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Tearing up bedding... grrr

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, Feb 24, 2006.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Ok. This is the third bed I've bought this week. It was SUPPOSED to be tough and durable. And the girls have yet again, destroyed it.

    Does anyone know of any kind of bed they can't tear up? This one lasted the longest, I think 3-4 days. But geeze!!! They take them out of the crate after sleeping on it. and then feel the need to destroy it! They aren't bored, they have plenty of toys. They aren't pissed or lonely... I don't get it!!!

    I try and get it out first thing in the morning to take away a chance of them tearing it up, and then put it back at bed time. I'm up at 6 and usually before they are, but this morning. I was up at normal time, and it looked like it snowed all over the pen.....
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Good luck with that. I can't leave a bed with Nala during the day or she will shred it, and she's nowhere near as big as your dogs! :roll:
  3. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I did a quick search in google (dog+indestructable bed) and these sites came up.....there were a lot more, I dont think the first one looks 'that' indestructible and it is in the UK so the prices are in British pounds not dollars (the exchange rate right now is 1 British Pound = 1.74763 US Dollar - or - 1 US Dollar (USD) = 0.57220 British Pound (GBP)

    http://www.waggers.co.uk/WaggersSite/pr ... /1/017.htm

    On this site click on Toughchew Supreme Polyfill, it says that the outer material and the lining are unchewable.....

  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    those are nice. I just can't justify paying over $120 for something they will inevitably tear to shreds...
    The last bed was made of canvas, with cedar chips and polyfil.... I think it was only $49
  5. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    What we do at the shelters is this:
    We buy blankets that are knitted and we put those in the kennels.
    99 percent of the time it works great and they only cost about 7 dollars to replace if they destroy them.
  6. hermann muenster

    hermann muenster New Member

    My dogs slept in crates for a long time. And, it was a long time until I put a cushion in there for them! As pups, I just put old towels in there in case of an accident. As they grew bigger, I put a nicer big towel in there. Finally, they got rugs (the bathroom kind with rubber backing - easily machine washed!) Not until I took the door off the crate did I put a pad in there to sleep on.

    My dogs are tall so the thick pad really makes the crate a little cramped - I think they all preferred just the soft rugs.

    Incidentally, I always had a thick Foster-Smith bed for them OUTSIDE of the crate. It was in a place that was highly visible for good supervision. I never lost a bed - but I did lose a bunch of rags, towels, and rugs!

    The chewing and destruct-o phase passed just after the one year point.
  7. hermann muenster

    hermann muenster New Member

    Oh, not to give anyone the impression that I have saintly dogs - I could use some help with my 7month old guy who is literally eating the house!

    He seems to have developed a taste for drywall, paint and spackle!
    He has gnawed a hole in the wall!
    I guess I'm off to the pet store to get some more chew toys, and some bitter apple. I haven't had much luck with my other dogs using bitter apple -but, maybe this little guy won't develop a taste for it. If the bitter apple doesn't work - I do have a nice fresh bottle of tabascoalready in the house!
    After the pet store visit - it is off to the hardware store for some spackle!!!
  8. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    Big burlap/potatoe sack and a bail of hay and cedar chips. They will love it.
    They might not want to get the stuffing out but if they do who cares and the stuffing will just work into the ground of your pen.
  9. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Tried the corn sack with hay and cedar chips... it's worked it's way into the ground a LONG time ago. that was their FAVORITE chew thing! I think they liked the hay.

    I also quit using hay, when it gets the least bit of moisture, it molds which can cause serious health problems for the dogs.
    that and after a day or two of them sleeping on it, drooling on it, and dragging it around. IT STUNK!
  10. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I dont know why they dont make beds out of the material they use for diving suits, the shark proof ones, its like a mesh but its flexible (I think its metal and rubber) and its obvioulsy okay for people to wear. Theres a lot of dogs out there that can chew through just about anything currently on the market.
  11. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Right!! My dogs, and I kid you not.... play with truck tires.
    It's one of Precious' favorite things.

    She rolls them, chews, draggs them, and carry's them around. Once she got it flipped onto her neck/back and ran around the pasture! It was funny.
  12. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I can imagine the damage your dogs can do, my friend used to breed English and Bull mastiffs, her last Bull Mastiff ate his way through his outdoor chain link run, tore up conrete slabs (they werent cemented in and he didnt 'chew' them just dug them up and threw them around a little :shock: )....a dog that surprized me was a neighbours Dobie, completely destroyed....ripped off and chewed up....the door off her jeep, havent seen too many Dobies cause that much damage, I mean I dont underestimate them but the jeep looked as though it had been through a demolition yard by the time he'd finished.

    Hope you find a bed suitable for your pups :?
  13. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    right now its raining, again...
    So they have their warmer pads and towels. They chewed the heat lamps!!! :shock: I didn't think they could get to them. But obviously I was wrong.

    I'm just lucky they didn't injest anything or get cut or hurt!

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