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I haven't said anything cause I'm not sure it'll happen but

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Mary_NH, Apr 24, 2004.

  1. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    as many of you know I have a 10 yr. old GSD who is white....Sadie.

    Browing through the shelter's website I found what I MUST HAVE....it's destiny (which I strongly believe in) - but my hubby only wants one dog at a time. I've pulled every trick in the book (except withholding his meds) and I'm running out of ideas. Tomorrow I'm taking my Sadie down to meet what I want...to see how well they hit it off.

    But look....I'm so in love. It is truly destiny calling. I have Sadie the White and look look this is a 6 mos. old GSD SADIE. It's amazing. Truly destiny - imagine Sadie the White with Sadie the Black.

  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    OMG look at those eye and ears :lol: glad to here you are going for it! hope they get along and hubby is probably another thread discussion :mrgreen:

  3. BulldogMomma

    BulldogMomma New Member

    Oh my goodness! How could your husband say no that beautiful dog!
    My dog's mom had another litter about 6 weeks ago and we made the mistake of looking at them. They look like little fat potatoes with short wrinkly legs...sooo adorable! My husband said no way...only one dog at a time.
    It is a good idea to take your dog over and visit to see how well they get along. Of course a pup is gonna get along with any dog, but it will be interesting to see how your dog handles it.
    Could you take a video camera to record the meeting, then show your husband?
    Good luck! I will be thinking of you!
  4. dogangel

    dogangel New Member

    :-({|= Yeah,......right, uhuh... whatever...
    Mary, this is what my husband said when I showed him another GSD when we already had Mussie (my little GSD girl), and the two dachsies. We brought the next GSD home...and guess what happened??? Exactly. We now have six dogs!!!
    Just go ahead and bring the baby girl home. I promise you will see a change in your hubby's attitude within minutes. So I wouldn't worry about him. I would worry about how the first Sadie would react to the new girl??
    Make sure as you said they meet on a neutral territory first. I wish you very much good luck!!! This little precious baby is soooo adorable!!!
  5. nern

    nern New Member

    Good luck Mary...she's a beauty. :wink:
  6. moose

    moose New Member

    beautiful dog! don't know what sort of shelter yours is, but what i tell adopters at the one i work at is with every adoption, they're actually adopting 2 dogs/cats. they take one home with them, but that opens up a spot for the next one who needs a spot in the shelter. it's a nice little anecdote, but one that could easily be turned around as yet another little NUDGE for your hubby! :wink:
  7. ZenasMom

    ZenasMom New Member

    Very Beautiful!!! GOOD LUCK!!!! :y_the_best:
  8. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Who could resist that face. She is beautiful. I grew up with G.S. I love their look. I think that with a few minutes of 2nd sadie meeting pops he will be doing the little goo goo talk with her and in love.
  9. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    throw a tantrum!!!! :lol: that just might work!
  10. Oh Mary! that is one beautiful dog!!! You might want to tell Hubby that it would be good company for Sadie, that's what I did when i got Freebie. And they get along so well together, can't imagine not having him now. Having two dogs are a good idea (in my opinion) they wear each other out! and that's a good thing :D

    Good luck! I hope you get to bring him home...keep us posted

  11. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    They would be a perfect pair! I am sure hubby would love her. I am the other way around I only wanted one dog but my hubby kept bringing them home and I couldent love my THREE little doggies more!!! Good luck and I hope he caves in!
  12. indica

    indica New Member

    i think it could happen i have a dog that looks exactly like that but all chocolate brown colours not black. when she was a puppy i would go pick her up from the yard she was at and bring her over to my husband every time we walked by it. and eventually he started to get attached. now i have her and he just loves having her. he thinks she is the best pet that we own.
    well good luck.
  13. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Good luck Mary! That dog has "your love" written alllllll over it :kiss_puppy: hehe
  14. EmmesMom

    EmmesMom New Member

    It depends on how your dh is, but I know when my dh will give in and when he will NEVER give in!! Throw a fit OR withhold something if you get my drift!! :p
  15. Lesleyanne

    Lesleyanne New Member

    :D Try telling husband that a younger dog gives the older dog a new lease of life! Hope the dogs get on well together and good luck|

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