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Please help ***tips for housebreaking a rottie

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by rottie, Mar 9, 2006.

  1. rottie

    rottie New Member

    anyone please help, i need tips for housebreaking a rottie, thing are not going to well, i have already tried the crate and it is not working. any info would be greatly appreciated.
  2. hermann muenster

    hermann muenster New Member

    Make the crate smaller!
    The key is to not let the dog have any accidents in the house and to really, really give BIG praise for doing his business outside.

    Don't let the little guy out of your sight or more than an arms lenght away even for a second if he is loose in the house, and when you can't be less than an arms length away from him -CRATE him!

    As soon as he gets out of the crate --- take him outside!!!!

    It takes a lot of effort to housetrain but if you really stay on top of him - you won't have accidents in the house and within a couple of weeks - he'll be housetrained!

    Good luck!
  3. rottie

    rottie New Member

    what do i do if he has accidents in his crate, do i still leave him in there,do i bathe him again.
  4. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    I have never done crates but any time any of my pups had ant sort of accident in the house I still took them out, praised if they relieved themselves out side, no praise if they just went to play.
    I do scold for indoor accidents and point at the spot while telling them no. I do not drag them to the spot or push face into the spot. Then I happily invite them outside.
  5. hermann muenster

    hermann muenster New Member

    If he has an accident in the crate - the crate is still probably too big for him. Move the partition up to make it smaller. He only needs enough room to stand up and turn around. Or, you didn't watch the clock.
    If he is one of those stubborn, messy types (I had one of those once!) Then you really have to watch the clock and prepare yourself for some light sleeping - so you can get him outside every couple of hours.

    I also removed water after 7:00p.m. - as long as my dog was having normal bowel movements!

    As far as cleaning? My guys were still small enough to put in the laundry tub for a quick wash up. Hey - my goal at that point wasn't a sweet smelling puppy and house -- it was to housetrain the dog so later on I could have sweetness all around me!

    I also put old raggy bath towels in the crate - much more absorbant than newspaper or a bare floor!

    I agree with the poster that mentioned praise for going outside. I didn't ever scold for accidents. I read that unless you catch them actually in the act - they don't know why they are being scolded.
  6. rottie

    rottie New Member

    thanks for all the information i really appreciate it
  7. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    How old is he?
  8. rottie

    rottie New Member

    he is 6 weeks old
  9. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    At 6weeks old he should still be with his mother,
    My pups were always taken out, as soon as they wake, After each feed and drink, After each play time, before bed.
    Give him a routine for everything, Puppies at this age are learning fast.

    Take your cue from him when he is needing to relieve himself, He will start to sniff around looking for a place to go, If you think he needs to go take him outside to a place that is safe for him and where you want him to go.

    I use go potty while they are going they soon associate what this word and going potty means..

    Give him lots and lots of praise even a treat for going where you want him to he will soon get the idea.

    Puppies are like children until they learn to when to go and where to go then accidents will happen..

  10. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Just a baby huh!
    He wont have full control over his 'bathroom duties' yet, needs a little longer for all the muscles to get stronger. You should get him used to being in the crate at night, dont give in to him when hes crying or scratching to get out, if you respond to that your teaching him that when he makes a fuss he gets attention and gets out of the crate, give him a little bit of time, ignoring the fuss and as soon as he quiets down and stops scratching then go and calmly let him out, give him some 'low key' praise as hes coming out.
    (obviously keep in mind that if hes been in there for a couple of hours then he will need to go to the bathroom and you will need to get him out quick.....if you can then take him out before he starts to make a fuss)

    The best time to start his crate training is in the day time when you have all day to spend with him, start by putting him in the crate for just a few minutes at first (no more than 5 minutes).....then say about every 20 -30 minutes repeat that. walk away and leave him, if he can see you and hear you he will just want 'out' to play. Increase the length of time gradually but not more than 15 minutes initially.

    For the urinating....he will need to go as soon as he wakes up, before eating, after eating, after (and sometimes part way through) playing and before you put him back in the crate for the night.

    At 6 weeks old I would definately not remove his water, in fact I would also put a little food in there, just some dry food or puppy biscuits. At this age he is going to make a mess if hes left for more than about 4 hours.

    Watch his body language, there are certain things he will do that if you watch closely you will learn when he is about to pee or poop, (usually they circle a little or sniff a bit more) pick him up and take to the area outside that you want to go in, make sure you have some little treats (chicken or bologne about the size of your small finger nail is fine), tell him "go potty", keep saying it to him, when he starts to go tell him "good potty" and just as hes finished give him the treat at the same time as praising him.

    You can tell him "No" in a stern voice if he starts to go inside the house but do keep in mind his age.....dont be too hard on him or scare him. Reprimanding him after hes finished is a waste of time, he wont have a clue what hes done, he wont relate it to urinating. As soon as youve said No just pick him up and take him outside. They usually forget what theyve gone out for at first (so many distractions out there) so be patient with him, if you have a light leash on him it will give you control of where he is allowed to urinate/defecate.

    Consistency, repetition and patience is the key.
  11. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    :oops: Sorry Mike, you posted yours while I was writing :D
  12. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    OMG only 6 weeks?!

    I don't think potty training is the problem here. Mamma is usually still cleaning up after the pups at this age. Sorry but I think you should be just loving the fur off this pup (figurativley) and not worrying about house training.
    I never really started any of mine until they were close to 8 or 10 weeks old.
  13. rottie

    rottie New Member

    what do ya'll think of puppy pads, my sis used them for her dog and they work great. has anyone here used them before.
  14. hermann muenster

    hermann muenster New Member

    OMG - 6 weeks! How long have you had the little guy! I can't imagine the breeder selling a pup a day before 6 weeks. Puppys are many times still nursing at 5weeks!
    A rottie too! That's a breed that needs its mom and littermates to learn valuable 'get along with other dog' lessons before going to a home!!

    Take it real easy on the baby. It will be a while before he can have much control over his functions.
  15. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Delauk has some gret advice.

    It is illegal here to sell a puppy before 8 weeks

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