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Have you guys seen these?

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by faeriedust1127, Mar 4, 2006.

  1. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    I got this from a friend on another site and it made me all teary :cry:

    This is about California legislation being passed to exterminate pit bulls. If it passes in California, it could be on it's way to us. Someone has to try to make a difference...what if it were your pet? Please pass the word along and post this so as many people can see this as possible.


    This has to be stopped.
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Oh i started to cry, I am not a pit lover myself but its not there fault some turn out nasty that is down to irresponsible owners, Why punish this breed just because of a few small minded people that think they should turn this breed in to killers.

    I believe all dogs have the capability to hurt anyone or anything even the most loyal loving of dogs.

    Please vote no these dogs deserve to prove to the world they are not dangerous they are not killers, Its the bad owners that should be put to death not the dogs.

    Do you have a link a petition......

  3. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Ive seen them before, theres a website for people to send in their photos, the last time I saw it there were a couple of thousand photos just like these.

    I think the only thing that will stop these useless and disgusting BSL's is if people are given an alternative.

    They have the Dangerous Dog Act in Germany, it covers any dog that attacks regardless of the breed. Its not an automatic euthanization either, depending on the type of attack and reason for the attack if its found that the owner was at fault, i.e allowing the dog to run loose, lack of control by the owner then in some cases the dog may be confiscated and put up for adoption. Theres a lot involved in it and breeds are categorized based on size and power in general, it requires the owners being tested on their knowledge on the basics of the breed they have, leash testing for the owner and dog, if the dog is aggressive with strangers, nervous/fear biters around kids then they are required to muzzle the dogs while out in public, I dont agree with everything they require but when the alternative is to wipe out every Pit Bull then something has to be done.
    Which breed will be next when all the Pit Bulls have gone? I dont know of any BSL's against Rottweilers and yet they have a worse record than any other breed for fatal attacks.

    The laws also need to change regarding breeding, selling and giving pups away...or rather laws need to be put into place, theres a good reason for not seperating pups from the dam at 4 weeks old. Pet shops should be banned from selling pups, its generally pet stores that keep puppy mills in business. (Its been illegal to sell dogs and cats in a number of countries including UK and Germany, in UK it was banned at least 20 years ago or longer....I believe all of northern Europe from what Ive been told).

    Longer jail terms need to be handed out to those who allow their dogs to be in a position to kill or permanently maim people through negligence, irresponsibility and arrogance.

    Anyone remember the woman who had told her dog (it did look like a Pit Bull, they said it was) to go for her landlord, the dog attacked him and his 7 year old daughter, animal control were called, the dog had gone back into the house with the owner, she then set the dog on the animal control officer after telling the officer to get away from her house. The officer had her arms bitten to the point that she had fractures and I believe had to have some reconstructive surgery around her chest area, it ruined her career, her confidence, took a long time for her to recover and if I remember right she had permanent damage to one of her hands. The owner of the dog received 6 months for 'assault with a deadly weapon'.....unbelievable, she'd have served more time if she had been caught with a joint in her pocket. The average jail term for someone who allows their dog to kill someone (if they get any jail time at all, a lot of them get probation) is 2-4 years.

    The biggest cause of dog attacks is the owners and until thats dealt with then BSL's will not go away.

    Sorry, getting off my 'soap box' now. :oops:

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