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what happened to my cat?

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by aarons_mommy, Feb 4, 2006.

  1. aarons_mommy

    aarons_mommy New Member

    yesterday my cat jumped up on my moms car after she got home. the car was off when the cat jumped on it. and then i guess she was jumping off the car and my mom heard a bump sound and our cat was lying on the ground in front of the car not moving. anyways, she died and we dont' know why. we're not sure if the cat hit her head on the little brick things on the ground or what. but her head wasn't on them. she's not sure if something happend b4 she jumped off the car or if she got hurt from jumping or slid off the car. the car was wet cause it had started raining.

    it's just so strange that my cat just drops dead like that. the cat was fine that morning. she came in that morning and didnt seem sick or nothing. then that night she was on teh window sill in the back of the house and i heard her meow 3 times. like she does when she wants to come in. then my mom came home and my cat just dies like that? what could've happened?

    it hurts because i feel if i had've let the cat come in when i heard her in the back then maybe she would still be here. i keep blaming myself. and i t hurts because i dont understand how she could just die just like that.

    we had the cat about 11 or 12 years. so i guess she was pretty old. but she seemed fine earlier until she got on the car and all. and jumped off or either fell off. i'm so confused & hurt.
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    she wasn't old....when was her last vet check? It's possible she simply died. Might not have had anything to do with the car - she could possibly have also passed away if you let her in.
    Either way I'm sorry...it is hard to have them pass so unexpectedly like that with no warning. You dn't have a chance to get yourself prepared
    Hugs to you
  3. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    ((((hugs)))) aarons_mommy. I'm so sorry about your kitty. Don't blame yourself. You couldn't possibly have known that would happen. Maybe it was just her time to go. :cry:
  4. vene

    vene New Member

    It's just her time to go. Please don't feel bad. *Hugs*
  5. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi. I am so sorry for your loss. If you feel you really want closure and need to know the cause of death, you can have an autopsy done on your cat. You'll have to call your vet in advance and see and they do this or if they will recommend someone that will. You can then ask for the cost if money is of concern. Again I am so sorry for your loss. It's so hard to lose one of our fur animals. I've been there myself a few times. Hang in there. :(
  6. aarons_mommy

    aarons_mommy New Member

    thanks everyone for the replies

    my mom already buried her though. i just wish i knew what happened. thanks everyone though for your comments.
  7. luna

    luna New Member

    ya know it could have just been your cats time to go... i know its probilby anoying to have everyone tell you it could have happened no matter what.

    do you know if your neibors put rat poison out? your cat could have accidently gotten in their garage and eaten some.

    im sure you kitty will come back to you sooner or later in the form of another cat, it might take awhile, but you could get a cat that acts just like she did.

    sorry for your loss

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