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My girls have parvo

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by maggie_001, Feb 9, 2006.

  1. maggie_001

    maggie_001 New Member

    I justt adopted 2 puppies last week....one came down with parvo sat. the other one this morning.....I brought the first one home as I was taking the other in.........I need all the info. I can get on this terrible thing.....I would love to hear from ppl thats dogs have been through this, and how they are doing now, and any advice would be appreciated.....thanks Maggie
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    I am so sorry to hear about the little ones, You must be a nervous wreck.
    I have added some links for you i do not know if they will be of any use to you but i hope they give you a better insight on this nasty virus.




    http://www.veterinarypartner.com/Conten ... &C=0&A=583

    Our Experience Fighting Parvo

    One of the most dreaded diseases for puppies, and we went through it. Our 4 month old Rhodesian Ridgeback puppy, Shando, has survived. While we were taking care of our sick puppy, we realized there is so little good information out there to help someone through such an ordeal. Don't give up!

    Because of the lack of information on the web, we decided to tell our story. You can read our experiences, from the moment of detection to the day we knew for sure Shando was a survivor.

    The following is a time line account of our experience. What we have listed here is directly from our "patient" log and only shows what worked for us. You may not have the same success we did with the same items. This information is not to take the place of you consulting with your vet if you suspect your puppy has Parvo. We have printed this up only to show you what you may expect to happen.

    The above info and more can be found at.

    Hope these help.

  3. maggie_001

    maggie_001 New Member

    Thanks so much for the info.

    Thanks so much for the info. Parvo is a horrible disease, so glad your little one made it and is doing great, Harley is doing so much better this morning, she is so hungry, I feed her the food the vet gave me with chicken broth over it, she loved it and is standing near the sink wanting more, but I want it to settle before I give more....I am hoping she has been through the worse, Bailey is still at the vet, I will call and check on her in a bit, I hope she had a good night........will keep you informed...thanks again
  4. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Wow, Mike that story of shandra is amazing and what was done to help her get over parvo
  5. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi everyone sorry maybe i should have stated clearly i get that info off the website below it.

    This has not happened to me hope i clear this up.

    But it was a great story i have to admit.

  6. maggie_001

    maggie_001 New Member

    Our girls have parvo

    Well we brought home Bailey yesterday, late afternoon, by 6, she was vomiting and had diarrea, called the vet, she said can't do anything about it right then...WTH????? I knew it was to soon to bring her home, well this morning there is so much blood in her stool.........Will harley get it again now??????? I have had them a week and 5 of those days have been just aweful.....I am not a wealthy woman, and I know when you adopt a pet you have to be financially prepared to help them while they are sick, but this is breaking me, you would think the humane society would take some responsibility for it.........I cannot afford much more......
  7. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Here in the uk the animals are vaccinated, wormed, spayed and neutered. They are also vet checked before leaving to there new homes this is to make sure they are healthy.

    These pups could have already had the virus and the stress of a new home could have caused it to surface quicker.

    Usually once a dog has had the virus and made a full recovery they do not usually get it back, It stays in the system but does not cause any problems as they now have the antibodies, But i would ask you vet just to be safe.

    You would think the vet would want to see her back again, As quick treatment results in better odds.

    Please let us know how things go, Got you all in my thoughts..
  8. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I would contact the HS and see if ther eis any recourse for monetary re-imbusrsemtn, I think a few do.

    I know you said you were rural, but do you another vet you can contact? And mayb ethey can get you a course of treatment you can continue a home?
  9. maggie_001

    maggie_001 New Member

    Our girls have parvo

    I took Bailey back to the vet this afternoon, she vomitted up blood, on the way.......the vet said he would try again to see if we can get her going again......I bleached everything again, I just hope harley doesn't get it again, she is just came home on wed. from the vets.......she is on her last bit of prescription dog food, will be startting regular food tonight, I have my fingers crossed......
    The vet did check them out and they were spayed a week ago tues. they have had 2 sets of shots including the parvo, before we brought them home........I can't figure out how this could of happened.......
    I called th HS and haven't heard back from them, as of yet, I feel they need to help with these vet bills......Thanks for your thoughts and prayers...Maggie
  10. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    As for going back on their regular food, make sure you give tiny amounts, because in her condition it may upset her stomach even further, Ask your vet also about giving pedialite, I have read that here, popele have given it for parvo dogs since they become so dehyatred, it helps get their electrolytes up

    prayers to baily and Harley
  11. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    get you some Nutrical as well. Just to be on the safe side. It'll get their calories up a bit, and help the body recoup. Parvo is VERY deadly. If for ANY reason they don't look so good, take them back to the Vets right away. Sounds to me like your vet really doesn't want to help. I know about living rural. I live in the sticks if that tells ya anything. Find another one. SOme country vets don't realize how much pets really mean to ppl. They have the mentality that a farm dog is a farm dog is a farm dog.... they live they die, thats that.... Unfortunately, thats not the way it is in the real world and those vets should have their licences revoked.
  12. Karl

