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foster puppy has parvo

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Jamiya, Mar 4, 2006.

  1. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Just popping in to say one of my foster pups broke with parvo. So far the other seems healthy. Foster group can't afford to hospitalize, so I learned how to do sub-Q fluids and am also using homeopathy. So far she is doing well. I am trying to get some ParvAid from a friend. This is a really busy weekend and my husband is out of town for a funeral so I am on my own with the kids trying to handle this. Please pray for my puppies, if you do that sort of thing.
  2. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    OH NO! I am definately praying for your puppies--and you. I don't want to jinx anything, but I think it's a good thing you have the puppy.
  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Believe it or not, I've never done this before. Hopefully everything will be okay. I am frantic with worry. :(

    Thanks for all the kind thoughts.
  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Im sure you can handle it Jamiya, I agree with coppersmom, the puppy's lucky to have you.

    I have never used 'Parvaid' before, is it new on the market or something? I hadnt even heard of it until recently. Since I moved to Germany which was over a year ago now, even the vet here cant remember the last time he saw a parvo case, (dont worry about answering that unless you have time, Im sure youll be busy for a little while).

    Thinking about you and wishing you all well.
  5. hermann muenster

    hermann muenster New Member

    Jamiya -My prayers are with you and the pup. I know the pup is in good hands.
    Please keep everyone posted.
  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    DeLaUK, I don't know about ParvAid. I have just seen it recommended here before. I wonder how they got rid of parvo in Germany? It just rips through shelters here all the time.
  7. doglover1234

    doglover1234 New Member

    Sorry to hear about the pup. Hope he / she gets better. Good luck to you
  8. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I was really surprized when I found out that theres no parvo here, its a far cry from working in California. I dont know if this is the case all over Germany but it seems to be in the north. Ive asked a few people that work in shelters, one woman whos been there for over 10 years says shes never seen a case of it. One of the vets that I talked to didnt give me any answers other than good vaccine programmes, lack of loose dogs/strays (Ive been here over a year and I think Ive only seen 2 or 3 loose dogs). People that breed tend to keep pups until they are at least 8 weeks old (thats the law) although it seems the norm is about 10-12 weeks. I did ask if the weather could have anything to do with it as the virus is in the ground, he said the freezing temperatures for a couple of months every year 'may' reduce it but then again UK can have freezing tmperatures and its pretty rife there.

    The vet here did say that he recently (over the last 2 or 3 yers) has seen an increase in distemper, only a couple of cases but they hadnt seen any for a few years, he blames this on people not getting the vaccines done now because of all the talk about not giving vaccines and they cause other problems etc. I know this works for you and many other people and as he said 'if its done right' it is better but unfortunately too many people just dont want to get the vaccines done but arent prepared nor have educated themselves on 'the whole picture', (better diet, titer tests etc). The cases of distemper he saw, the owners had told him they deliberately had not had vaccines on their dogs because they were worried about long term effects....they'd read something in the media. (typical of the mainstream media to create fear by only giving 'half the story' for the sole purpose of selling newspapers).
  9. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    I am so sorry Jamiya, Luckily he is with someone like you who will do everything to care for the poor thing.
    I noticed you said that you never had to deal with something like this before but i think you will do just great.

    I will be praying for you and the little one.

  10. Nik

    Nik New Member

    Hey Jamiya.
    Praying isn't for me, but I am thinking and wishing you all the luck in the world.

    I asked at my vets last week how common Parvo was around here, and they said they hadn't had to treat a dog with it for years.
    I don't personally know of anyone ever experiencing it or remembering a time when it was common here.
    Maybe Mike knows if they get it around his way?

    I have to say, with all your awful experiences/stories of it, I'm so glad we don't get it.
    (please don't let me have just jinxed it)
  11. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I left UK in 1990, the first time I saw a dog with it was around 79-80, it was heartbreaking, this puppy, Mutley (Ive never forgotten his name :( ), was about 6 months old, he belonged to a friend, we had been playing ball with him that day, he ate his dinner around 6pm, started with V and D shortly after, by 4am we were going frantic trying to find a vet that was open all night, we even called around human hospitals to see if they could help him, I was outside my vets when they opened and stayed with him while they put him to sleep.
    I think thats when it first really hit over there. This was in Liverpool (council estate, loose dogs running all over the place, this was when it was referred to as a 'parvo worm' not a virus), within a couple of months it seemed like every puppy in the area had it, there was no option of hospitalizing dogs for it then, they were put to sleep. When I left UK it was no different, I went to California, got a job at an animal hospital and I remember the first parvo case that I saw, I assumed it came in to be euthanized....that was the first time Id heard of any vet treating a dog for it.

    Nik, does your vet have any other ideas of why its not so common there anymore? It was really bad at one time.
  12. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    So far she's doing better today, but I have heard so many times about pups going back downhill that I am very alert for problems. She is still very tired, but she is sitting up and showing interest in things around her. She is hungry and I have given her a very small amount of chicken baby food mushed up in pedialyte and so far she has kept it down. She is sleeping now. It's time for more fluids, but I am waiting on the vet to see if I should give them. I'm thinking she needs them at least once more (maybe more).

    Here are photos from before she got sick.


  13. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

  14. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Oh Jami! I'm sorry! She's a beautiful girl! Keep up what your doing. Give lots of fluids. Your doing great...
  15. Nik

    Nik New Member

    Oh My Jamiya, she's adorable! I just love Golden anythings.

    Hope she's doing better still.

    DeLa - It's something that's always on my mind to ask the vet about (Parvo) as it's spoke about so often on here, but I always forget.
    It was the receptionist I asked about it last week. Next time I'm there I will ask as to why it's almost wiped out here.
  16. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    She's not doing as well today, but she's hanging in there.
  17. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Can someone tell me the odds again - something like if they make it through the first 3 days they are likely to survive? I need some hope, here!!
  18. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Can someone tell me the odds again - something like if they make it through the first 3 days they are likely to survive? I need some hope, here!!
  19. hermann muenster

    hermann muenster New Member

    Jamiya - I don't have any odds of parvo survival - but every hour that passes is a good sign.
    Is the pup still at home with you? I really hope so because love and human touch is powerful medicine!
    Is your husband home yet? If not, I hope soon - I'm sure you could use a hand with your children and the pup.

    Keep your spirits up - draw from your inner strength. You are going to get through this.

    Keep us posted.
  20. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    The odds are usually 50/50 with home care and about 85% of pulling through with hospitalization at the earliest signs of the disease.

    I dont know about getting through the first 3 days though, the virus can be worse in some dogs than others (less maternal antibodies, general overall health of the dog etc). Ive seen entire litters come down with it, one pup might 'shake it off' after 24-48 hours, another may do well with hospitalization and another could die despite hospitalization....and there may even be a pup tht shows no symptoms at all. Depends on the individual pup.

    Is there any way at all that the rescue group can hospitalize this pup.

    Sorry your all going through this. :(

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