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peeing when laying down...help!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Annie&Bo, Feb 23, 2006.

  1. Annie&Bo

    Annie&Bo New Member

    My German Shepard who is 6months old has been potty trained for the past 3 months. However, if she is laying on the floor sleeping...she will pee on herself hiding her pee. She knows better and will even punish herself and ommit herself from everyone and to go her crate.
    My husband and I took a pee sample to the vet and everything is normal. The vet said she was being lazy. So we punished her and checked her everytime she got up. Nothing seems to be working. We are hoping she grows out of this but it doesn't seem to be the case. If anyone out there has any insight on the situation. It would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Peeing while sleeping does not sound normal. I don't think this is "being lazy." Dogs don't like to pee where they sleep. Dogs also don't "punish themselves." She may be on to the fact that pee and her owner in the same room is bad, but she may not have caught on that it is the act of peeing itself that is wrong. So she goes and hides in her crate because she is scared she will be punished, but she doesn't know what she did.

    Punished her how?? Unless you catch a dog "in the act" they have no idea what they are being punished for and it confuses them, making the situation worse. If she can't help herself, it is even more cruel. I still think there may be a medical problem of some sort. Is she spayed? Has the vet checked for anything besides an infection in the urine? Has he actually examined the dog and not just the pee? I would find a new vet.

    Here is an excellent article on potty training. You may want to go back to the basics, but I would definitely get her checked out first by a competent vet.

    http://www.dogtrainingbasics.com/Potty Training Basics.htm
  3. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    It is not uncommon for puppies to pee themselves while asleep if they are having a bad dream. Its similar to a young child having a nightmare they usually wet the bed.

    Is she spayed, I have had young bitches that would pee when sleeping that were due to start there first cycle, Mitzy used to do this just before every cycle which is how i knew she would be coming into heat.

    I agree with Jamiya you can not punish a puppy for doing this unless you actually catch her in the act and if this is only happening while she is asleep you can not exactly wake her and tell her off as this would scare her.

    I would also have her checked by another vet just to rule out any other problems, Just because there was no infection in the urine does not mean there is no infection further up either in the bladder or urinary tract some infections are hard to detect.

    Also diabetes can cause incontinence and again if this is the problem you can not punish her as this is not her fault and has no control over her bladder.

    You punishing her after you notice this has happend can be causing more of a problem and it soon will become a fear responce.

    Her going into her crate after she wakes and finds she is wet is not punishing herself its fear of the people that are punishing her and this is no way for a puppy or any animal to live....

  4. Annie&Bo

    Annie&Bo New Member

    Thank you for all the great advise. We love her to death and would never want to mis-treat our pup. She was spayed just 2 days ago, so we are hoping this may disappear. If not we will seek advise from a new vet.
  5. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    My dogs have always wet their beds. Ever since they were puppies--before they had urinary problems--they would pee on their bedding. Never figured out why they did that. Maybe to get me to come and give them some attention.???

    Just saw that she was spayed 2 days ago...that may be the issue. While I was researching Zoey's incontence (due to old age) I read that some young spayed pups can also experience it.
  6. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    If shes only been doing it since being spayed it could be pain related (not wanting to get up and move around when she is comfortable). The other thing is there are problems that can come up after spaying (although I didnt think it would show up this quick).

    A dog I had (my daughters dog) had a problem from birth, she was pretty much house trained by 4 weeks old, there were a few accidents but nothing major.....then when she was a couple of months old I found just what you have, that she was peeing while she was sleeping (this was before she was spayed), when she wasnt sleeping she would go outside and she pretty much had free access to get outside almost all day.

    Turned out to be a problem with her muscles around her bladder, she could 'feel' that she needed to pee up to a certain amount of urine in the bladder but when it went over that and the bladder became fuller it ws cutting off the nerves to muscles around the bladder and she couldnt feel it anymore (thats laymans terms....there was a bit more to it than that). She was on a medication called Phenylpropanalamine (sp) for about less than a year and was then weaned off them, shes never had a problems since. Shes almsot 6 years old now.

    Im not saying this is the same for your pup but you really need to get her checked out if either it was happening before she was spayed or if its just started then maybe give her a couple of days. As Jamiya said peeing while they are asleep is not normal.
  7. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Zoey is on PPA now (she's 9 years old) and hasn't had an accident in a while.
  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I'd give her a little more time to recover from the spay, since this has been going on for a while. Then maybe you should ask your vet about PPA or try a new vet.

    Of course, my first choice is always homeopathy, and I can give you names of ones you can try. It's different from the medicine we are used to, though, so it takes an open mind to give it a chance.

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