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Funny Quirks and Silly Things Our Babies do

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Cassie, Nov 28, 2005.

  1. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    A friend of mine posted this on another forum that I hang out at and I thought you all would get a kick out of it:

    And I replied:

    LOL I LOVED your post. Lotza giggles there! I only have the one cat but she makes her presence well known here.

    She pervs at me when I shower (what's up with that?)

    Her litterbox is in our bathroom and when I go, she has to go at the same time. Heaven forbid I close the door to keep her out...scratch scratch meow meow cry cry.

    When she wants pettings or attention, she'll sit at my feet and reach up a soft paw with one single claw extended and snag me gently and mew at me. I don't mind this so much but she also does this to me when I'm sleeping and it's amazing how much more sensitive your skin is when you're first woken! And if I ignore her, she'll literally walk across my body and it amazes me that she's just a little delicate looking thing yet feels like an elephant when stomping across me.

    She loves to play 'steal mommys chair'. I'll get up to go get a drink or something and come back and she'll be curled up in my chair. Now, mind you she has absolutely NO interest in my chair otherwise. It's a game with her. And when I get back to my desk, she'll fight me for it by digging her claws into the seat to prevent me from removing her and nip at my arms (not bite, but just barely presses her teeth on my skin). When my son was home on leave a couple months ago, he got the biggest kick out of this game she plays. He saw me get up to go to the kitchen for something and then saw Booger start to make a bee-line for my chair and he raced her to it and won. She stopped dead in her tracks and literally snarled at him!! LOL We were cracking up over that.

    She does so many funny/odd/silly things I can't think of them all. Aren't animals amazing and funny? I wouldn't ever want to live a day without one in my life. She makes me smile and laugh every day.
  2. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Kitties are amazing and funny. Sometimes I think they are like little people. Mine are little people. :mrgreen:

    Socks likes to headbutt my arm or paw at me or meow when she wants petted. It is so cute that they have ways to tell you what they want or to express their feelings.
  3. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    LOL very funny!

    Copper will wait with the dogs in the morning before he comes into the kitchen. He will escort Zoey down the hall and try to rub on her as they walk and he has to bend down to do it because she's a dachshund and he's HUGE! :love_y_t_much:

    Sabrina waits in the living room and jumps over the baby gate as I come down the hall. Then she falls out in front of me and wants scratching.

    Silly kitties! :D
  4. DanjaVA

    DanjaVA New Member

    when string wants to be pet, he'll use the inside of his paws (claws sheathed) to grab your wrist and put your hand on his head...it's very cute...lol
  5. lunaguy

    lunaguy New Member

    Great thread, Cassie!

    Luna likes to try to wake me up in the morning by purring loudly and walking on and around me. She knows that once I start petting her, I'm more likely to get up shortly afterward, and then she can get breakfast. After she decides that I'm awake enough, she jumps off the bed and goes out into the hall and waits for me. If I fall back asleep, she walks back to the doorway and stares and/or meows at me as if to say "what ARE you doing?? Hurry up and get your butt out to the kitchen!" If I continue to take too long to get up, she starts the purring routine all over again. She's very persistant and charming when she wants something. :D She knows I can't resist petting her when she's purring, and she really knows how to work it!

    Another funny thing she does is when she's sitting on the arm of the couch, she likes to reach out and grab onto my shirt with a claw or two if I walk by. It's her way of saying, "hey, don't just walk by me like I'm not here, give me some attention!"
  6. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    I forgot this quirk from last year...I set up my xmas tree and have the pressies wrapped and set around the base...Booger loves to hide under the tree behind the pressies and ambush me when I walk by.

    I was afraid my neighbor would call the police last night because I let out a loud scream when Booger got me LOL
  7. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Another thing Socks does is if I'm lying on the bed watching TV and she is lying next to me I will be petting her head gently and she seems to be asleep but when I stop, she'll make a small meow to tell me not to stop petting her.

    I pet her for a for a short time while she seems to be asleep and then stop again.

    She'll make another tiny meow and I will start petting her again.

    This will go on for three or four times before she is contented and ready to go off into dreamland.

