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Hello Everyone!!! Big decision and I need help!!!

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Michelle & Ruby, Feb 8, 2006.

  1. Michelle & Ruby

    Michelle & Ruby New Member

    I haven't been around for a while........my computer at home was sick and I've been crazy busy at work...but I've been lurking when I have a minute or two.

    I'm sure that I've seen this question posted here before..but...is it true that cats are not the solitary creatures that we have been lead to believe all these years?? Are cats okay by themselves?? I love love love my baby, and we play and play all the time, but I wonder if she's lonely for another kitty's company. She is not like any other cat I've known or owned (who am I kidding, cats own us!), we cuddle together and have a really unique bond, as I'm sure all of us "skins" that are lucky enough to be allowed to live with the "furs" can attest to!!

    I asked my friend Neil if I could babysit his new baby, Simon, for the weekend to see how Ruby would be with this cute little orange whirlwind. Well......Wow!! What a weekend!! Ruby DETESTED the poor little baby! AND, she detested ME TOO! From Friday night to Sunday afternoon (I called Neil in tears to come and collect his sweety!), it was HELL! I thought I merged them slowly well enough I put Simon in a separate room for a few hours with Ruby sniffing (and growling) under the door. I introduced them and almost lost my friggin' arm and ear!! Ruby went NUTS!! She hissed and growled and swatted..............AT ME!!!! She hated Simon too, by the way. We didn't sleep all weekend...Simon did, bless him, but Ruby and I stayed awake, Ruby glaring at Simon, hiding behind the bookcase, ready to pounce. The minute that Simon was gone, Ruby was herself.......all lovey dovey and purring.

    So, does that mean that Ruby Smelly Bum is a solitary kitty? I like it with just her and I, but does she? Should I try again? Is it fair to just have one Poop Machine??

    Thanks for your answers!!

  2. eman

    eman New Member

    i think it depends on the cat. also, sometimes 2 days is not enough to get 2 cats used to each other.
    Max loves other cats very very much. He loves to play with the neighbors cats. and when they leave, he meows very loud, calling them to come back because he is on a leash and cant go with them. he has this long meow that he does when he talks to other cats and they talk back..it is so funny to watch. :mrgreen:
    so..i am thinking of getting another kitty for him to play with. maybe in few months...
    and i have a friend that has a cat that hates cats. and would hiss at any cat that comes close.
    so again..i guess it depends on the cat. every cat is different. :)
  3. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    It definitely depends on the cat. Moe should be an only child, and I was pretty positive of that before I adopted Artemis, but I really wanted to get another cat. She was definitely much happier when she had the house and humans to herself. I love Artemis, but I sometimes wish I hadn't gotten him because of the change in Moe's personality. It's been over a year now and she's finally adjusting to him (he's calmed down a lot since he's almost out of his "kitten-playful" stage). Next time I adopt cats, I think I'll get two that are used to being together.
  4. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    some cats need to be onlies....but if you do introduce a new cat or kitten you need to take the introduction slowly. Cats are territorial creatures and won't readily accept a newcomer.
    I'm always bringing fosters into my house and now that my cats are used to the newcomers coming and going I have little problem - on my cats' part. It's the fosters who need to adjust.
    But putting them together right from the start 99% of the time doesn't work.
  5. Michelle & Ruby

    Michelle & Ruby New Member

    Thanks for the answers everone!

    Eman, your baby sounds like a real little prince! Just the opposite of Ruby...when she sees another cat she growls and hisses. We have a beautiful orange male guy that comes to visit Ruby-Monkey in the summer and he LOVES her, but she gives him a sh_t-kickin' every time he comes close to her!!

    Halaroo, that's my worry too.....changing Ruby's personality. We have a really good thing going here and I'd hate to loose the fun and friendship that we have. And I agree with you, the next time I adopt I will invite two into my home.

    Mary, I admire you soooo much for what you've done for the beautiful cats that you selfishly take into your home. You are one of a kind!! I read your postings and shake my head in awe of what you do. I wish I had your guts!

    The last time my mum came to visit - me by the second day Ruby had taken a short run at her spitting and growling.......scared the poop out of mum, and me too!!! So I think it'll just be me and Ruby together for now.

    Thanks for all of your thoughts.

  6. tuttifrutti

    tuttifrutti New Member

    My kitty is very happy being an only-kitty. She wants to rule the house, lol. We pet-sat our friends 4 or 5 week old kitten (they found it in they're boat, and someone else saw the mom hit by a car) and Gracie was fine if the other kitty was in a carrier, but God-forbid that they kitten come out of the carrier, lol. Gracie has only ever let one other cat near her, and that was quite odd, but we don't know what happened to that cat. Any other kitty trying to come in our yard or the yards of the neighbors on either side of us who don't have cats had better run. Gracie will come and find you, lol.
  7. luna

    luna New Member

    i think some cats are oneies and some cats love company. buster couldnt care less if he had company or not as long as they let him sleep when he wants! :lol: shadow on the other hand is a oneie. i got her second but she gets so jelous of buster when i give him attention. and busters gotten so that he doesn't go in my room if shadow is up there and im not. i guess hes tired of being attacked by shadow, my poor old man kitty!
  8. charbama

    charbama New Member

    Usually it is easier if you bring a kitten or younger cat into a new home. Try keeping them in separate rooms and let them sniff at the door at each other. You can also try rubbing them with towels or blankets and then put the towels or blankets in with the other cat so they can get used to their scent. Then let them spend some time brief time together without bothering them too much. They will kind of fight it out until one of them establishes dominance. Once they decide who is going to be King or Queen then they will usually adjust but sometimes it takes awhile.

    I got a kitten when I had a 15 year old and was nervous. Slider the older one, beat the crap out of Smitten a couple of times and would hiss and growl at her. But after a couple of weeks, they would chase each other around the house and play. When Slider got tired of playing he would go off to sleep and growl at her so she would leave him alone. Then they started sleeping together and Smitten would use Slider as a pillow. It was very cute. It just takes a little time. I have also heard it is better to get one male and one female. Although I had two males that worshipped each other that were 7 years apart.
  9. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Sounds to me like Ruby prefers to be an only child, and since we all know how spoiled she is I'm not suprised :mrgreen: If you decide to try again you should probably use a little more time on the intro. Good luck girl :D
  10. shnen

    shnen New Member

    When we got our second cat it took MONTHS for them to adjust - the one we already had had a really hard time with it, but now - even tho they still fight and have their moments, I think they'd be lonely without one another.

    I found catnip helped a lot ;) along with lots of attention for both cats, ensuring that noone was being replaced or was a favourite.

    Good luck if you try again!
  11. vene

    vene New Member

    Most kitties do fine being an only child. They will adjust too if you introduce a newbie gradually. We've always done cold turkey in our house and it has always been Pumpkin that takes the longest to welcome any newbies. She'd hiss, growl, pout, and be bad tempered for a long time. She always bounces back to her old normal self. The key is to give each kitty individual attention. I equate cats with toddlers. They really have the same personalities.

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