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Help with Shih poo puppy

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by lkitchings, Feb 8, 2006.

  1. lkitchings

    lkitchings New Member

    I have a shih poo puppy that is now 14 weeks old. She is really good about going to the bathroom outside as long as we take her VERY often. We give her a treat after every time. My vet said that at 16 weeks, she would be able to be trained. Any advice on how to do this? I work three days a week so she is in her play area from 7:00 - 2:30. She will urinate on the paper but does not poop until I get home. She is fine in her crate at night. Also, what is the best way to teach a dog to "stay". I have had two previous dogs (a different breed) and neither one ever learned to "stay".

    Also, can someone tell me the temperment of this type of dog? I have heard they are sweet, etc. but nothing much else. I want her to be my "lap" dog and go everywhere with me. Any suggestions or advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    I would continue doing as you are. While you are at work leave her in the pen with the paper because she won't be able to hold it for 7 1/2 hrs. When you are home with her remove the papers and take her outside frequently. Be sure to praise her the second she finishes going outside, offering treats is fine but use the praise to mark her correct behavior.

    To teach stay, have her sit in front of you...say "stay" first and then use your hand like a stop sign in front of her. Take a tiny step backwards, then forward back to where you were and say "OK" (or another release word of your choice)in a happy tone, praise her and offer her a treat as long as she did'nt move. If she does move without you giving the release word don't repeat the cue, instead use your body to herd her back into a sit and try again. Keep the training sessions short and fun. Once she masters staying with you only taking a tiny step back you can begin taking a tiny step to the side, then 2 steps back, 2 to the right, left, dance around a little, turn your back to her, ect. Gradually work your way to further distances from her. Practice with her sitting, standing and lying down. Practice in a variety of locations begining in low distraction areas such as in the house and yard before moving on to higher distraction areas. Slowly fade out the treats once she is reliable about 80% of the time.

    I don't have any experience with shih-poos but I have a toy poodle, he is very sweet but also a very nervous/anxious little boy. He's definately a lap dog. Three of my family memebrs have shih tzus that have wonderful personalities.
  3. myshihpoo

    myshihpoo New Member

    Hi There, and Welcome!

    I have two shihpoos... one is 2 1/2 years old and the puppy is going to be 5 months old. What would you like to know about this mix? I can tell ya anything... lol... cuz I just LOVE LOVE LOVE their personalities! :) They are DEFINITELY lap dogs!!! Very loving and friendly! A bundle of energy too...They also have a great coat that is perfect for people with allergies (ME!!) and for those who don't like to find dog hair all over because they don't shed (well, they do a LITTLE! but nothingggg like dogs w/fur).

    Can you post pics of your little shihpoo puppy? I am going to post some pics of Baxter (the puppy) so check him out too! :)
  4. doglover1234

    doglover1234 New Member

    Ive never had a shipoo but its been my experience with my toy dogs. If you want them to be a lap dog and go every where with you. Just take them ! Lol and thats not a smart answer. My pom who just passed, at first hated being in the car, but after a few rides she loved it and would ride in my lap, I couldent get out the door without her jumping on the couch next to it begging to go. I think as long as you involve her in the activites you want them in they will catch on. Now the lap dog part, my first pom I got to be my little lap dog was not a cuddling type of dog. It was always when she wanted love. My shephard pup is the same way. But for the most parts, dogs crave human attention and want nothing but that from you most of the time, until its time to eat !
  5. lkitchings

    lkitchings New Member

    thanks for answering me

    I appreciate you answering my message. My pup, Daisy, went for her 15 week check up yesterday and did great. She now weighs 6 pounds. Vet thought she might get around 10 lbs. She has a hernia that will need to be fixed at 6 months and I think he might open up her nostrils a little so she can breathe easier. She seems to "snort" an awful lot - like she has trouble breathing. Have you or anyone else had this problem? Keep me posted on any good advice. thanks
  6. myshihpoo

    myshihpoo New Member

    HI there! I need to go back and see how much Bailey weighed at certain ages... Bailey topples the scales at 15 lbs (altho he's gotten chunky lately with the puppy food around the house, so he is a little more at the moment) Baxter is 5 months and weighs about 3.5 lbs (last time weighed was 2 weeks ago). He'll definitely be smaller! :)

    I have never heard of opening the nostrils up like that. Hmmm. Bailey's snout is much more "poodle" (yeah!)... Baxter has a small one. He sometimes "reverse" sneezes, but nothing major.

    Good luck! Will you be sharing pics of your puppy, Daisy?? :)

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