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Training photos of the girls

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, Feb 15, 2006.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Well I finally got my sis to take some photos today. Not exactly what I wanted and some I had to 'stage" to keep a pose, but here's some. They touch my hand with their nose. When they do, I praise! I also use small chunks of meat as treats. I use positive reinforcement only! I will use the prong collar to get their attention with a light "pop". This should NOT be used to 'drag your dog" you should NOT use it as a choking device. it should have NO pressure on it unless there's a need in which case you firmly 'pop' your leash to apply pressure with the prongs. Anyone wanting to use one, please see a trainer on how to PROPERLY use them! The prongs should always be facing upward. they should be blunt and not sharp!
    Precious with prong collar in watch:

    Precious sit:

    Precious in down command: (actually did it immediately!)

    Kabuki in a sit: She has the prong collar on, but not using it. Most of her training, I leave collar and leash on, but I'm not at the other end. She's on her own.
    Kabuki going in to a down:

    Kabuki coming into my side with heel command off leash. I got a BIG handful of slobber off this one! LOL.. she LOVES to lick my hands. I think she smells the treats and thinks she can lick the crumbs off! LOL :roll: :

    High 5!

    Big hugs! And a face full of slime!

    Amanda (sister) with buki on back porch!
  2. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    Cool pics and now I can actually see how big the girls are. They have a decieving appearance in your other photos like they are a medium build even though you state they are 100+ pounds they always looked like 60 to 70 pounds to me. But now I can clearly see they are mich larger. People always see my boys pics and think Giant dogs but they are just around 70 to 80 pounds.

    Also, umm, send sister to California!
  3. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Thanks. They are huge. I have to agree with you that they look MUCH smaller in pics than in real life. Especailly Precious.

    Amanda has a boyfriend. LOL. She appreciates the intrest though!
  4. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    Nice pics.

    People do need to know more about using prong collars though. The proper way to fit a prong is: To sit right behind the ears and up under the jaw line. Most people don't remove enough links to get the correct snug fit. When that happens the collar hangs down on the dogs neck which results in the collar not working the way that it was designed.
  5. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Yeah. Kabuki's collar is new. I haven't taken the links out. It will snug up on her though. So i wasn't too concerned with it. When I'm using it. we keep it in the correct position.

    those links are hard to remove! I can't do it. Granvel's going to have to. I took one apart at the store, looking at it. And couldn't get it back together :shock: !
  6. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    LOL Yes they are hard to take apart. Take them apart from the MIDDLE. Pinch in hard and you will get it apart. Fit the dog once and keep it that size.
    Again, re-inforce with a choke chain for double safety.
    Looks like the dogs are enjoying their training sessions!
    Have fun!
  7. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Oh they do! We use all positive reenfocement. We try to make it more of play time than anything. They LOVE to play, so we make training into a game. Its serious, but we keep it fun.

    They know the rules, and usually do not break them. We don't give them a chance to act badly. Usually we can predict when something is going to happen, like if they want to run, or gonna jump on you, and we quickly change their minds by incorporating a diffrent trick or command.
  8. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Sam as always great pics :D
    I agree you can now actually see the true size of your dogs.
    they are absolutely lovely.

  9. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    I'm JEALOUS! Looks like very nice weather you are having to enjoy time with your dogs!!!
    LUCKY YOU!!!
  10. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Huh.. yeah. Was 80 that day. Today... its 31 degree's and raining!!! UGH!!! Nasty nasty nasty!

    Thats Texas though! If you don't like the weather. just wait a few minutes and it'll change. Only in Texas can you go from swimming one day and sunbathing. To wearing long johns, and coveralls. hovering by the heater!
  11. tuttifrutti

    tuttifrutti New Member

    I know! I was out playing with Ranger and Snickers in shorts on thursday because it was 80 degrees. I came inside because we were all getting hot, and then literally 20 minutes later i went outside and it was freezing! And the poor dogs were still wet from when I hosed them off.

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