    Karl New Member

    re:your exp with parvo

    Sorry to hear about your dog... I recently lost a puppy to parvo, Its a horrible thing to go through. The only advice i can give is that I recommend the Vet treatment (my vet used TheriFlu and Fluids). Some Vets dont want to help you at all, guess we got lucky in our vet being great although our puppy didnt make it. My stor is posted on hear and you've probably read it. It was a horrible emotional rollercoaster, but on the positive side, we got a new puppy (aftrer bleaching the house and the yard). I hope your puppy has much better luck. I got all my info from the websites people recommended and by doing searches on the net. The funny thing was after spending a few hours of research my vet (a good one) really couldnt tell me any more than i already knew. Good Luck And keep us posted!
  13. maggie_001

    maggie_001 New Member

    Our girls have parvo

    Well harley is thriving getting better everyday, we are so happy with that...Bailey on the other hand isn't doing so good, the vet said she isn't responding, but wagging her tail. I think the minute she waggs her tail the vet thinks she can come home, I told her I am not bringing Bailey home till she is better, I cannot take this up and down, it is so hard to get hopes up and have them knocked down, plus I don't want harley around her till I know that she is better.....I agree with vets thinking a farm dog is a farm dog......well not all but the ones out here do...........and they send them home to soon... Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers
  14. kismet

    kismet New Member

    Re: Our girls have parvo

    The antigens from the mother's milk may have prevented the parvo vaccine from taking effect . Sometimes a vet will split one dose into two, the vaccine can be " watered" down from the manufacturer, or the puppies may have had a latent strain of it already in them and the vaccine just brought it out.

    Never heard of bringing a vomiting puppy with pavo home because this type of thing can just get all the more entrenched.

    Dr. W.O. Belfield, DVM uses vitamin C intravenously. Recovery within 48 hours." 2 grams( yes that is correct, he tried less and said it didn't work) of Vitamin C for every pound( yes, that's correct) of body weight along with medications and fluids to offset vomiting and dehydration. The animal starts to show signs of recovery. the vomiting subsides . there is still some diarrhea but it is no longer bloody. During the next 48 hours a multimineral tablet and protein concentrate is given along with vitamin C. This helps to strengthen the dog who, up until now, has not touched any food. Around the fourth day the appetite returns and he animal becomes livelier ,. In five days the animal is sent home" Recovered.

    Dr. Belfield is a graduate of Tuskegee Institute of Veterinary Medicine, now in private practice in San Jose, California. ...

    A testimonial:

    My 6 month old english setter was near dead with parvo virus when I took him to the vet. The vet wanted to put him in isolation and give him IV's and try to save him. (I knew I would spend hundrends of dollars at the vet and he would probably still die. So I told her that I was a nurse, just teach me what to do. I learned how to put IV fluids under his skin (he looked like a camel) and I gave him his colloidal silver by mouth. I syringed it into his mouth and he could hardly swallow. I gave him a ounce every hour on the hour.
    The doctor told me she thought he would be dead by morning.
    Well, within a day he was like a new dog. He started drinking water with a pinch of sea salt and sugar to replace electrolytes. I fed him chicken soup with lots of veggies.
    I must say that he survived and is thriving now. We were buddies before, but when you look into your dying dogs eyes and help him to survive with your care, it really bonds you even more than before. Annon.

    You can get colloidal silver from a health food store. Look for 10ppm strength, that's 10 parts per million, anything less is watered down. Don't use metal to dose it out because it absorbs the properties of the metal.

    Another testimonial:

    Subject: Very sick doberman pinscher puppy saved from certain death
    Name: Connie
    From: St. Louis / United States
    Email address: skysmom1122000@yahoo.com
    Five years ago my husband got me a doberman pinscher puppy for our anniversary. The "breeders" made us take him early, only 4 weeks old. He had fleas really bad. His head was too big for his body, he had worms,...he was pathetic. I loved him though but I was angry at the people for calling themselves breeders. We named him Lexington because he was so small, my husband thought he might try to live up to the big name and grow a lot.

    He didn't though, he's still small for his breed and I think his head still looks a little misproportioned. When Lexington was about 3 months old he got very sick. He couldn't keep anything down, and was going out both ends at the same time. I started feeding him electrolyte drink through a straw because I was afraid he'd dehydrate. His problem persisted and then there was blood and it was very scary. We took him to a vet that said very bluntly and rudely, "I can do a test but I don't need to, your puppy has parvo virus and is going to die. You need to let me put him to sleep." I told him he was out of mind and we left. We took him to another vet and she said "no, he doesn't have parvo, he has worms." She gave him a wormer and he got worse. He almost died in my arms that next night. I had stayed by his side night and day for 3 days, feeding him the electroyte drink. We finally rushed him to a vet hospital at 3 am that night and he was diagnosed with parvo virus. They injected some fluids under his fur, he looked like a camel.

