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Pom Scratchs at the Carpet

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by zoe282, Feb 13, 2006.

  1. zoe282

    zoe282 New Member

    Tinkerbell is a 3 pound, year old Pom. She does this ODD thing....She will scratch her front paws either towards a person or a toy - Like a cat would after it uses a literbox. I have NO idea what this means? Someone told me it is her asserting herself, but that doesn't make much sense...

    Tink's Mom
  2. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    My Mom's female does that too. We say she is "fluffing up" the carpet lol.
  3. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    What is her body posture when she does this? Is she facing the person or toy, and is her back end up, and her front end down with her paws out in front of her? If that's what she's doing, she's playing. Or more accurately, she's soliciting play. It's called a play bow, and if she did it to another dog, they'd bow back, and the game would be on. If she's pawing and backing away, she wants to play a chase-me game. If she's coming forward when she does it, she's saying "I'm gonna get you".

    If she's facing away, with her butt toward you, it's probably a signature. Like you were told, she's asserting herself. She's using the pads of her feet to put her scent down, and saying "I was here. This is my space." They usually do this with their back feet, but I've seen some dogs do it with all four or just the front.
  4. zoe282

    zoe282 New Member

    attention getting dog scratches feet

    She does it facing forward and will do it when she wants me to get something for her when she hides something, or even if i am just sitting down and she wants attention. She scratches all 4 feet somehow in a backward motion in a very abrupt manner. it's a funny move. Since she does it at all different occasions, I just wasn't sure what she was trying to tell me. It could be she just wants attention.
  5. zoe282

    zoe282 New Member

    dog scratches at carpet

    She does it facing forward and will do it when she wants me to get something for her when she hides something, or even if i am just sitting down and she wants attention. She scratches all 4 feet somehow in a backward motion in a very abrupt manner. it's a funny move. Since she does it at all different occasions, I just wasn't sure what she was trying to tell me. It could be she just wants attention.

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