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do animals remember? what do you think?

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by kathy5, Dec 5, 2005.


do animals ( cats ) remember?

  1. yes

    0 vote(s)
  2. no

    0 vote(s)
  1. kathy5

    kathy5 New Member

    I have often wondered If an animal would remember an owner If it had been placed in another home & than returned to the orignal owner
    ( sorry if this sounds weird I have a bit of a head cold so please bear with me)

    befor Scott & I were married ( some 12 years ago )
    he gave me a little ball of orange fur you all know him as my baby Taz

    we had him for 8 years when we had to move into a house that did not allow ANY pets not even fish!

    I was heart broken he is such a big momma boy.
    well rather than give him up we asked Scott's brother If he would take taz into his home this way the kids & I could still visit him & he said yes

    so for 3 years taz lived with uncle Tom & auntie Amie when we would go over for a visit or to dinner we would always find taz under a bed & he would never come out so I figured he had forgotten about me
    ( thus the reason for the poll)

    we got taz back again in 2004

    now I think the answere to the poll is yes & here is why

    when taz was a kitten under a year old he would do this cute thing with me
    when I would pick him up he would climb onto my back or shoulders & eat my hair ( if it was wet like I had just gotten out of the shower he would go nuts!) he would purr real loud and clean or lick my hair it was the cutiest thing




    well he is still doing this today he will cry & I pick him up to give him loves
    & in no time he is on my shoulders kneeding my shoulders now the hair thing is gone but it gives me a warm feeling all over knowing that he is home with his mom that loves him so much



    another funny thinh he does onlywith me he can tell time as well

    every night after the kids are in bed ( 7:30) he will come down & sit on the couch with me for pets & scratches

    at 9:50pm he will jump down from the couch & sit at my feet & cry he knows that is is almost bed time for us ( i got to bed around 10pm )

    he is such a smart cat & I am so blessed to have him
    I love you taz!!

    some more of my cutie

    slepping with mom


    do I look comphy?



    taz's 1st christmas

  2. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    I voted yes. Funny pics. :D
  3. vene

    vene New Member

    Great pics of Taz! When we were moving from CT to CT, we left Monty and Pumpkin with our IL's for 1 week. Not only did they remember us, Monty became more loving and Pumpkin held a grudge. :mrgreen: Must have been terribly hard for both parties to be away for 3 years. :shock: Taz was just like Pumpkin. They are great at holding grudges. Thankfully in the end, we are forgiven.
  4. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    I voted yes, too. Love the pictures.

    Several years ago Mittens got the string of a helium balloon caught around her one leg and was trying to run away from it but it was up behind her following her and making banging noises from being bumped on walls, furniture, etc. and my husband and I were also chasing her to get it off.

    Maybe a year later we had another helium balloon hanging from the ceiling in the living room. Mittens was afraid to go into the room. We couldn't figure out why for awhile and then realized it was the balloon.
    Mittens was fine after we removed it.

    To this day when she hears similar rustling and banging noises she gets scared and runs out of the room.

    I definitely think animals can remember things.
  5. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Oh yes! They definitely do.

    About 2 years ago, my brother moved to California and had to leave Jupiter here with us. That whole time, she'd get excited any time we'd go into his old room and she'd come up to look for him.

    Then he came back to visit in March. We told her for several weeks before that she was going to see her daddy soon and when he got here, she ran right to him and let him cuddle her (she's very skittish and no one else can hold her for any length of time). She even took really well to my brother's girlfriend. Then when they left, she was sad and looking around the house for them.

    In September, we drove out there to take him a bunch of his stuff and Jupiter. And again, for several weeks before, we told her she was going to live with her daddy. She started sleeping in the cat carrier and when we had my brother's things piled in the living room she stayed right there with the pile. The day before we left, we put everything in the trailer so she sat by the door the whole time (she's never had any desire to go outside before so she always ignored the door).

    On the way out there, she was very excited and kept meowing like she was saying "Where's my daddy!?!" (and it wasn't just the annoyed kitty in the car meow). And when we finally got there, she was very happy to see him.

  6. Ginger

    Ginger New Member

    :) Cute stories. Yes cats definatly remember....

    I've got 5 and at one point they were seperated (They were all living with my dad and I took 2 with me shortly after moving out), they had been seperated about 6 - 8 months when my dad called me and said I could take the other 3 too, I thought we'd have introduction problems but when we put the cat carriers down all of the cats were SO happy to see each other, I have never heard them purr like that!

    My oldest cat Mitz holds grudges with people for a long time... She used to be quite nasty and would just attack you for no reason (guests too), and we'd warn people to just leave her alone, well one guest thought it would be funny to tease her, and she attacked him! Well he didn't come round again for months, but when he did she knew who he was and was keeping an eye on him, just as he least expected it she jumped out from the curtain behind his head and got him back! lol I'm glad shes a big softie now though!
  7. luna

    luna New Member

    such a cute kitty :!: :y_the_best:
  8. i_love_my_ollie

    i_love_my_ollie New Member

    i vote yes because for a while i couldnt have my cat so my mum had him id go there aleat 3 times a week as i lived close to see hi everytim i went i called him and he ran so fast to see me, wen i got him bk it was like id neva left him. he also will only sit on mine or my boyfriends lap even though hes lived with my mum bro n step dad for ages now he wont relax unless its jus me and him mummys boy that he is!!!
  9. vene

    vene New Member

    There's no doubt in my mind that cats are super smart and have excellent long term and short term memory. They are also great at payback too. A week ago, after a shopping trip, Milo was inspecting our hunt of the day in the kitchen. Our toddler, who was playing with empty boxes on center isle, decided to knock a couple of them on top of Milo. Milo and the kiddo switched places after a couple of minutes and Milo proceeded to deliberately knock some of the boxes over my son's head. The look of surprise on my son's face and Milo's look of satisfaction before he jumped off was priceless. :mrgreen:
  10. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    Cute story, Vene :mrgreen:

    I also voted yes. I'm convinced that after countless trips to the animal clinic for shots, MULTIPLE fecal exams, blood work, etc...Vianne has grown wise to anyone wearing scrubs who gets near her. She's due for her rabies shot in a few weeks and even tho she's been healthy and problem free with no vet visits for nearly a year now, I'm absolutely 100% certain that she will be a real hellian when i take her to the vet in a few weeks. Her last several visits, she wouldn't even let ME touch her after she got poked and they had to use one of those mesh bag things they use for grabbing feral cats just to get her out of the cage and then gave her a shot in the hip thru the bag to sedate her, she was so mad!

    And she USED to be soooo sweet getting her shots. I'd just hold her like a baby in my arms and she'd bury her face in my arm while they poked at her and she never made a fuss. Not any more!! Oh, nooo...she's grown wise, so i'd say she remembers. I'll let you all know how she is at her next visit, hehe.
  11. disneeworld

    disneeworld New Member

    Absolutely yes to remember.

    2 examples:

    1-When its pill time, I have to be real quiet or run the sink to drown out my opening of the pill bottle because the s-u-c-k-e-r-s run away dreading the 'forced mouth open/shove pill in/hold mouth shut' routine LOL.....(Board censor doesnt like any word with u/c/k in it..weird)

    2-Ever taken your cat for a ride to the vet or anywhere for that matter, usually not crated, perhaps on vacation, by car of course, and as you get within a few yards of your driveway they perk up, maybe look out the window and start meowing as if to know they are home, whereas they were completely oblivious the whole rest of the ride...it's got to be a scent thing, no??? 1 or 2 of my cats have done this over the years.

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