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Precious' father passed away : (

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, Jan 31, 2006.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I got an email from Rayna Stout of Arcadyan Boerboel's this morning:



    Rest in peace sweet boy! You'll be missed dearly. I never got the chance to meet this awsome and valuable dog. He was such a great contributer to the advancements and betterment of the South African Boerboel breed. Though he only produced one litter in the US, he made a HUGE contribution to the BB community. Some disagree on his temperment, but truely don't understand this magnificent guardian. According to those who met him. He was a dog that brought awe, beauty and hope to them. I had made plans to go to Colorado this summer to meet this awsome beast. I greatly regret never getting the chance to meet him. I had the oppertunity to bring him into my kennels and program, but declined the offer and now truely regret it.

    In heaven we will finally meet! Rest in Peace my dear friend. And to Rayna, you will be in my prayers!

    Dopper Butch was the sire of my female Arcadyan's Precious Find:
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Sorry to hear the bad news He does look like an awesome dog.

    May he rest in peace and my prayers go out to Rayna.
    He will be there with her always.

  3. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    May Butch rest in peace, that is the way to go, peacefullyn in your sleep. Now is is over teh rainbow bridge
  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Yeah... its really crappy.
  5. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    I am sorry to hear of his passing. May he rest in peace.
    How old was he? I am curious why you wrote that some may disagree with his temperament? I don't know anything about his breed but that piece of your post did get my curiosity up?
  6. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I belive he was close to nine. But as most mastiff owners know, thats an old age for them.

    The BB is a guard dog. IN some peoples minds, they think that they should just be cute and cuddly.... Not the case! they should be VERY family oriented and loving to their owners. Your considered their "territory" so they will protect you and the rest of their territory, ie, property and other animals, ect..

    Well, For the first 6 years of Butch's life he was used (in South Africa) as nothing more than a Breeding Dog. Thats it. Little interactions with ppl or other dogs, and was kept solitude from everything.

    Then Rayna purchased him and imported him to the US to incorporate him into her program, showed him, and made him learn what its like to be a REAL dog and a family dog.

    From my knowlege, he attempted to snap at someone who, ignored rules and morals, that just walked up to him to pet him on the head! For one, NEVER do that to ANY dog with out asking the owner, TWO, he felt threatned that his "territory" was being threatned, and he was protecting.

    Not to meantion, Guard dogs and most BB's have some degree of dog agression, which is expected. I for one, know my dogs are dog agressive, thats what they are supposed to be. They should not welcome other dogs, that defeats the whole purpose of them being a "guard dog" and "guarding" your property from other dogs, and intruders!

    Well, he lounged at someone through his crate at a show who was approaching without warning as well....

    So to most, he was doing his job, to critics and those who want to start shit, he was a "man eater!" LOL...

    To all other people who Rayna properly introduced to him, he would patiently wait to be petted and would even lean into them for attention. But when you don't tell a BB its "OK", they are going to guard, thats as simple as it is.

    Precious is FINE example of that. She's so much like her daddy. But carries alot of traits of her mother as well. She is very wary, well I won't say wary, but more 'cautious' around strangers, until I give her the release of "OK" or "chill". Once Then, and she sniffs the person out, their her friends. As long as I'm there.

    It takes her a while to warm up to people to trust them enough for them to go wandering "alone" on HER property.
    She still watches VERY cautiously to our best friends.


    Now she has met ppl she jsut flat out will NOT tolorate, and come to find out they were BAD ppl. One was the elec. Man, When i turned my back, she alerted me that he was doing sometihng wrong. And he was, he had slipped into our shop trying to steal shit!!! I told the other man, and kept her at my side, and sure enough, he was rifiling through stuff that he had no business doing.

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