe Renee and Maya Elizabeth.
  6. goldfish_lover

    goldfish_lover New Member

    well i have my one fish belle---cuz shes beautiful
    and lazarus becasue when i got him he jumped out of th ecage for 20-30 min and he lived for a year or so
    and dina cuz shes all white nad looks pure
    and my guinea pigs are shadow cuz hes black and brown and very laid back
    and pookah...well shes kinda like the dog in Anastasia, perky and skiddy, and so adorable
    and then theres a lot of babies theyve had and ive sold...umm Lily, becasue shes a lilac and ebany cuz hes all black and ringo cuz she has a perfect spiral on her body (its pretty cool)
    and dumbo cuz she had amazingly big ears...so cute
    and 9 other babies but i can remember their names...lol
    thats all :wink:
  7. nick_no_11

    nick_no_11 New Member

    i also named my dog lucky and my other dog tinkerbell anf my cat mr.kitty
  8. buckmaster243

    buckmaster243 New Member

    my mouse named penny

    my mouse is a girl syrian fancy mouse she is a pure copper color with no dark spots or light spots she is a perfect golden color so that is why i named her penny.

    p.s how do you post new threads instead of replying i got some questions about my mouse please private message me on how to post things
  9. Juubei

    Juubei New Member

    I named my first hamster Polgara from "Polgara The Sorceress" By David Eddings. My second hamster was named Juubei because I was sitting down a thinking about what I should name it and I suddenly thought of it. My third hamster is called Kydsin. Actually I wanted to call it Kyd but since I created the character Kyd,and he was supposed to be an assasin, I named it Kydsin. :D :D :D :eek: :eek: :eek: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
  10. SR-515

    SR-515 New Member

    Malcolm (short for Malcolm X Jr.) I couldn't think of a good name when I first recieved him seeing that he was a gift from my grandparents

    Gaby (short for Gabriel/Gabrilla because I can't tell the gender yet) I found them at a Petco and they seemed to be a loner and thats why I picked them

    Nikka and Ona (Eastern and Centrel European Names) I gave them orginal names seeing that it gives them a uniqueness :)
  11. Maureenjoy

    Maureenjoy New Member

    Hi friends...,
    I have more animals but my favorite cute pet dog.Tanks for sharing some information's... :eek:
  12. MaleShih

    MaleShih New Member

    Actually, we are not the one who made a choice for our dog's name. It so happened that the name was already given and registered during the time that our Shih Tzu was given to my daughter. Anyway, we already learned to like it because it somehow fits our dog's behavior too. Our dog's name is Trever which means prudent and wise.

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