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anyone know anything about macaws?

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by CriTTerLuVeR, Apr 20, 2004.

  1. CriTTerLuVeR

    CriTTerLuVeR New Member

    I have a Blue and Gold macaw who is about 8 years old. She lives with my parents (i am away at school) and today my father indormed me that they may be getting rid of her. :( He said he talked to someone at work who said she may be hitting sexual maturity and this may be causing the behavior problems. My mom has always had a problem with the screaming and they tried to get rid of her once before but she backed off cause my dad was really upset about it. anyway, my question is does anyone kno what the behavior is of a bird reaching sexual maturity? Is it more screaming than usual? I cant see that there is anything different than what has been normal for her. how long does it last if this is the problem? I really dont want to lose my baby girl and I will go get her if that is what it takes. Please if anyone knows the answer to my question let me know!

    thank you
  2. ilovebirds

    ilovebirds New Member

  3. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    Wow! You have a macaw! Be sure to post a picture!

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