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Are Norfolk Pine Trees Poison to Guinea Pigs?

Discussion in 'All other pets' started by meghan_m_25, Nov 7, 2005.

  1. meghan_m_25

    meghan_m_25 New Member

    My guinea pig keeps trying to eat it. As soon as he's on the floor he runs over to it. Is it okat to let him nibble on it?
  2. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    Norfolk Pine is a potentially dangerous plant so no I wouldn't let him nibble on it.
  3. goldfish_lover

    goldfish_lover New Member

    well my guinea pigs have pine shavings and theyre fine...their probably jsut checking out hte new shavings... :)

    ive never heard of norfolk though so i'd check it out and probably get a different kind jsut to be safe!!!
  4. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    Unless yor shavings are kiln dried pine I'd look into getting a new type of bedding as the phenols (aromatic oils) in pine shavings can cause respiratory problems in small animals.

    You're guinea pigs may be fine now but in the future they may develop respiratory problems (asthma, inflammation, allergic responses) because of the oils in the pine shavings.
  5. goldfish_lover

    goldfish_lover New Member

    i buy mine and it says pine, and on the front it has a picture of a guinea pig and a bunny...ive had mine for 2 years and no problems my package says its for small animals?? :?
  6. Fuz

    Fuz New Member

    we have used pine shavings for as long as we have had cavies (guinea pigs) and non have died from them but if you are truly worried what you can do is buy like the wood pellets or they have special paper stuff for bedding but just please don't buy cedar. cedar is the worst thing to use as bedding.
  7. goldfish_lover

    goldfish_lover New Member

    yeah cedar are horrible and if people use them their piggys will probably die...or get diseases or get sick...i odnt know pine shavings work great for me...if its a concern get something esle like what Fuz said :)
  8. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    Pine is on the same level as cedar. Both have the aromatic oils that make small animals sick. Aspen in a beter alternative than pine or cedar.
  9. goldfish_lover

    goldfish_lover New Member

    ok then but stores mke pine specially for the piggys...so i dont know but it wont kill them or anything...
  10. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    Actually phenols can kill any small animal.

    Like I said before they can cause resperatory problems and they can also cause liver problems which can lead to a weakened immune system and other conditions.

    Pine and cedar are sold widely for small animals because they are generally cheaper and have the natural ability to mask odours well. People are willing to buy them because of this which is why the companies keep making them.

    Most people assume that because a product is for sale in a pet store or made specifically for whatever species of animal that it must be safe which isn't always the case.
  11. goldfish_lover

    goldfish_lover New Member

    ok then...as long as ur sure...i know a guinea pig breeder and she used this kind...but i guess just go with aqua or whatever is saying???
  12. Fuz

    Fuz New Member

    i am a cavy breeder, i know alot of other cavy breeders we all use pine shavings. pine does not have the same effect on any animal as cedar does. but another reason the cedar is used is because it repells bugs so it is great for dog beds. but the dog isn't forced to sleep on the bed 24/7. but pine is fine.
  13. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    Actually pine does have the same effect it's just not as severe as cedar.

    There are aromatic phenols in both pine and cedar so I can't see how you're saying one is ok and the other is not. It's the phenols that pose a danger to small animals.

    And I know a lot of small animal breeders and rescues the don't condone using either pine or cedar.
  14. Fuz

    Fuz New Member

    i just checked and we use fir shavings not pine. i'm sorry for the mix up.
    :oops: if i got anyone mad i'm sorry. :cry:
  15. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    I'm not mad, I'm sorry if I sounded like I was. I just like people to be informed for the welfare of their pets.

    Fir is a hardwood so it doesn't contain the phenols that softwoods like pine and cedar do. I use aspen myself for my rabbit and hamsters, it's the only other bedding I can find easily that I like without having to spend $40 a week on a large bag of Carefresh just for my rabbit's cage.
  16. goldfish_lover

    goldfish_lover New Member

    i know i do to but i have guinea pigs not bunnys anymore, and i odnt know that kind of bedding is good on my baby piggys... but yeah doesnt mater i guess

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