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Dog allergic to chicken?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by JeanReed, Mar 10, 2006.

  1. JeanReed

    JeanReed New Member

    Hi Everyone

    I hope someone can help me here.

    My dogs are on the BARF diet, with their meat/bone portion consisting of chicken carcasses and lamb bones, with the chicked making up approximately 2/3 of the meal.

    My year old "pup" has become incredibly itchy and is also licking her legs and paws. I have now noticed bumps on her chin, but no where else.

    Could she be allergic to the chicken? I have heard of chicken allergies before.

    Thank you

  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I had a dog that was allergic to chicken (and a million other things) so it is possible.

    Is this something that is there all the time or it comes and goes? If the dog has been eating chicken for a while and not had any problems before then it could be something else, maybe grass contact, something in the carpets (carpet powders and freshners are a common cause of allergies). That said, allergies can develop suddenly with things that have never caused problems before.

    Is it possible for you to not give any chicken for a few days and see what happens? Or if it continues then maybe have some allergy testing done with your vet.
  3. JeanReed

    JeanReed New Member


    Thanks for your reply. The "allergy" is something that has started, over the last week or so.

    I just wanted confirmation that it could be caused by the chicken!

    I am going to stop giving her chicken for about a week and see if it helps. The reason why I think it is that, is because the rash seems to get worse at night, which is when she gets chicken.

    Thank you for your help. I will keep you updated!


  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Good luck. Hope you find the cause soon.
  5. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    I am curious, does you pup have chow or rott in it? Chicken Based Diamond brand caused my Duncan serious allergic troubles.
    http://www.auspet.com/forum/viewtopic.p ... highlight=

    It took a few weeks for it to show up and a few day to clear the worst of it out of his system. He actually lost most of the fur around his eyes about 1 half inch out and chewed the fur off the top of his feet as well.
  6. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    my dog is also on raw, I buy premade though, And when I gave him the chicken he started scratching. I know dogs can develop allergies later so it could vey well be the chicken, but also think about ohter things as delauk said, any change like have you fertlized your grass, carpet cleaners, powders etc.
  7. JeanReed

    JeanReed New Member

    Hi Everyone

    Thank you all for your replies. To try and answer you all - firstly, I have absolutely no idea what breeds are in Pumba - I picked her up on the side of the road when she was around 8 weeks old. All that I can tell you is that she is medium sized and black!! Not very helpful, but I really cannot tell you what she has in her - could well be some rottie though, as she has brindle legs.

    I can't think of anything else that has changed in her environment over the past month or so - no carpet cleaners, fertilizers, or anything like that. I haven't even given her different treats or anything.

    She is going to the vet in about 10 days time for her innoculations, and I will ask him then what he thinks is causing the rash, if it has not gone by then. Am just trying to self diagnose at the moment to save two trips to the vet and the resultant costs.

    Thank you all again for your help.

  8. JeanReed

    JeanReed New Member

    Hi Everyone

    Took Pumba to the vet yesterday and he thinks that the allergy is caused by fleas. I am a little skeptical as all my dogs are Frontlined regularly and don't have any fleas. Anyway, he gave her some anti-itch tablets, and hopefully it will sort her out.

    Interestingly, he didn't think that it could have been caused by the chicken. Some technical discussion about "if you look at the sores, there is a hair in the middle of each one - that means that she had an itch, which she scratched, and she now has a secondary infection caused by bacteria". Or something. Sometimes wish vets would speak English!!

    Anyway, I will try her on the tabs. Not too happy that I still don't know what caused the itch, though she has been off chicken for a week now and I haven't noticed much improvement.

    Anyway, just to keep you all informed.


  9. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    The hair in the sore is not something I know about, havent heard that before (not saying it isnt a factor) however the secondary bacterial infection is common whenever there has been scratching or biting at an area. In many cases the allergy was not that bad and would have gone away (depending on what caused it) and so your left trying to clear up the skin infection.

    The way Frontline works is it kills the fleas (usually) before they have chance to bite, some dogs are allergic to the saliva in the fleas as opposed to 'just' having flea bites. One of my dogs years ago only needed one bite from a flea and his entire body would react.

    When the rash has cleared up it might be worth while keeping a log of everything your dog eats, watch for things like changes in anything you use like clothes detergents, air freshners etc. and then make a note if there is another reaction. Allergic reactions usually show up pretty quick, within about an hour for most, often less and some are almost instant.

    Good luck, hope the pills are helping.
  10. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    On a side note, I would avoid more immunizations until the rash and itching is cleared up. Vaccinating a dog that is not totally healthy can cause problems.

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