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I have a confession

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by susan_cude@hotmail.com, Apr 23, 2004.

  1. I know that you all thought that Casey has been spayed for awhile now, the truth is: she just got spayed today. I had to convince my Husband that it needed to be done because his Secretary has a mini dachy (Male) that is just beautiful! and he wanted to mate Casey with him. This is something I did not want! and it has taken me this long to convince him that for Casey's sake we should alter her. He finally came around and now it's done. I'm so thankful! you have no idea how much....

    Poor little girl :( the only time she has gotten up today at all was to go relieve herself, then back to bed. She hasn't even drank any water! which concerns me. I have put the water up to her a few times and she just turns her head away. Anyway, I'm sure this is normal behavior but I am taking tomorrow off work to stay with her one more day.

    I need my Auspet families support! that's why I've told you....

    Thanks for understanding......Susan
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Poor baby! I'm glad you're able to take the day off to be with her. Make sure you call the vet for anything you think is abnormal. It's better for your peace of mind, and heck, you paid them enough for them to put up with your pestering!

    I'm sure she'll be feeling much better today. Dogs bounce back so quickly, it's amazing!

  3. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi Susan you did good getting casey spayed atleast now you dont have the worry of anymore dogs getting into your garden and getting your little girl pregnant.

    Her being of water and food is normal for about 24hours if you get to worried you can use ice chips and put one in her mouth this will get a little fluid in her body.

    At the moment her body is going through the repair process its repairing the damaged tissue from where her cut is.

    Again well done and glad your all doing so well..

    Love mike and the rest of my gang lol
  4. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Susan - Glad to hear your hubby agreed :D it will be a few days for her to recuperate. she just needs her rest. I know what you mean about careful what you say - I was going to post on the cat board yesterday about advice because my cat is indoor/outdoor and erased it because I didnt want to get bashed :|

  5. nern

    nern New Member

    Your poor baby....I think she will be just fine. :wink:

  6. Hi! and Thank you for your support :D Casey is much better today, I think I just worry too much :? Again Thanks!

  7. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Sorry I wasnt on yesterday but hugs and kisses for Casey!!! I am glad your husband finally let you do this. I am sure in time he will see this is best for her.
  8. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Dear Susan (and Casey), :love_y_t_much:
    I'm glad to hear she is feeling better. :-k I have a boy, so don't know much about girls being spayed, but I've read (a LOT!) about how that first day or two after is scary! I also have two friends that spayed their females and they were worried sick about them not eating, drinking, etc. I am not an expert.... but it sounds as if that's normal. Of course, I have a boy and he was fine -- then again, it's less invasive and you can't even compare the two. lol

    Well, glad to hear she's better and that hubby let you win that one too :)

    By the way, do you ever take your babies to the woof park?
  9. lanena322

    lanena322 New Member

    Congratulations on spaying your little girl! This is the best decision that can be made. Its less stressful for you and your dog. We still havent gotten Nana spayed (we will soon) Were looking at prices from different clinics and what not, then saving up the money.

    I wouldnt want my little girl to go off and get pregnant!

    Would the shelters also be able to do this? I would imagine it would be for a lower cost, especially here in Puerto Rico where dogs need to be spayed/neutered
  10. Monsterbailey, I've heard of Woof Park, where is it?

    Ianena, Casey was spayed at the humane society, it was alott cheaper than her vet.

  11. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    I'll send you a PM :)

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