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Dog Parks

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by daddyfs, Apr 24, 2004.

  1. daddyfs

    daddyfs New Member

    I have been takin my pup, Jax to the dog park.. he is 8 weeks old.. we rarely go into the big part and stay in an enclosed area.. everythime i go.. people come up to me and say, its good that you bring him out here.. this way he wont be aggressive... is that true?? i know Pits are naturally dog aggressive, but i did see a full grown male pit out there playing with no prob.. granted when Jax gets older i would have to keep a strict eye on him... what are ya thoughts on the Dog Park..??
  2. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    dogs parks are good. it helps them socialise and learn what is acceptable in the doggy world. i know for a fact if i didnt socialise kuma [akita] she would be 'weird'. besides that they have HEAPS of fun! :D
  3. daddyfs

    daddyfs New Member

    i know i like to go jus to see the other dogs
  4. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    I wish we had one near us. Just be carefull taking such a young pup to a dog park he could catch something alot easier. When he is fully vacinated he wont be at such a risk to catch things from other dogs. But other than that I think they are great to socialize dogs.
  5. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Sorry... I don't beleive in dog parks because it's never wise to have dogs that don't know eachother in such an uncontrolable environment... ESPECIALLY APBT's... It might help with puppies at dog parks to socialize them to other dogs so that they don't have mega dog aggression problems...but for adult dogs....I frankly think the idea is a rediculous one and it's asking for trouble....again... As a Pit Bull owner...even if your dog is not a fault...if something were to happen at a dog park (the likelihood is high) the APBT would be on the front page for his "attack"...

    I just don't beleive in dog parks... OB training is a better way to socialize puppies and dogs etc...


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