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My cat is bleeding

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by tyler_medeiros, Feb 20, 2006.

  1. tyler_medeiros

    tyler_medeiros New Member

    About two days ago, my cat has been sick with the runs. Yesterday and the night before, it started to get very red and bloody. Now, she's constantly bleeding. When she's sitting, or peeing or anything. She's not upset or meowing at all. She's herself, besides the bleeding. She's been eating normal, and has lots of water. She's fixed as well, and about 6 years old.

    We read that giving cats echinacea helps if they have a uninary infection, which is our guess... but any advice is helpful. Its becoming quite upsetting...

    Thank you
    Tyler and Amanda
  2. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi. You need to take your cat to the vet right away. That's the best advice I can give you. I hope your kitty will be okay. :(
  3. tyler_medeiros

    tyler_medeiros New Member

    Do you know of any medicines etc that might help? I'm a student, and I'm very broke. I hate to know she's hurting and be unable to help her. I live in Kingston, Ontario. Does anyone know of a fairly cheap vet?

    Tyler and Amanda
  4. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    maybe you can work out a payment plan with a vet...but your cat could have crystals and those are very very painful and she'll need medical care.
    We aren't vets and it would be very unwise of you to follow the advice of anyone other than a vet if your cat is in pain and ill.
    Please she needs to see a vet. If she does have a urinary tract infection and it has gotten to the point where blood is involved it'll take antibiotics to clear it up and possibly a change in diet to control any potential crystals.
    Hopefully you can find a vet that is willing to work out a payment plan so your kitty doesn't have to suffer unnecessarily
  5. tyler_medeiros

    tyler_medeiros New Member

    If those crystals are very painful, would she show that? Because I am telling you-- she's completely 100% herself. She's running around, being very cuddly, eating well, drinking lots... She's as normal as the day I got her.
    I'm going to call around to vets in Kingston to try and arrange something.
    Here's a picture of my girl Dorthy Ann. (Sorry it's so big)
  6. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    my older cat jazz had bloody stool when she had parasites..if thats the case...dewormer isnt that expensive..but take her to a vet to be sure
  7. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    I tried looking up the symptoms you described last night and the only thing i found that was close was due to poisoning or liver failure. Not trying to freak you out, but sort of, cuz you are never gonna really know whats wrong unless you have her checked out. You said she had bloody stool AND bloody urine? That doesn't sound good. Here's a little piece i pulled from my book. It could be way off, but just something to start you thinking if maybe she got into anything or ate something plant/chemical/dead animal etc. that she wasn't sposed to. Here it is:

    Rodenticide Anticoagulants

    Accidental ingestion of anitcoagulant rodenticides placed by laymen and commercial exterminators is a common cause of bleeding in cats. These poisions exert their effect by blocking the synthesis of Vitamin K, which is required for normal blood clotting. Vitamin K deficiency results in spontaneus bleeding. There are no observable signs of poisoning until the cat begins to pass blood in the stool or urine, bleeds from the nose, or develops hemorrhages beneath the gums and skin. The cat may be found dead from internal hemorrhage. .....


    Identify the exact anticoagulant if possible. Induce vomiting on suspicion of ingestion. Seek veterinary attention. Spontaneous bleeding is corrected with fresh whole blood or frozen plasma. Vitamin K is a specific antidote. It is given by injection, after which the cat is placed on Vitamin K tablets for several days or weeks.

    As i said, this could be way off, but that along with other suggestions, it could really be anything and the longer you wait, the more serious and expensive it could become to treat.

    Agreeing with others who mentioned asking about a payment plan with a vet. I hope everything turns out ok. I know its hard when money is tight, but its also the responsibility of keeping a pet under your care. In the future, you may want to look into pet health insurance just for situations like this. I believe some packages will insure your cat for as little as $10-20 a month, but you'll have to look into it. Good luck!
  8. vene

    vene New Member

    How is your kitty? Bleeding either from the urethra or rectally is a red flag sign to me and should be addressed ASAP with the vet if she were my kitty. Hopefully, you have found a good vet who will help with payment plans. It would be impossible for anyone to second guess the diagnosis because it could be a range of problems from a Unrinary tract infection to parasites, IBD, food allergy, etc. I found this in a Bengal cat forum:
    Good luck and best wishes for your pretty kitty's recovery.
  9. tyler_medeiros

    tyler_medeiros New Member

    So, I called around to all the local vets and none of them wanted to help with a payment plan.

    I've been giving her a urinary tract cat food and she's doing very well. Bleeding has stopped and back to yellow. As well, she doesn't have the runs anymore.

    I know you probably all hate me for not being able to bring her to the vet this week, but its not like I'm always this broke... Events have happened that led to this, but normally, she's taken very good care of and able to see a vet.

    I can assure you all, she's doing extremely well. And I plan to bring her to the vet next week hopefully for a good check up and make sure whatever was wrong, has been cleared up.

    My aunt as well said her cat had the same problem and it cleared up by itself as well. Maybe its just one of those things...
  10. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    something you could do to help ensure the problem is cleared up is add some wet food to her diet as dry can sometimes be the culprit.
    Also cats respond really well to a cranberry supplement to help keep the urinary tract clear of bacteria.
    Buy some cranberry capsules, open and mix with the wet food.
  11. tyler_medeiros

    tyler_medeiros New Member

    My Mom and I thought the same thing... We were wondering if you added just plain cranberry juice to her food and mixed it in well, if that would help too, or if it needs to be more disguised.

    Tyler and Amanda
  12. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I would get the supplements as they don't taste quite as sour as the juice does.
    I used to give it to an elderly dog I had who had chronic urinary tract infections and it did help a lot.
    I got the capsules, opened them up and squeezed the contents into her food. The juice is too sour
  13. tyler_medeiros

    tyler_medeiros New Member

    Well, Dotty is completely back to normal. She's had no blood left around at all. Her pee is yellow again, and she's not randomly bleeding either. The runs are gone, and she's still eating fine.

    She still isnt acting any differently, or showing any signs of pain. She's very affectionate, fun-loving, silly... She's perfect.

    Thanks for your advice, and I do still plan on taking her to the vet for further check ups.

    Tyler and Amanda
  14. deb2950

    deb2950 New Member

    My experience with Raymond

    About a month ago I noticed raymond appeared to be constipated, I called the vet and made an appointment. As soon as I hung up the phone I was glad to see he had relieved himself. I called the vet back and canceled the appointment as he had just been there for a complete checkup and shots and he appeared to be fine and dandy after relieving himself, eating well, active and alert.Everything was fine until last week, when I again noticed him going back and forth to the litter box with no success. Then he urinated on the kitchen floor, it was an odd brownish color. I called the vet and they said get him to the emergency hospital immediatly as it could be a deadly situation. He urinated again on the floor this time just a small amount and with what was undeniably blood, and a very small amount of urine. We went to the ER and they expressed his bladder and he produced a puddle of blood and urine with very visiable crystals floating in it. They kept him and gave him intravenous fluids and antibiotics. We were able to bring him home that evening, but the next day he was once again struggling to urinate and was very punk. After another trip to the regular vet , three injections and a diet change we came home. He is doing much better now, on medications, antibiotic and a steroid to reduce swelling and he has been put on a prescribtion diet. We are hoping he can be switched to a less expensive diet after he recovers completely but if not we will continue with the prescribtion and be grateful it helps him. I just did not realize how quiclky they can deterioate with this condition, we almost lost our precious boy. :cry:


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