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One of our girls is sick!!!!!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by maggie_001, Feb 6, 2006.

  1. maggie_001

    maggie_001 New Member

    We picked up our 2 puppies tues. after they were spayed, they of coarse were very tired but came through it great, the next day they were running around like nothing, that worried me.....well yesterday one of the puppies was ill, diarrea, laying around......today she won't go near food, I got her to drink a little bit, but then threw it up...all she is doing is laying down no energy at all......we did try and change there food, that they were used to, by incorporating the new food with the old, but the other puppy was fine with it......we are really worried about our lil girl, called the vet, but we haven't seen him yet, have an appt. for next week so don't know if thats why he isn't returning our call.....any suggestions???????
  2. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    I would call the vet back. Or try another vet. I don't think she's sick from the food change. I don't remember how old they are, but I wouldn't wait until next week if it were me.
  3. maggie_001

    maggie_001 New Member

    I called the humane society

    I called the women from the humane society....she said it could be a virus, when I told her that she was throwing up the water I gave her she was worried it was parvo.....OMG parvo, she has had 2 sets of shots, and I have another puppy right here with her they are 12 weeks old.....I tried that vet again, he is a mobile vet, we live out in the country, so thats all thats out here, I left him an urgent message but nothing back so far.....I am so worried
  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Any news yet?
  5. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Oh my, how is your little girl doing?? I hope it isnt parvo,
  6. maggie_001

    maggie_001 New Member

    Our girl is sick!!!!

    We finally talked to a vet and took her right over, they did the parvo test and it came up PARVO.......talked to vet this morning and she is doing better, they said she even wagged her tail...whooooohoooooo, they also said they think she is over the worse....OMG I was so scared.....they will keep her another night and most of the day tommorrow to make sure she is eating a bit before she can come home.......I bleached everything last night, and threw out all the toys, cause I have her sister here, she is doing great, no signs at all..........I pray she is strong enough not to get it.....we are going to visit harley tonight, I can't wait to see her.....we haven't even had them I week and I love them so much.....thanks for all your relplies, you guys are the best....Maggie
  7. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    tatis good news :D :D , have you checked out the "parvo" sticky at the top there are some good links for dogs recovering form Parvo, let us now how she progresses

  8. maggie_001

    maggie_001 New Member

    now our other girl has it

    We played with Bailey all last evening, every thing seemed fine, then when I checked on her this morning there was blood all over.....I took her to the vet this morning....PARVO........I have some good news though I got to bring Harley home this afternoon, but I am worried she was sick on the way home, vomiting.......maybe car sick???? I am hoping...called the vet but haven't heard back yet.....What a way to start off with them.....I have bleached everything again this morning after dropping Bailey off....My nerves on are end, I love my little girls so much, but my heart is breaking, are they going to make it....or not.........please keep them in your thoughts......thanks Maggie
  9. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Oh my, my prayers to Bailey and Harley, for a full recovery I would check with your vet about Halrey possbily staying longer, there have been so many posts here that the pups should have stayed at the vets longer and end up right back at the hospital.

    Please keep us posted
  10. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Yes, there seems to be a lot of relapses with Parvo. I hope your girls feel better soon! Hopefully you have caught it early and they will make a full recovery. For those of you interested in alternatives, here is a post from another board that focuses on classical homeopathy. Homeopathy cures are generally more gentle than those of conventional medicine, but it takes someone who knows what they are doing to use it correctly.

  11. maggie_001

    maggie_001 New Member

    heard from the vet

    Talked to the vet, told him of Harleys trip home....sick....he said that it may well be car sickness we had a long ride home through the mt.s and I had the heat up to keep her warm....he said if she shows any signs, depression, not drinking....vomiting or diarrea, to call him immediately...so far so good, I gave her a bath, after reading in sticky about parvo they said it was best to get the germs out of her hair......she is wagginf her tail and walkinf around but not playful like she was before she was sick, but I guess after all she has been through, I wouldn't be jumping around either....they gave me some dog food in a can it is suppose to be softer on there stomachs.....1 tlbs. a few times today with chicken broth over it....she ate it and so far so good......anyone know what I can use on the wood deck, to clean it???? I washed it good and put lysol disenfectent on the spots where they poohed, it is brand new I hate to put bleach on it.........any ideas?????? thanks so much for all your concern.....and help....you ppl rock!!!!!!!!!
  12. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    glad to hear Harley is doing better, you are right probably form being so sick and then ride home was too much. my one dog turns green on curvy roads. as for bleach, try doing a test spot on your deck with teh bleach, I think that is what you need to use. there is some called I think parvocaid too that is a cleaner.

    I hope someone chimes in here thats been thru parvo, there are a few that used to post but I havent sen them lately. you might try starting a new thread with "Parvo" in it

  13. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    If you dilute the bleach, I don't think it will hurt your deck, but do spot check it first to be sure. Sams posted the dilution ratio in another thread....let me go check...

    She says 1/3 bleach to 2/3 water.

    Did you read the Parvo sticky at the top of this forum? Lots of info in there.

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