    They sent us home to wait it out. They said if it wasn't for that electrolyte drink, he would have been dead and they were extremely surprised to see him alive considering most animals die within 24 hours of having this virus. And that the wormer medicine only worsened his condition, dehydration wise. The next day he was up and trying to play. He was weak though. Within a week after that, you wouldn't have known he was ever sick. He is healthy and happy and ALIVE. I hope most people don't accept everything their vets say as the gospel. It is things like that experience that make me not trust doctors. These kinds of things started my research and made me realize that we as individuals are responsible for our health, not doctors. Had I trusted that vet, I would have lost my best friend, and all the memories we have gained in the 5 years since then.

    From another site:

    Subject: Tamiflu the drug for
    PARVO! I just tried it and it works!

    I just had the opportunity to experiment for the first time with Tamiflu for the treatment of Parvo. The subject is an 8 week old
    redbone puppy who was diagnosed on Monday evening. She
    presented with vomiting (several times) and was quite weak and lethargic. She was given the first dose orally
    Monday night. Tuesday, at around 12 noon an IV catheter
    was placed and she was given supportive IV fluids,
    along with some IV antibiotics and anti-emetics for good
    measure. She never did vomit after the first Tamiflu
    dose, and she only had ONE minor blowout with diarrhea
    on Tuesday morning. By Wednesday morning, we decided to
    give her water and a small amount of science diet I/D
    (bland diet)to see if she could keep it down. She did!
    Her next BM came this evening and it was for the most
    part, very solid and not bloody. Within 36 hours of the
    first Tamiflu dose she was up and running around and
    was wanting to play. 48 hours from the first dose, she
    is almost back to her old self. I couldn't believe it.
    All ofthe studies I have read suggest that one can get
    away with subcutaneous fluids and oral antibiotics
    along with the Tamiflu. I chose not to do this with her
    only because I wasn't ready to experiment that much.
    But I am amazed at the super quick turn around she has
    made and am VERYencouraged by what I have seen with
    this drug.

    This is available from vets and over the Internet. She doesn't say what the strength was, so that would have to be worked out.
  15. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    I hope the puppies come out ok

    Interesting post. I have used colloidal silver on myself for years. First time I tried it was when I had a sever bone infection in my upper jaw. The infection went away in one week when normal antibiotics did nothing for 3 weeks. Saving me from a painful and possibly fatal infection.

    Colloidal silver should come in a glass container and be slightly yellowed. Plastic containers change the ionazation of the water and negate the silver's abilities.
    Pharmacuticals have long discounted the claims of colloidal silver and have often pushed to have it removed from market. One man claims to have been cured of AIDS by using colloidal silver.
  16. kismet

    kismet New Member

    For those wanting more info on colloidal silver:

    http://www.alternative-health-news.com/ ... s/pets.asp


    As for it having to be yellow in colour, as mentioned in the link below, older products were either brown or yellow, had more silver but were less effective in killing pathogens :

    http://www.jmccanneyscience.com/SuperSi ... ubPage.HTM

    According to studies, there is no virus or bacteria it can\'t kill, while leaving the friendly bacteria( such as those in the intestinal tract) alone. It has been used for all manner of bacterial and viral infections as well as felline leukemia, malaria, and the herpes complex. It can be given orally, used as eyedrops and nasal spray. According to the various manufacturers of this product it is safe to use on pets, however, anything less than 10ppm strength has been watered down and is less effective. And it comes in a dark coloured bottle- sometimes brown, or blue. It is now being considered the new miracle miracle worker.
  17. kismet

    kismet New Member

    For those wanting more info on colloidal silver:

    http://www.alternative-health-news.com/ ... s/pets.asp


    As for it having to be yellow in colour, as mentioned in the link below, older products were either brown or yellow, had more silver but were less effective in killing pathogens :

    http://www.jmccanneyscience.com/SuperSi ... ubPage.HTM

    According to studies, there is no virus or bacteria it cannot kill, while leaving the friendly bacteria( such as those in the intestinal tract) alone. It has been used for all manner of bacterial and viral infections as well as felline leukemia, malaria, and the herpes complex. It can be given orally, used as eyedrops and nasal spray. According to the various manufacturers of this product it is safe to use on pets, however, anything less than 10ppm strength has been watered down and is less effective. And it comes in a dark coloured bottle- sometimes brown, or blue.
  18. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Maggie, how are your pups? Is Baily still at teh vet??
  19. maggie_001

    maggie_001 New Member

    Our girls have parvo

    Yes, bailey is still at the vets, nothing has changed, no better no worse.....I don't know what to think.........Harley is doing great, back to his little puppy ways, thank goodness.....
  20. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    glad to hear Harley is still doing okay and haopefully Bailey comes home soon

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