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I have a new kitten

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by MyCatChaos, Feb 9, 2006.

  1. MyCatChaos

    MyCatChaos New Member

    Ive had chaos since he was 4 weeks old and he is now 1 1/2 years old. Hes always been alone and I just got a kitten 2 weeks ago so he would have some company while im at work. Well, he isnt too happy with the new kitten. He is hurting her. I had to put them in seperate rooms. Im going to give the kitten away but first I have a question. Do you think the kitten will be upset? I feel so bad bringing her into a new home an making her feel welcome and then im just going to give her away and throw her right into a new home with new people. Is that something that would make her sad, or traumitize her? I dont want to just uproot her again and make her sad that she left her new house. Do kittens have feelings like people? Will she feel unloved and unwanted if I give her away?
  2. TabbyLover

    TabbyLover New Member

    My Ninja had at least two homes before ours. (He was still an itty bitty kitten when we got him, but we're not sure how old)

    My good friend's sister's daughter's pre-school teacher (say that three times fast! :roll: :lol: ) had her mother moving in with a dog, so she gave Ninja to my good friend's sister's son. Unfortunately, the sister turned out to be allergic - her hands were puffing up!!

    He has never been anything but a happy, well-adjusted cat, so I wouldn't worry about it. Maybe everything happens for a reason and Ninja was MEANT to be with us! :)


    what, me worry?
  3. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    You need to take the introduction of a new cat slowly. I waited 2 weeks before allowing my kitten to roam free, aside from the occasional glimpse through a slightly open door.

    It's not too late to start the introduction process over again. Just make sure that Chaos knows that he's still your "number 1" cat. When I introduced Artemis (kitten) to Moe, I praised and pet Moe the whole time and basically ignored Artemis. Aside from the occasional hiss from Moe things went really smoothly - and she's a very aggressive and territorial cat!

    From an article I found: (http://absolutelycats.tripod.com/22Bringing.html)
    Personally, I think you should try again before giving the kitten away. But, if you do decide that re-homing her is best, she'll probably adjust since she's still young.
  4. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I agree with halaroo...start over but go slowly. It's not the kitten's fault.
    My sister took in a pregnant stray cat this summer and after getting Buffy spayed and vaccinated she finally let Buffy and her existing cat meet. Yeah it was a bit rough at first but now they act like they've been together for years and it's 2 females.
    When they got to growling hissing at each other my sister would separate them putting Buffy into her isolation room. She'd try again a few hours later and if all went well they got treats, if all didn't go well she put Buffy back into her room. In the evening she'd put Spanky (the existing cat) into Buffy's room and let Buffy have the run of the house - that way Spanky was getting used to Buffy's smell.
    Give it another try....with some time you might be able to make it work.
  5. MyCatChaos

    MyCatChaos New Member

    That is one cute cat. My chaos is adorable. Hes orange and white. If I knew how to put up a picutre I would.
    I did introduce them slowly, (maybe it wasnt slow enough, I did it over a week and a half time Just within the last 4 days ive put her in the whole house) but he still wants to hurt her, and he hates me even though I try to give him alot of attention. He started to be a little friendlier with me now but he will still try to hurt the kitten (topaz) if he sees her. So I have to lock her up again and I feel bad for doing this. Chaos just doesnt seem to want to be friendly with her, but if you knew him he is the most loving thing in the world. I think he thinks hes a dog!! ha ha, he begs for food rolls over for me to bet him, waits at the door for me to get home from work and sits in the bathroom with me. Hes such a funny thing. Thank you for your advice. Now one more question.
    Can you give me advice on how to use this site? Ha ha :roll: I found it by accident by seaching the net for info on cats and thought it was really neat. Its always fun to be able to discuss your cats with other people and share advice and experiences but I have no clue how to use it. Stupid I know :D Well thanks again!!
  6. Shedevil677

    Shedevil677 New Member

    I introduced Midget to my older cat Cosmo about 6 months ago, it was very messy, there was a few swipes made by cossie, and alot of hissing. I'm not sure of your circumstances, but what i did was, during the day while at work i let Comso outside and left Midget inside, then at night i would watch them constantly, using some water spray when things got heated, and even separating them occassionally.

    To be honest, (i don't know if this is the best way to do it) but i kinda let them sort it out, under my supervision, making sure they knew that i was watching, when one would hurt the other they would look at me instantly as if to see what i was going to do.

    Cosmo and i had a routine each morning together while getting ready for work, and Midget disrupted that alot, but as halaroo said, i constantly picked up Cosmo and cuddled him alot to show Midget that Cosmo is number 1.

    My relationship with Cosmo has never been the same, and i get real upset about it sometimes, but as a member on this forum said to me at the beginning it sometimes takes them up to 1 year to settle down.

    I hope i've helped a little, trust me, having two cats is the best decision i ever made!

    As for using the forum, you seem to be doing a great job so far. However there is a forum called 'General Topics and Support Issues' which you'll find that other people have already asked the questions for you! Thats where i learnt what little i know...lol

    Best of Luck with your new member.

  7. Shedevil677

    Shedevil677 New Member

    I would just like to add to my previous post, look at my babies now!


  8. MyCatChaos

    MyCatChaos New Member

    Very Very cute cats! My new kitten looks something like the one on the left of your picture. As soon as I can figure out how to post a picture on here Ill put mine up!!

    Thats one thing im worried about though, is chaos not ever being the same with me again. I wouldnt be able to get over that. I raised him since he was 4 weeks old. When I first got him he was blind and almost dead. But the vet gave me lots of medicine and bottles for him and he turned out to be the most loving kitty in the world. And the cold he had must have gotten into his eyes or something to make him blind because when I gave him all his medicines he could see again!!! Hes my miracle kitty (i named him halo at first for an angel because he lived through all that but I had to change his name to chaos once he got better and started to show his true colors :D I havent made my decision yet as to weather or not im giving her away but its still an option. I know I need to do it soon if im doing it though, while she is still a kitten.

    Thanks for the advice.
  9. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Oops. I didn't see this thread until after I posted on your other thread asking about your kitty.

    Hope it all works out for you. It is a hard decision to make. Every kitty has their own personality and it's hard to know how they are going to take to each other. Adult cats do seem to accept kittens better than another adult cat, though, so you have that going for you.

    You haven't had the kitten too long so maybe it will just take more time.

    Best of luck. Keep us posted on what you decide.

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