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Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by eman, Feb 21, 2006.

  1. eman

    eman New Member

    this has been a very long week.
    Lily, the new cat that we got, has been very aggressive towards Max. The vet at the shelter that i got her from said that it would be better for Max and her if she goes to a home where she is the only cat. So we returned her to the shelter.
    after 2 days, we went again to look for a kitten and this time i took Max with me. We found a very cute 2.5 months old female kitten. I let Max out to meet her and everything was fine. they sniffed each other and there was no hissing. The first 2 days, i had the kitten separated in another room. and i put a towel that has Max's scent by her food dish.
    then i started to open the door just a bit so they can see each other and they would start putting their paws in the small opening trying to catch each others paws. they werent hissing or growling. so i think they were playing.
    now when i let the kitten out...Max would attack her as if she was a toy. i really dont think he means to hurt her. he jumps on her and she gets scared and hisses. and then she hides and suddenlly jump on him or on his tail and he runs away. she doesnt seem to be too scared of him cause if he goes upstairs..she goes after him to see what he is doing.
    the only problem now is..i am not sure if that is how cats play or if Max thinks of her as one of his toys. cause sometimes Max jumps on her and she is on her back kicking and then she starts screaming and hissing and i would spray him with water..then he leaves her. or he hides behind something and when she walks by he jumps on her.
    she doesnt look like she is scared of him, cuz she goes back to him and tries to play with him. but i dont want her to start hating him if Max is going to hurt her every time they play. should i leave things the way they are, or separate them a bit more?

    here are her pictures, we named her Mini



  2. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    She's a cutie! It sounds to me like things are going fine. If she was being hurt, or afraid of Max, she wouldn't keep following him around. Moe is really whiny when Artemis fights with her too.
  3. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    cats aren't playing when they are hissing or making a lot of noise - that's fighting levels.
    Watch a litter of kittens playing - they may mewl or make little noises but it's when things get out of control that the hisses starts in.
    They play quietly out of instinct...if a predator heard them they'd be lunch.
    I'd start the introductions over and allow at least 7 days of them getting used to each other's smells before letting them meet and then only a few minutes at a time to start.
    Distract them with treats...let them associate being together as something pleasant like with a treat they enjoy (tuna flakes perhaps).
    another good trick is to put a little vanilla extract at the base of each cat's tail...it masks their own scent. They both smell alike
  4. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    I disagree (at least when it comes to my cats). Moe hisses and growls when she plays all the time and always (or almost always) goes back for more. She screams when Artemis is on top of her, but as soon as he lets go, she jumps back on him. I fully believe that she uses it as a tactic to get the upperhand as soon as she's losing the battle.
  5. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    She is cute! I don't have any advice...but I did get a chuckle out of Max thinking she is a toy. Good luck!
  6. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    From seeing how my Vianne plays with other cats, I'd have to agree with Halaroo. I think its a combination of the cats' personalities and their way of saying, "ok thats enough", or "you're being a bit too rough" or just, "ok, let me up now, MERCY!" LOL, I remember when i was fostering Kodak, a little grey female, her and Vianne used to chase each other all over and Vianne would tackle her and they'd bite and kick and whenever she had pinned Kodak down, the little one would hiss at her and then Vianne would let her up. Then Kodak would go hide somewhere and pounce on Vianne at her first chance and they'd start it all over again, lol. It was really funny to watch! :mrgreen: They were like two little kids, an older and younger sibling wrestling where the older one dominates the younger one but still keeps trying to win anyway, haha. They never hurt each other and became great little buddies, snuggling together all the time.