    She is so cute. :-$
  8. i_love_my_ollie

    i_love_my_ollie New Member

    ok i no im a bit late with me posts but i ahvent been here for a long time. my mums cat talks to you if shes sleeping u go in the room she streched and squeeks and u say hi to her shes meows bk and as if to say hello!! my cat luv given kisses wen he was little he used to run in my room and lick me even my eyes (that were closed) and now hes the same wen i get up hell lick my feet my elbows mad kitty and slightly painfull wen he does it hard!!lol
  9. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    Caesar yells (meows) at me loudly when he wants me to turn on the bathroom faucet for some water....and when i go to the freezer ...he will be standing up on the fridge bc he needs to have an ice cube to play with...he just luvs em!

    Jazz has dug a hole under my bedroom door when i wont let her in...

    Romeo has to be under my feet when im in the kitchen..even though he doesnt eat anything i give him
  10. tuttifrutti

    tuttifrutti New Member

    Haha! My cat does the faucet thing too! She doesn't usually meow about it, she waits for you. If you're brushing your teeth and she's thirsty, you can't spit for a while, lol. Other times you'll walk into the bathroom and she's sitting on the counter waiting for you to turn on the faucet. She talks to me, too. Certain of her meows even sound like humans words, like 'no' and 'why,' her two favorites, so we have "conversations" all the time, lol.
  11. shnen

    shnen New Member

    our one cat Serendipity is now 3 years old, but has kept her tiny kitten meow... in the mornings when I am doing my regular kitchen routine, she will have her back to me, turn her head looting at me and do a loooong high pitched meeeeeoooooowwwwww.... what she wants? Ever since she was a kitten she has loved to be pet while she eats, so her back is to me, but she is facing her food bowls!
    She also plays with the doorframes!

    Our other cat cinnamon headbutts me in the mornings as soon as my alarm goes off... and she waits in bed for me at night, she knows my bedtime, and if I am not there on time, she will keep on coming out to see whats keeping me!

    They BOTH get onto the closets every chance they get - I can't count the number of times they have been locked in! :shock: but they never learn...
  12. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    Booger likes to be pet when she eats too. But she also wants to be ESCORTED TO HER DISH! She will see me walking about the house and meow at me pleadingly several times. I know immediately that she wants me to escort her to her dish and pet her while she eats LOL
  13. tyler_medeiros

    tyler_medeiros New Member

    My cat-- oddly enough, LOVES the smell of mint. She's always wants to lick and smell my mouth when I brush me teeth. She absolutely won't eat it though, just thinks it smells good. :)

    Tyler and Amanda
  14. eman

    eman New Member

    isnt catnip from the same family as mint?
  15. tyler_medeiros

    tyler_medeiros New Member

    ...maybe? That would definitely explain why she likes it so much.
  16. eman

    eman New Member

  17. shnen

    shnen New Member

    Yup - Serendipity will - from anywhere in the house - try to lead you to her dish!

    She also has this strange habit of chewing on plastic bags and eating elastics... I have no clue where she gets them from... I try to keep them all out of the way - unfortunately I don't think my BF is as vigilant as me in doing so.
  18. tuttifrutti

    tuttifrutti New Member

    Haha, Gracie doesn't like closets, she prefers the laundry room and attic! When you do laundry, she will come and poke her head around the door and slowly start exploring,lol. I swear she forgets that we have a laundry room and it's new to her every time. The same things always fascinate her. She's gotten stuck in the attic a few times while we've been putting away or getting down the christmas stuff. We're so busy trying to make sure we have everything, that everything is packed right and that nothing is broken, she winds up in the attic and no-one notices. She's been locked up there 4 times, I think. The first time we could hear her meowing but we couldn't find her, then we finally realized she was in the attic! We usually check now, but we still miss her sometimes, lol.
  19. vene

    vene New Member

    Lol. Milo can open our bifold doors to our closet and the kitchen cabinet doors. He loves sleeping in a box in our closet. Even if I close the door, he can get out without problems. He also loves sleeping in the cabinet above the fridge. So if I can't find him, chances are pretty good he'll be in either spot. Rene, on the other hand, has been locked in the basement storage rooms for hours on several occassions (not on purpose), yet she continually hides in those rooms whenever we are there. Like others, she never learns. :roll:
  20. luna

    luna New Member

    buster loves to drag stuff over the floor, it used to be just dirty cloths to the laundry room, but now its clean stuff, pillows, blankets, stuffed animals, etc. anything that he can move gets moved.

    he also likes to stick his head in his bowl when i try to feed him.

    sahdow likes to lay on what ever your doing. if your reading she lays on the book/newspaper (acctualy i think buster taught her that) if your on the computer she lays on you

    both of them like to play with the sheets when making the bed. theyll get under it and you have to pick them up to move them.

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