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My Dog Has the Majour Runs!!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by DaveM26, Feb 25, 2006.

  1. DaveM26

    DaveM26 New Member

    Well Last Night when I got home from work My dog had the runs bad and it was all over his crate, after batheing him and washing his crate he went upstairs and fell asleep in my bed ( not normal for hunter), He was fine all night, then this mourning he was outside every 2 hours with the runs.

    I thought it may just be a bug that would pass on after a few hours
    So i go to work and my mother calls me around 9pm tonight that my dog was going outside every 10 minutes and basically just farting, she feed him some rice to see if it would thicken him up ( as this happend once when he was a puppy and this fixed him up) well this time it didnt it just ran threw him, My mother also noticed a few dropelts of blood on the floor were it was standing ( could this be from haveing the runs so bad?)
    Its now 1am and I;m home now with my boy, he doesnt seem the same he seems kinda disoriented, The vet doesnt open till 9am and the 24 HR EMRG center is $200 just to look at him + extra on top if he needs anything.

    Is there anything I can do for the next 9 hours to help him out? till the vet opens?

    what would you suggest as I'm really worried about him

    Hes still eatting and hes drinking ALLOT of water, but its running right threw him. Hes up on all of his shots and everything, we never changed anything in his diet, this all started after his second day of training for agility I guess the treats they were giveing the dogs were different then normal, But still youd think all of them would have passed by now correct

    let me know thanks

  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Hi Dave, Im on a different time zone so Im not sure if your vet might be open by now.

    Definately need to get him to your vet ASAP as you need to stop the diarrhea and find out the cause.

    There were a couple of things that came to mind, Im sure you can rule out parvo if hes had all his vaccines (have to mention it...sorry, I cant remember how old he is). A partial intestinal blockage is a possibility, they can usually still eat and drink without vomiting with this although the appetite would most likely be down. Another thing is, you mention it was only his second time at agility training and the treats, could be just the treats, if its something hes either not used to or hes having a reaction to them.

    The treats aside though it is possible that he got 'stressed' a little too much, taking into account his breed (hes a Brittney isnt he??, they are pretty well known for their anxiety/hyperactive nature), most dogs get wound up, over-excited with agility (most training, whether its obedience or sport will get the dogs worked up), over-excitement in itself can cause like a cholitis which usually starts off with mucousy stool and then dirrhea, with this you will see traces of blood, you can with any prolonged diarrhea as with excessive vomiting, either the gut or the intestines takes a bit of a bashing with it.

    The lethargy is probably because he is just really not feeling good, his stomach is going to be hurting through the constant diarrhea or he could have picked up a bug or even though he is drinking a lot he could be dehydrated as it sounds as though whatever goes in is going straight through.

    Sometimes with either diarrhea or vomiting it can act like a vicious cycle, just the irritation of the actual physical process can keep it going.

    Hope everything goes well at the vets and hes feeling better soon, keep us updated, thanks.
  3. DaveM26

    DaveM26 New Member

    Well...... Good News is update

    Took him into the vet at 9am this mourning along with a stool sample

    they took his temp and did a few tests, gave us some pills and some
    rice food.

    They are going to do an analysis on the stool and get back to us as soon as they find anything out. The vet figures the blood was from the amount of dieahrea he passed. other then that. she said to let him rest and
    feed him little bits of food 1/2 a can today and a full can tomouro and for the next couple of days till hes back on track again.

    She mentioned it could have been from the pig ears I gave him the day before its not common for dogs to get samonella from pig ears as it has been known.

    but hopefully everything comes back good with te stool sample. he seems pretty relaxed today and he loved the sight of the rice food. he seems to e back drinking and eatting again and he wagged his short stubby tail today too when I gave him food

    so I think he will be allright


  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    In all the time Ive been working with dogs Ive never worked with any that have come down with salmonella, I know they can get it but yeah...its rare, let me know what they find if you can.

    Hope he is back to his happy self soon.
  5. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Zoey got the runs from a pig ear...greenies too. Glad to hear Hunter is on the mend! :y_the_best:
  6. hermann muenster

    hermann muenster New Member

    Yep, my vote is that it was the treats! I have had that happen to one of our dogs. What ever was in the well intentioned treat that the pet store gave him - it just BLASTED out his system. The vet explained something to me about his bloodwork showing increased or elevation in pancreatic activity(?) bottom line, the vet said that it was something he ate that didn't agree with him - sort of like food poisoning.

    It took almost two weeks to get him back on track! I used the i/d canned food this time. It was a lot more expensive - but it was so much more convenient that making my own burger/rice mix.

    A couple of our dogs would gobble a pig ear in a matter of seconds, throw it up- gobble again, throw-up, gobble..... ----gross.
    I stopped buying them!!!!!
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Pig ears and rawhide can both be dangerous for your dog. I never buy either one. Search this forum for discussions about this!
  8. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Mygirsl FAVORITE things are NATURAL, non bleached rawhide, and smoked pig ears, not fried.

    Niether give them problems, but the greenies do. I give them denta sticks and denta jumbones now.

    They get the MAJOR runs if they eat table scraps and people food.
  9. DaveM26

    DaveM26 New Member

    Agree with ya 100%

    Hunter never gets people food, he hasnt yet anyhow, We are now keeping him on an 100% "white" rawhide bone chew program as he has had these since he was a pup and they never gave him any issues, well then again neaither did the Pig Ears till I bought them cheaper at a different pet store ( wonder if that could be reason)


  10. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Mine do not get the "white" rawhides. THey are bleached and they use HARSH chemicals to get them white like that. The all natural with no preservatives or chemicals, usually is a dingy yellow or brown color. Natural beef hide is generally brawn to dark brown and lightens as it is dehydrated or smoked nautrally.
  11. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Re: Agree with ya 100%

    I remember years ago something about arsenic being used in rawhide, theres not that much on line about it but I found this. Its mostly in rawhide from mexico as there are no 'controls' over what the rawhide is 'treated' with.

    http://www.consumersavvytips.org/are_al ... althy.html
  12. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Yes, that is why you are supposed to only buy rawhide made in America, because the FDA controls it. Rawhide also can give lots of problems with blockages and things, because it just sits in a big lump in the dog's stomach.

    My dogs don't get "people food" - they get "dog food", which means raw meaty bones and organ meats, as close as possible to natural prey items.

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