    Here see she is biting her ear trying to make Vianne get up and play! LOL
  7. Shedevil677

    Shedevil677 New Member

    I love seeing pictures of Kittens playing with there big sister/brother, sooo cute!
  8. vene

    vene New Member

    Congrats on Mini. She's a beauty! :eek: I did all my kitties cold turkey from day one and they all got along well from 1 day to a couple of years! :mrgreen: They are pretty much buddies now. Vianne and Kodak are too cute! :eek:
  9. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi. She is just adorable. :mrgreen: Does she have a flea collar on? If so those don't work, as the fleas just go on the lower parts of their body. Frontline and Advantage work really well. I use Frontline myself, as it doesn't have alcohol, so when I apply the product the cats don't feel a burning sensation and they stay calmer when it's applied. It's supposed to feel more like a few drops of water behind their neck.

    Now don't be upset with me, but I have to mention this, as I am obsessed with having people remove bells from their cats neck. Now this is just my opinion, but I honestly believe that those bells must drive cats nuts. Their hearing is so good and having to hear a loud "DING DING DING DING DING DING........." all the time has got to affect them. :shock: I have suggested to people to get a cow bell, tie it around their neck and see how they like the "DING DING DING..." noise.
  10. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    LOL, Chessmind. Actually when I have read you mentioning this before, I did start thinking about it and i felt bad :oops: So, i went ripped off the bell and went and got Vianne a little rubbery glow-in-the-dark case for her tag so it doesn't jingle against her rabies tag and also a bright silvery reflective collar. Now all i have to do to find her when she's beign sneaky is turn out the lights! :mrgreen:
  11. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    LOL. I feel so good to have helped at least one cat with those darn bells. :eek: I like your glow in the dark idea. Very clever. But, what do you do during the day? Close all the curtains?
  12. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    Shake her treat can!! :eek:

    Well during the day isn't such a problem. We haven't had as many workers coming in and out now, so i've been letting her roam about as she pleases during the day. For the most part, she follows me around all day anyway, LOL. Its pretty cute. If i go downstairs, she'll follow me down there. If i take too long, then she'll run upstairs and grab one of her toys and bring it downstairs so she can play by me, hehe. We've been playing a lot of "fetch" too! Especially when I'm quilting or sitting at my computer. She comes to drop a toy at my feet and cries until i throw it, lol. She taught that one to herself.

    So the day isn't such a big deal, but at night she sleeps in the room with me and i shut the door, so she knows when its bed time and sometimes she'll dive under a bed or couch if she knows i'm hunting her down and playtime's over, lol :mrgreen: silly kitty!

    I'm pretty impressed with how well the tag cover glows. But i can also catch her with a flashlight cuz she has the reflective collar on too. You can sorta see the tag and collar in one of her "Quilt kitty" pics. It's nice if your cat wears more than one tag too, cuz the tag cover minimizes that "tinking" sound when they hit each other. I got the tag cover for about $1.50 at PetSmart.
  13. eman

    eman New Member

    thanks all for replying..
    chessmind, the bells help me in so many ways that i am so scared to take it off. i thought about it before but couldnt do it. one time Max ran away and i went looking for him. If it wasnt for his bell, i would have never found him. also, i dont want to step on him by accident when he comes in the room and i dont see him. or get startled by him when i dont hear him.
    if the bells are bad, how come they sell the collars with bells on them?

    but i hate to think that the bell is bothering him....so what do i do?

    i wish there was something that makes sounds but only activated when u press a button, like a remote. so if Max is out, i press it and i hear where he is.

    the red collar on Mini is a normal collar. it is not a flea collar.
  14. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    She is such a cutie! I love the pic of her sleeping in the lap.

    I think Max is just being territorial and letting her know that he's in charge there. She's obviously fine with that or she wouldn't be following him around so readily. I think when she pounces him, it's just kitten-play and he just lets her know when he's had enough or smacks her down to let her know that he's the Alpha.

    I personally think they'll be fine if you leave them together. I think they're just testing each others limits and that's perfectly normal behavior. Even if you were to keep them apart, they eventually would test each other like that when you let them together. If they were both hissing/howling/attacking all the time and rolling around the floor in one big puff of fur, I'd advise otherwise. But it sounds more to me like it's just limit-setting behavior.

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